
The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

author:As a word

Source: CNKI China News Network

Of the four ancient civilizations in the world, the only one that survives is China, why did the other three ancient countries disappear? Is it because their civilization is too backward? No, it was all due to the Aryan massacre.

From 1560 BC to 1600 BC, the Aryans crushed the three ancient civilizations with their advanced military strength, but when they set their sights on China, tragedy struck.

After the destruction of the Three Kingdoms, the Aryans were confident that they were fully capable of unifying the world.

So the mysterious East became their next stop, but the land of China at this time was the peak of the Shang King Wuding.

The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

1. Destroy the Three Kingdoms

Aryans are purebred white people, they are tall, fair-skinned, deep-eyed, and three-dimensional.

Therefore, in the eyes of Europeans, the Aryans, who have a good figure and good looks, are the best people, and even Hitler admired the Aryans so much.

In fact, this is all because the Aryans originated in the steppes of the Ural Mountains, and due to their unique environmental climate, they were blessed with high-quality genes, but don't think that the Aryans have a good skin, in fact, they still have wisdom.

Like nomads in other parts of the world, the Aryans learned to tame their horses early on, which greatly improved their transport capacity and military power.

If this continued, perhaps the Aryans would have been able to establish a great civilization south of the Urals, but the gears of fate began to turn.

The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

Due to the reduction of the sun's gravitational pull, a global cold wave hits, and the north is already a cold and biting ice and snow land, and with the blessing of the strong cold wave, it becomes more unlivable.

The Aryans were forced to migrate, and they divided into three tribes, starting from the east, west, and south in search of a new place to live.

The Aryans, later known as the Hittites, traveled west to the valley of the Two Rivers, which happened to be the territory of ancient Babylon, and the Hittites then established their own state.

When ancient Babylon fell into decline after the death of Hammurabi, the Hittites saw an opportunity to take advantage of it, so they relied on their military might to destroy the kingdom of ancient Babylon and take all that ancient Babylon had for themselves.

To the east, the Aryans, called the Hyksos, came to the Iranian plateau and merged with the local peoples to form the Persian Empire, which soon incorporated Iraq and Turkey into its territory with the help of horses and chariots.

The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

At this time, ancient Egypt was on the Nile Delta, adjacent to the Persian Empire.

In 525 B.C., the Persian army invaded Egypt, and Egyptian civilization came to an end.

The Aryans who traveled south came to the Great Plains of India, where they were driven out by indigenous peoples, such as the ancient Dravidians, and settled in the abundant Indus Valley.

In order to achieve long-term peace and stability, the Aryans relied on the local multi-ethnic characteristics and specially invented the caste system, which is now known as Brahmin and Kshatriya.

It should be noted that ancient India was not wiped out by the Aryans, but the Aryans took its place and began to rule ancient India, and completely conquered ancient India from both military and cultural levels, which proves the objective death of ancient India.

The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

Second, the powerful Wu Ding

One can imagine how inflated the hearts of the Aryans would be when they made great achievements around the world, and naturally set their next goal in China.

You must know that this mysterious land has countless wealth for them, and when the Aryans set foot in the Central Plains with confidence, they had no idea what kind of great changes China was going through at this time.

At that time, China was under the rule of the Shang Dynasty, and the 22nd Shang king, Wu Ding, succeeded to the throne, and he had a heavy burden on him, and internal and external troubles plagued the young monarch, but Wu Ding seemed to have been prepared for a long time.

Unlike many monarchs in the traditional sense, Wu Ding spent his childhood in the rice fields, working with ordinary peasants, which is all the memories of Wu Ding's childhood, which also laid the foundation for his subsequent rule.

The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

At that time, the Shang Dynasty was different from the later Qin Dynasty and other great unified dynasties, and it paid attention to the divine authority of the monarch.

Although the Shang king was the nominal leader, in fact, the country adopted a feudal system, and the surrounding countries submitted to the Shang Dynasty in the form of tribute, and the rest of the subject states could use divine power to shake the royal power if they united, so Wu Ding believed that if the country wanted to be strong, it must change this drawback.

The people of the Shang Dynasty believed in the gods, so the status of the priests was very high, not to mention the high priests, even the king did not dare to move, Wu Ding promoted a group of capable officials, strengthened the centralization of power, and then took back the right to sacrifice in various places.

Wu Ding announced that from now on, all sacrificial activities could only be carried out through the unified state, and the presiding officer of the sacrificial activities must be the king.

This move is equivalent to combining royal power and divine power, and the power in the hands of Wu Ding is unprecedentedly huge.

The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

3. The burial pits of the Aryans

Solving the hidden dangers of politics, Wu Ding began to vigorously develop agriculture, which was an ambition he had set since childhood.

According to historical records, at that time, Wu Ding held a sacrificial activity, which consumed thousands of cattle and 500 sheep, and from this detail, it can be seen that the Shang Dynasty was very rich in products during Wu Ding's reign.

Due to the abolition of local sacrificial rights, in order to prevent the princes from being distracted, Wu Ding married with the princes and the big clan class from all sides, and eliminated potential hidden dangers by becoming a family.

However, at this stage, the Aryans rode their proud horses and drove chariots that had leveled the two river basins and the Mediterranean Sea, in a vain attempt to drink the Yellow River and the Yangtze River......

But how could the Shang Dynasty, which was in the period of "Wuding Zhongxing", do what it wanted?

The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

The capital of the Shang Dynasty was in Chaoge, located in the Henan Plain, where the Aryans set out from India, crossed the Himalayas, and slowly approached the hinterland of the Central Plains.

After the battle, the Aryans realized that something was wrong, and their proud cavalry was useless.

You must know that the nomads in the north of the mainland are not vegetarians, coupled with the great development of bronzes in the Shang Dynasty, weapons even have an advantage, and thanks to local warfare,

The logistical supply of weapons and equipment, food and grass and horses was continuous.

Moreover, at that time, the civilization of the Central Plains had developed for more than a thousand years, and it was no longer a barbarian nation that relied purely on force, but won by wisdom.

The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

At this time, the Dashang Dynasty can be said to be a "hell-level dungeon" with the top "force" and "wisdom", how can the Aryans who have just come out of the "novice village" brush the customs?

The Aryans had never encountered such a strong opponent, and were soon killed by the Shang Dynasty army, abandoning their armor and fleeing.

According to the oracle bone inscription, Wu Ding's wife and wife Hao led the army to the west and beheaded more than 20,000 people. The "white head" here refers to the white man, and the white man is naturally the invading Aryans.

Later, archaeologists also found a large number of white human bones in the tomb of the woman, which was suspected to be used for burial.

It can be seen that the Aryans thought they could handle the soft persimmons, but they did not expect to run into the Shang Dynasty at its peak, and the tragic price of 20,000 people made them know what the power of the East is, and the tuition fee is really expensive.


CNKI, "The Spread and Influence of Aryanism in Iran from the Perspective of National Identity Construction" - Li Fuquan and Li Wenting

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The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?
The Aryans destroyed three ancient civilizations, why were they sent to the burial pit after they came to the Shang Dynasty?

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