
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

author:Gua Gua eats Gua G

Prada unexpectedly announced Jia Ling as the brand's new spokesperson, and jumped directly to the highest honor, netizens sighed that Jia Ling's track turned unexpected.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

From losing weight for the play, to the shocking release of "Hot and Hot" at the beginning of the year, and then to today's popularity, Jia Ling's changes are eye-catching.

However, have to mention the current situation of other comedy actresses?

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?


From 2001, after graduating from the cross talk class of the Central Academy of Drama to becoming a household name, Jia Ling is undoubtedly lucky. Like other 18th-tier young actors, she has also experienced living in a basement, running around, running tricks, joining the crew, and even working in a bar.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

But from Feng Gong, her wheel of fortune soon took a turn when she met Bai Kainan.

The duo of male and female cross talk made the audience refreshed, and she also appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala with her 2008 cross talk "On Tease", and the female cross talk actor Jia Ling, who was wearing a white shirt and red vest, finally entered the sight of hundreds of millions of viewers.

Since then, although Jia Ling has become popular in the show, due to her figure, she has undoubtedly used the contrast between "tough guy" and "ugly" to attract the audience in variety shows such as "Variety Five" and "Happy Weekend Meeting".

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

imitates Monroe, Li Yuchun, and Qian Songyi, with a bold style and no baggage, even Feng Gong once half-jokingly reminded her: "If you do this again, you can't get married." ”

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

Shen Teng also commented on her in one sentence: "Jia Ling's biggest advantage is that men like her, and women are not jealous of her." ”

She is also the "almighty heroine" of station B. Netizens said: "If your idol hasn't formed a CP with Jia Ling at station B, it can only mean that your idol is not popular enough." ”

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

From Andy Lau to Fan Chengcheng, from Song Joong Ki to Yan Chengxu, no matter Chinese and foreign, young and old, male stars have all been "won" by her. In the "Lalang Matching" video at station B, Jia Ling showed her infinite possibilities.

However, I don't know what kind of experience such an experience is for a female star? Is there a hint of bitterness after the joy.

Therefore, when Jia Ling wrote, directed and acted in the movie "Hello, Li Huanying", which she wrote, directed and acted in, soared at the box office and successfully broke through the 3 billion mark, she once said that when the box office of the movie broke 1 billion, she danced in a girl group, dyed her hair when she broke 2 billion, and lost weight like lightning when she broke 3 billion.

If "Hello, Li Huanying" is a gorgeous turn in Jia Ling's career, then the advent of "Hot and Hot" is her "ultimate battle", which is not only a challenge to her career but also a reshaping of her body and mind. A radical metamorphosis.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

With this "cliff-like" way of losing weight, she let us see that Jia Ling still has a girl who loves beauty in her heart.

As the producer of all her movies, Big Bowl Entertainment is 65% owned by Jia Ling, and her father Jia Wentian serves as the chairman and legal person, which is enough to prove that Jia Ling attaches great importance to her family.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

At the same time, for the highly competitive comedy circle, her relationships with other comedians also make people respect her.


Jia Ling is Zhang Xiaofei's nobleman, making her from obscurity, a corner in a group photo of her classmates to a shining transformation now, and a C position on all occasions.

She was ridiculed for wearing a zara roadshow, but now she can also appear in the C position at Balenciaga events like Jia Ling.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

appeared in an all-black oversized wide-shouldered suit with wet hair, revealing a hint of abstinence in the coldness, which was amazing.

When the two met in Weiwei, they supported each other, and along the way, their appreciation and love for each other were beyond words.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

At the beginning, Jia Ling discovered Zhang Xiaofei's potential and invited her to appear in the sketch, which made Zhang Xiaofei excited and deeply moved.

At that time, Jia Ling was already famous, but Zhang Xiaofei was an actor who had not yet emerged, and he was crawling in the entertainment industry in obscurity.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

Zhang Xiaofei's acting career was not all smooth sailing. In the past, Zhang Xiaofei was like a little transparent, he didn't even have a seat to participate in the event, so he could only stand aside awkwardly, but no one paid attention to it.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

During the filming, his eyes were blown up, and he had to endure some unjust abuse.

In the face of these difficulties, Jia Ling always stood by Zhang Xiaofei's side and gave her support and encouragement. Jia Ling once swore firmly: "Become a big name quickly, you are one drama away from becoming my idol." This sentence is not only an encouragement to Zhang Xiaofei, but also an expectation and blessing for her future acting career.

Accompanied by Jia Ling, Zhang Xiaofei gradually emerged and began to show his talent in more works.

Jia Ling often shares her interactions with Zhang Xiaofei on social media, whether it is a class visit or daily communication, revealing the deep friendship between the two.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

During that time, Jia Ling's company undoubtedly gave Zhang Xiaofei great psychological support and comfort.

For Zhang Xiaofei, Jia Ling is not only her partner, but also her nobleman. She always has a grateful heart, and she is full of gratitude for Jia Ling's support and help.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

Under Jia Ling's story and lens, the 35-year-old Zhang Xiaofei played the leading role for the first time, and the audience also saw a female character who could empathize with her own charm for the first time.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

Zhang Xiaofei became popular, and Jia Ling not only opened the road of comedy for her, but also opened the road to fame for her. Not only did they support them all the way, but Jia Ling also fulfilled her original promise to Zhang Xiaofei.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

This year, on April 29, Jia Ling ushered in her 41st birthday, Zhang Xiaofei posted a group photo of the revisit to the filming location of "Hello, Li Huanying", Jia Ling wore gray short sleeves and black pants, and looked a lot thinner, Zhang Xiaofei wore a black dress, and the sisters ran together to compare V, with a smile on their faces.

Zhang Xiaofei wrote: "I wish my sister a new year old and every day to be happy, healthy and happy. Happy Birthday! ”

The two even promised a long, long date for the future renewal of the contract......

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

In this regard, fans shouted in the comment area: "Good sister friendship first!" ”


In a male-dominated industry, there is another female comedy celebrity who is often compared to Jia Ling.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

Ma Li was asked if she felt threatened when Jia Ling became popular, and she responded with a smile: "Jia Ling is good, I am especially happy for her." ”

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

Many years ago, Jia Ling and Ma Li have known each other.

At that time, Ma Li was showing her edge on variety shows, she was still shy, and she was not suitable for her performance in front of the camera.

Whenever this happens, Jia Ling always takes the initiative to stand up and use her unique humor to relieve Ma Li, she laughs and jokes: "Ma Li's character, in fact, is a little girl at heart." ”

Fast forward to 2015, and the two joined hands in the comedy competition show "Happy Comedian".

At that time, in order to amuse the audience, Jia Ling did not hesitate to pour beer and eat chili peppers on the stage, which was very bitter.

Ma Li in the audience looked worried, frowned, and couldn't help whispering: "Can you get off the stage for a while, don't drink it, oops, why do you still drink it?" ”

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?
She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

Ma Li said that because she had worked so hard, it was not easy to understand Jia Ling.

Perhaps it was because of similar experiences that they formed a deep friendship.

Later, Jia Ling directed the movie "Hot and Hot", and Ma Li did not hesitate to star in it with zero pay. The two are known as fairy friendships.

She has a snowflake secret fan in the comedy circle, and there is more than one?

Just as the essence of comedy is often hidden in its thought-provoking tragic core, these comedians are often better able to understand the true meaning of human interaction.

The way for excellent women to get along with each other is never full of "intrigues", but on the deep friendship of "working together".

They appreciate each other's talents and strengths, motivate each other, and grow together. They infect each other with their own strength and positive energy, and also influence the people around them.