
Sannong Headlines | Xia County: Make every effort to fight drought and protect seedlings

author:Microscopic scriptures
Sannong Headlines | Xia County: Make every effort to fight drought and protect seedlings
Sannong Headlines | Xia County: Make every effort to fight drought and protect seedlings
Sannong Headlines | Xia County: Make every effort to fight drought and protect seedlings
Sannong Headlines | Xia County: Make every effort to fight drought and protect seedlings

On June 13, in the traditional Chinese medicine base of Sidong Village, Yaofeng Town, Xia County, growers were using sprinkler irrigation facilities to water and protect seedlings.

At present, it is the critical period of summer planting and summer management, and the high temperature weather continues to occur in Xia County, which makes the emergence and growth of replanted corn, medicinal materials, millet and other agricultural and autumn crops encounter a "stuck neck drought". The local government and agricultural technology departments quickly organized forces, mobilized all kinds of irrigation facilities, went deep into the fields, helped and guided farmers to actively carry out scientific irrigation, and made every effort to do a good job in fighting drought and watering and protecting seedlings, so as to reap a bumper harvest in autumn. (Contributing photographer Zhang Xiufeng)

Editor: Wei Honghui