
Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

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Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

On an afternoon in June 2024, a middle-aged man dressed in plain casual clothes appeared on a street in Urumqi, Xinjiang. His face was full of traces of time, but he could still see the majestic power of his heroic figure in his youth.

The once smash hit grassroots singer Daolang appeared in the public eye after many years.

Daolang paced slowly on the street, his eyes staring at the familiar scene around him, and mixed emotions rose in his heart. He recalled the difficult years when he left his hometown for his musical dreams many years ago, and remembered his beloved wife Yang Na, who was the only concern in his life and the deepest pain in his heart.

He also remembered the ups and downs of his music career, from obscurity to household name, and then from the top to the unknown.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

His heart was full of exhaustion and vicissitudes, as if everything from yesterday was repeating itself in front of his eyes.

Just as Daolang fell into boundless memories, a familiar figure appeared in the distance, awakening his memories of the past. That is an old friend he hasn't met for a long time, and the last "enemy" on the music road he has walked - Jianyang Zhuoma.

Rewind time to a few decades ago, and Daolang was just over twenty years old. At that time, he was full of love for music, so he packed his bags alone, left his hometown in Xinjiang, and embarked on a wandering road to pursue his dream.

After first arriving in Chengdu, Daolang lived a hard life, but he never gave up his music dream because of the hardships of life. He saw the city's vibrant nightlife and secretly decided that he would hold his own concert here in the future.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

At this moment, Daolang happened to meet some like-minded friends, and they hit it off and immediately formed a band called "Scalpel". Although the income at that time was quite meager, Daolang and his teammates were in their youth, carefree, and lived a very happy life.

Until one day, Daolang met the one in his life in a tavern, named Yang Na. Yang Na is a dance artist, Daolang and her feel very close, and the two start a passionate relationship.

Soon after, Yang Na learned the good news that she was pregnant. Although she had experienced the failure of a marriage, this did not affect Daolang's feelings for her. He was wholeheartedly devoted to Yang Na, proposed to her without hesitation, and finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand with her.

The love of art was supposed to be a brilliant spark, but the lovers could only live happily for more than 40 days after falling in love, until their daughter was born.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

In the middle of the night, Yang Na left quietly, leaving only a piece of paper full of hypocrisy on the desk: "You can't meet my expectations for life, I choose to leave, please don't look for me, because you will never find me."

The first rays of sunlight in the morning shone on the floor through the window, and Daolang saw the note from his wife left on the table. He hugged his infant daughter, tears blurring his vision. Still, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart that Yang Na would return.

Daolang would hold his daughter at the door of his house every day and wait for his wife to return, but in the end, he just waited for endless despair.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

The departure of his wife has dealt a heavy blow to Daolang, leaving him in deep pain and self-blame for a long time. He washed his face with tears all day and couldn't sleep at night, as if life had lost all its meaning.

Until one early morning when his daughter was two years old, the sun warmly shone into the house, Daolang hugged his daughter, looking at her innocent smile, he finally made up his mind to embark on the road of music again.

Since then, Daolang has categorically handed over his daughter to the care of relatives and friends, and he has carried his bags alone and embarked on the road of finding his music dream. He wandered around the north and south of the river like a spinning top, and although he ran into walls everywhere and suffered repeated setbacks, he never wavered in his love for music.

As an unknown musician from the grassroots, the road to art is already difficult and lonely.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

In this way, Daolang struggled alone, and he finally ushered in a turning point in his life in 2004 at the age of 33. That year, he devoted his heart and strength to writing and releasing his first album "The First Snow in 2002".

This Chinese-language album, which had almost no publicity, quickly broke the sales record in the Chinese music scene after it came out. Genuine albums sold 2.4 million copies, while pirated copies sold a staggering 20 million.

Such an astonishing sales figure not only shook the entire music scene, but also shocked and delighted Daolang, who became famous in the night.

Since then, a large number of loyal fans have begun to fanatically pursue him, and they keep discussing Daolang's intoxicating and moving singing, which echoes for a long time. Not only that, but some veteran musicians also praise this singer from the grassroots.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

Alan Tam, as a famous music master in Hong Kong, is full of praise for Daolang. In order to cooperate with Daolang, he personally went to Xinjiang to search. The two met late, and under the careful guidance of Principal Tan, they jointly created the popular masterpiece "Wolf in Wolf's Clothing".

Hong Kong King Andy Lau and music godfather Luo Dayou and others have given high praise and enthusiastic support to Daolang's music.

However, the rise of Daolang has caused unprecedented panic in the mainstream music circles in the mainland. Some former popular singers such as Yang Kun, Wang Feng, Na Ying, etc., have publicly questioned Daolang, with sharp language, pointing out that his musical quality is worrying, and claiming that Daolang has caused the entire Chinese pop music to regress for 15 years.

In one music selection, Daolang, who had already been nominated, was directly rejected by Na Ying, who was the judge.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

The mainland's skepticism about Daolang's music is in stark contrast to the Hong Kong music scene's strong support for him, however, Daolang, who was at the peak of his career, has always remained silent and silent to all kinds of criticism from the outside world.

He has just been working silently and persistently creating, and has devoted all his efforts to the cause of music.

Although Daolang's reputation is widely known, he still has some regrets in his heart. He thought that he had made countless enemies on the road of music, and in the future, he would take every step and act cautiously.

However, what he didn't expect was that what broke his heart was a former friend - Jianyang Zhuoma.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

The reason why Jianyang Zhuoma was able to become famous overnight was precisely because she sang the song "Western Regions Love Song" composed by Dao Lang, and was known as "the most beautiful female alto in Chinese mainland". However, it was also this song that brought her friendship with Daolang to an end.

It turned out that Jianyang Zhuoma did not pay any copyright fees to Daolang, but he frequently performed the song Daolang in public in a high-profile manner for personal gain. The original creator, Daolang, felt extremely angry and disappointed when he saw his hard work being taken for nothing.

At first, out of friendship, Daolang privately persuaded Zhuoma to pay royalties many times, but she ignored it. Perhaps carried away by the arrogance and glory after becoming famous, Jianyang Zhuoma justifiably squandered those fruits that were not earned for nothing.

When Daolang found that his music was being plagiarized with impunity, he couldn't bear it anymore and made up his mind to defend his rights and interests with all his might. With mixed feelings of loss and helplessness, he decides to take his former friend to court.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

The friendship between the two caused heated discussions on the Internet, and the trial process of the case also attracted widespread attention. In the end, the court ruled that Zhuoma should pay 100,000 yuan in compensation to Daolang.

This amount of money may be a lot of money for ordinary people, but for the two people who were once friends, it symbolizes a complete break in their friendship.

Money is important, but ruining a relationship means losing priceless wealth. No matter how much the compensation is, the friendship of those years is gone. The figures who once fought side by side are now only the backs of lonely people on the road of art.

Soon after the dispute with Jianyang Zhuoma, Daolang announced his retirement from the music scene and returned to his hometown Xinjiang to start a simple life. He devotes all his energy to reading all kinds of articles about himself, whether they are praise or criticism, and he carefully reads and reviews them word by word.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

From the initial resentment to calm face.

Ten years have passed in a hurry, and Daolang, a superstar who once swept the music scene, has gradually faded out of public view, and outsiders can only learn about the whereabouts of this reclusive singer through a disciple he took in and taught.

Clouds, a rising star who has made his mark on the music scene. With her extraordinary strength, she not only won excellent results in a talent show, but also appeared on the huge stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the fourth time, inheriting the spirit of her teacher.

As someone said, it is not Daolang himself who can appear in the public eye again, but the disciple Yunduo who he has carefully cultivated. This is undoubtedly a kind of compensation and continuation, although the master has no chance to return to the top, his music concept and career can still be shown on the stage with the help of the protégé, and this spiritual continuation may be the greatest consolation for Daolang in this life.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

At this moment, Daolang was standing on the familiar street, and the taste in his heart was indescribable.

After all, at his peak, a fresh music trend was booming in the Chinese music scene. Those unpretentious, sincere and touching songs have touched the heartstrings of many ordinary people, allowing us to find a moment of tranquility and resonance in our busy lives.

Unfortunately, this craze was quickly suppressed by controversy in the industry, and some people who adhered to the "fashion-forward" concept of pop music were extremely critical of Daolang's music, seeing him as a "dead product that no one cared about".

Their bombardment and spitting made Daolang finally choose self-exile, so that this clear stream was completely cut off.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

If Daolang hadn't been treated like this back then, maybe more ordinary people with music dreams would follow in his footsteps and join this clear stream. Then today's Chinese music scene will not be dominated by popular saliva works and small workshop-style hype, but works that are really close to life and close to the hearts of the people will become the mainstream.

People will no longer be limited to relying on a few singers who have risen in the millennium to feed the music scene, but will be able to be nourished by more musicians.

Unfortunately, these beautiful ideas are no longer realizable. Daolang's clear spring was stifled by people's criticism and rejection back then, and now, more than ten years have passed, and the Chinese music scene is still spinning in the turbidity.

Perhaps for some people, Daolang's existence goes against their insistence on being fashion-ante-garde. However, the decision to completely expel his music from the Chinese music scene undoubtedly caused the entire Chinese music scene to miss an unprecedented opportunity for change.

Daolang tore Yang Zhuoma and decisively sent the other party to court, why did his former friend break off?

When people are at their most brilliant, they may be the easiest to lose themselves. Daolang was forced to retire when his glory was infinite, which was not only a big regret in the Chinese music scene back then, but also an unforgettable lesson in the failure of the prodigal son.

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