
Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

author:Xuhua said history

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

Dong Qichang was the most famous calligrapher and painter in the late Ming Dynasty, and he also made good achievements in literary creation. The library poems he wrote during his tenure as a scholar in the Hanlin Academy, although they were tainted with the elegance of singing praises of virtue, were generally generous and willful. Why did Dong Qichang form such a poetic style?

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

«——【·Beginning Word Forest,Su Negative Times·】——»

Dong Qichang often "comes out of Shiqu Tianlu and experiences famous mountains and rivers" and has the good quality required for literary creation, and his poems and essays are not as the Siku Pavilion Chen said, "many are made and there is no time to study". In fact, some scholars have long discovered his extraordinary literary talent.

Liang Mujing in the Kangxi period called him "brilliant poetry and literature", and Dong Bangda, the secretary of the Ministry of Rites in the Qianlong period, called him "Jiawen Mingong as the master of the Ming generation of Wenyuan". Although there is inevitably beauty in this, it also reflects from the side that Dong Qichang's poetry and literary creation is indeed considerable.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

The reasons why Dong Qichang's poetry has not been paid attention to for a long time are: on the one hand, his poetry is covered by more outstanding calligraphy and painting: on the other hand, compared with those literati in the late Ming Dynasty, who had no integrity, Dong Qichang stood clearly in the Ming Dynasty in his position.

In addition to calling the Jurchen tribe and the Later Jin tribe "Kou", "thief" and "captive" in the poems, he also actively wrote books to offer strategies to pacify the enemy. Because of this, the Qing Dynasty did not tolerate Dong Qichang's position, and his poetry collection was banned and destroyed, and it was rarely circulated, and ordinary people had no chance to see it, so naturally they studied less.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

The poetry of the museum class is the poem composed by Shu Jishi in the Ming Dynasty in the library class examination. In order to select and train high-level civil service reserve talents, the Ariake generation implemented the Shujishi system. The candidates for the Ji Ji Shi are generally selected from the new second-class and third-class jinshi.

In addition to the different assessment times, the examiners of the two exams are also different. The hall examination is assessed by the librarian, while the cabinet examination is conducted by the cabinet to participate in the examination. In the course of the examination, the examiner asks the questions, and the Gujishi answers them, asking the Gujishi to analyze the causes of the problems and propose a strategy to solve the problems."

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

The dignified Tanhualang's "I don't know what it means" reflects the deformed knowledge structure of the corporal in the examination-oriented education at that time. In the process of cultivating and assessing the scholars, the system has strengthened the subjects of poetry.

This "made up for the shortcomings of the Eight Stocks, promoted the popularization of literary knowledge, the inheritance of literary classics, and the growth of a generation of writers." And Dong Qilu's poetic talent was initially displayed when he was a Jishi.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

Dong Qilu's four-year tenure in Jishi can also be said to be a period in which the fine works of his poetry creation career are relatively concentrated. Among them, 18 poems written during the library examination not only reached a high artistic level, but also differed greatly from his subsequent works in style and thought.

The nature of the poetry proposition composition and the identity of the scholar limit the poet's freedom of creation to a certain extent, so the work is easy to fall into the cliché of singing the praises of virtue. Although some of Dong Qilu's works in this period are full of chapters, the poems are inevitably influenced by the poetic style of Taige.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

«——【Generosity First Career】——»

Liu Xian, when summarizing Jian'an literature, said: "At the beginning of Jian'an, five words were vigorous. Emperor Wen and Chen Si indulged in the festival; Wang, Xu, Ying, and Liu looked at the road and competed. And pity the wind and the moon, the pond garden, the grace of the glory, the feast.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, wars were frequent, and the people were precarious, which inspired the poet to worry about the country and the people, and to make meritorious contributions. Expressed in poetry, it forms a moving phoenix appearance of sentiment and generosity. At that time, the Ming Dynasty was already in turmoil and troubles.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

Dong Qilu, who has just entered the career, has a positive attitude towards the world, is full of enthusiasm, and fantasizes about establishing a career. This makes his poems also show a generous, willful, and passionate style. During the four years of studying in Dong Qilu's museum, Daming was restless.

The Battle of the "Three Great Expeditions of Wanli" and the Battle of Ningxia took place during this period. The battle was a battle in which the Ming Dynasty assisted the dynasty in crushing the ambitions of the Japanese invaders, and it is impossible for the Shujishi, who have always paid attention to state affairs, not to reflect these two major battles in their poems.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

In "The Song of the Conquest General", Dong Qilu created the image of the conscripted general and his subordinates being loyal to the country and the heroic man killing the enemy. The first sentence of the poem, "The Royal Deed of Tranquility and Three Sides" is the title of the poem "The Deed of Tranquility and Three Sides" by Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

After intensive preparations, the general "shot the eagle at the gate of the period, and Wu hooked in the water in the box" to meet the enemy. The couplet of "Eagle Ge Red Feather Three Thousand Horses, Sunset Yellow Cloud One" depicts the characteristics of the soldiers who are well-equipped and fast-moving.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

"Even the empty curtain and shadow are hidden with the dust, and the sound of the evening is dark", which makes people feel the noise and bloodshed of the desperate struggle between the two armies on the battlefield. But the soldiers go out to fight, not for fame and fortune: "Achievements are not sealed, only for the long will to be rewarded"

The love of serving the country is vividly displayed throughout the poem, the environment is rendered in place, the rhythm of the narration of the war is relaxed, the emotions are sincere, the thoughts are high-spirited, and there is a hearty feeling when reading. and "Fencing" uses ancient swords to express his feelings of serving the country.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

The ancient sword is cold and the green maple is a guest of Fengcheng in the past. Yin and Yang are the furnace of charcoal heaven and earth, who forges blunt gold jumping heels, and the ancient sword is cold and green maple", which is extremely sharp and cold. The reason why the sword is like this is actually related to the forging process.

"Yin and Yang are the furnace of charcoal, who forges the wonton hook and the golden jumper" Heaven and earth are the iron furnace for forging the sword, and the yin and yang are the burning charcoal, no wonder the ancient sword will be extremely extraordinary! The shell of the sword is also extremely exquisite: "The lotus color in the sparse glass box, the bright moon and the blue autumn water at the end".

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

This is the luster formed by the frequent wiping of Jing Ke after wearing it. The sword god is incomparably powerful, "It is rumored that the beacon fire in the west is terrifying, and Longquan roars like a god at night", and he can't wait to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy Pingkou.

The last two sentences of "Kill Hu Yun, blood splash Hu Tianjing and dust" are written with a heartfelt and extraordinary bearing, and the author seems to be writing about the sword, but in fact, he uses the sword to express his pride and ambition. In poetry, the sword becomes the embodiment of the author, and the two are inseparable from each other.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

In these two poems, sentences such as "swearing to drink Hu blood" and "blood splashing Hu Tianjing and dust" obviously do not conform to the poetry of "gentleness and generosity" and the implicit characteristics of poetry, and seem a little bloody.

But such a tone not only highlights the heroism and heroism of the soldiers, but also expresses the author's hatred for the prisoners, but has a rough beauty.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

The style and atmosphere of these two poems, on the whole, are not far behind the works of the same theme in Tang poetry.

In addition, "Song of the Stone Prostitute" is also a representative of Dong Qilu's generous and capricious poetic style. Qin stone prostitute was unearthed in Tianxing Sanchou Yuan in the early years of the Tang Dynasty, and was later relocated to Fengxiang Confucius Temple.

Over the next few hundred years, the stone drum and the fate of the country rose and fell together, and after several transfers, it was finally transported back to Yanjing (now Beijing) by the Jin soldiers. From the Yuan Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, stone prostitutes have been placed in the Guozi Prison in Beijing. After Dong Qichang saw Qin Shigu, his thoughts were scattered.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

Immediately afterwards, the author's mind was active, and he forcibly recalled the fact that Li Sichuang created a small seal and abolished the text after the unification of Qin. In the end, the author's thoughts returned to reality: "I heard that the officials are all Xi ancient roads, and a generation of mountain fighters is called the grandmaster." Qi Yu Xi mixed with elegance, and saw the mallet shattering the Huaixi monument.

«——【·Yazheng Peace·】——»

The other side of Dong Qichangguan's class poems is that in addition to being generous and willful, Yazheng and peacefully are the other side of Dong Qiluguan's class poems. He Shihai believes in the article "Ming Dynasty Shuji Shi and Taige Style": "In the Ming Dynasty, there were many Taige writers, and even the rise and prevalence of the 'Taige style' that represented the literary spirit of the central government.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

It is closely related to the system of selecting and training high-ranking civil servants such as 'Shu Jishi'. "As a pavilion reserve, under the dual influence of the cultivation of librarians who represent the official orthodox concept of literature and his own identity, he was in the process of creating poetry in the museum.

It is difficult not to be influenced by the "Taige style" poetic style of "praising saintliness and singing peace" in terms of art, and the shadow of Taige's poetic style can also be found in Dong Qichang's museum class poems. But at that time, Dong Qilu was not a cabinet minister in a high position after all.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

As a fledgling young scholar who is still receiving education, he is not deeply poisoned by the poetic style of Taige. Generally speaking, his poems inherit the "elegant spirit" in traditional poetry, pay attention to people's livelihood and suffering, pay attention to personality cultivation, and express his poems as a model of pure, tranquil and peaceful poetic style.

Dong Qilu's representative poem of the pavilion at this time is "Reading Emperor Xuanzong's Imperial Hanlin Courtyard". Emperor Xuanzong is the fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Ji, he is very accomplished in it, and his attainments in calligraphy and painting are also deep.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

The main content of Emperor Yizong's "Proverbs of the Hanlin Academy" is to trace the historical evolution of the Hanlin Academy, and encourage the students of the Hanlin Academy to guard against arrogance and rashness, study hard, and serve the country as soon as possible. In the poem, Dong Qilu praised Emperor Xuanzong's proverb "Xuan inscription reveals Zhou Xun, Lizao Bingyao Zhang"


Although Dong Qilu has just entered the official career, after all, he is still studying in the still quiet Hanlin Academy, and he has not faced the cruelty and darkness. By the end of his tenure, Dong Qilu was close to the age of confusion, and his fledgling spirit and spirit were consumed by the cruel reality.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

The pride in poetry is like the end of a strong crossbow, and it is rarely seen again. Time continues to go by, and as the fame of calligraphy and painting grows day by day, and the status of calligraphy and painting is getting higher and higher, it is difficult to find works in Dong Qilu's poems that face reality and pay attention to people's livelihood and suffering.

As far as the eye can see, the three major themes of birthday celebrations, inscriptions, and farewells account for seven or eight out of ten in the poems. It is a great pity that the poet is "getting old and mature" in the use of artistic skills, but his sincere emotions are lacking.

Dong Qichang is a famous calligrapher and painter and a scholar of the Ming Dynasty

Information sources:

"Ming Shilu"

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