
Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

author:Observation Room 7
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

Marrying someone in these years is also a technical job, if you marry well, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth, and if you don't marry well, you may stay alone in the empty house, or even sigh at the cowshed. The wife of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be the latter.

At the age of 17, she married Modi in a daze, but there was no affection between the two, and Modi left home after marriage, and the two did not see each other for 56 years.

But I never expected that in his old age, Modi became the prime minister, and the wife, who had not seen her for many years, became the "first lady" and was arranged by the government to have 12 bodyguards, who followed her every day to herd cattle! The scene is somewhat funny, but the things behind it are more exciting than they seem.

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

Suddenly "treated"

72-year-old Jasudaben may never have imagined that he would be able to live a life of "calling and hugging" even when he is old.

It is said that it is "hugging the front and back", but it is actually quite funny, 12 strong bodyguards, driving several black SUVs, follow her every day - where to go? Go to the pasture at the head of the village to graze the cattle.

You heard it right, it's herding cattle. These bodyguards, watching Jia Suda Ben lead a few skinny buffaloes slowly on the country road, probably have mixed feelings in their hearts. What is the origin of this old lady who needs them to protect her so vigorously?

Speaking of which, Jasudaben's identity is really unusual. Her husband, none other than the current Prime Minister of India - Modi.

Isn't it a bit of a surprise? The wife of the prime minister of a dignified country actually lives in such a dilapidated small village, and her daily job is to herd cattle? How is this possible? But that's what it's really like.

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

A husband who hasn't seen each other in 56 years

Why is this happening? has to start with the marriage between Jasudaben and Modi. Jasuda Bunda grew up in rural Gujarat, India, to a tinkling family of farmers who faced the loess with their backs to the sky.

According to local rules, girls have to set a marriage early, and when Jasudaben was 12 years old, he was promised by his parents to a young man named Modi in a neighboring village, Modi is not a few years older than her, so they waited for the two to reach their age, and the wedding could be a family.

At that time, Jia Suda was still a heartless little girl, happy all day long, and had no extravagant hopes for the future, just thinking about living a peaceful life in the future. But who knows the fate?

Five years passed in a flash, and when it was time to get married, in 1968, 17-year-old Jasuda married Modi in such a daze. I thought that I would be able to live a sweet life with my husband after marriage, but who would have thought that Di would not be a "peaceful" person at all!

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

The newlywed Yan'er, it was the time when you and I were together, but Modi suddenly told Jasudaben that he had joined a voluntary organization that required members to abstain from sex, and to put it bluntly, they couldn't live a normal married life.

It turns out that Modi has been different from other children since he was a child. When a child is still playing with mud, he has already begun to think about life events. When he was eight years old, he came into contact with the National Volunteer Service of India and was immediately attracted by the idea of this organization, and since then he has been fantasizing about doing great things for the country and the nation all day long.

However, this organization has a "weird" rule, that is, abstinence! It is to make the members six pure and not close to women. When ordinary people heard this request, they probably retreated a long time ago, but Modi didn't frown, and resolutely joined this organization, in his heart, he could give everything for the country.

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, Modi's parents don't know anything about their son's "grand ambitions", and they still hope that he will start a family as soon as possible. In their time, it was normal to get married and have children in their teens. So the two old men began to marry Modi with great interest, completely unaware that they were personally pushing their son into an "ascetic" marriage.

And it was also after marriage that Jia Suda knew the secret that her husband had hidden for so many years, and she almost fainted on the spot when she heard this. is married, but does not fulfill the obligations of husband and wife, is this not the intention to let her stay alive and widowed? But Modi also said that he will fight for the "Indian dream" for the rest of his life and cannot be dragged down by family trivialities.

Jasuda was bitter in his heart, but what could he do? At that time, what status did women in rural India have? Her husband's words were holy decrees, and she could only break her teeth and swallow them in her stomach.

Less than three months after getting married, Modi patted his ass and left, leaving Jasudaben alone, in an empty house, alone in an empty house. This is 56 years, during which he has hardly contacted Jasudaben, let alone returned home to see.

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

The poor woman who "stays alone in the empty room".

It stands to reason that after Modi leaves, she can completely break up and go back to her parents' house to live her own small life, and save herself from being wronged at her in-law's house. But she doesn't! It's as if Modi has been recognized, and he is determined to wait for him to come back.

During the day, Jasuda taught at the village primary school, and he taught his students everything he knew as if they were his own children. In the evening, Jasuda returned to her lonely in-laws' house. Feeding cows and milking cows, she did these tasks quickly and skillfully.

After a busy day's work, she likes to sit alone by the window in a daze, looking into the distance, not knowing what she is thinking.

Although the time she spent with Modi was short, it seemed like the sweetest time of her life for Jasudaben. On the day Modi left, his back, Jasuda still remembers it clearly.

1972 was a memorable year for Jasudaben. This year, she finally passed the exam and got the coveted teaching certificate. At that moment, she was so excited that she almost cried.

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

She excitedly tried to tell Modi the good news, but she searched all the corners of the house and couldn't find his contact information. After so many years, he seems to have evaporated from the world, and there is no news.

The old man in the village persuaded her not to think about it, this is the fate of our women! Accept your fate! Find a good man and remarry, but in those days, how could women in rural India have any right to pursue their own happiness?

Poor Jasudaben has been a "living widow" for decades in such a daze. It never occurred to me that I might have any connection with Modi. If Modi hadn't entered the prime minister's election campaign in 2014 and filled in the marital status column as "married", it is estimated that no one would have known about her existence as the "prime minister's wife" in this life.

It was at this time that everyone learned that the old-fashioned and serious-looking Modi was actually married.

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

After Modi was elected, it is estimated that in order to block the mouth of Youyou, these 12 bodyguards were sent to "protect" Jasudaben. said that it was protection, but in fact it was more like surveillance, for fear that she would talk nonsense and affect Modi's "glorious image".

But who is Jasudaben? Decades of rural life have long tempered her heart. Her husband became the prime minister, she should herd cattle or herd, and her life was the same, and she didn't feel any difference at all.

On the contrary, these 12 bodyguards follow her every day to eat ashes, not to mention, and Jia Suda has to pay out of his own pocket to solve the food problem. And these bodyguards are full of meat, every time they follow her to herd cattle, they have to scare the cattle away, after a long time, Jia Suda Ben is also a little unbearable, how can his poor pension be enough to feed these dozen mouths?

It didn't take long for Jasuda to get annoyed, where is this protection, it is clearly adding to the chaos! So she simply applied to Modi, asking to withdraw these bodyguards, so that she could take care of herself and not cause him trouble.

Modi actually agreed.

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

The prime minister's wife, the incense of the temple

The bodyguards were withdrawn, and Jasudaben's life finally returned to peace. Every morning, she would ride that old squeaky bicycle to the village temple to offer incense.

It's almost become a habit that she hasn't been able to shake for decades. When she was young, she prayed for her husband, who had been away from home for many years, hoping that he would achieve fame as soon as possible. Later, her husband really became the prime minister of India, and she began to worry about his career again, hoping that he would not forget his original intention and benefit the people.

The monks in the temple are also in awe of this "Prime Minister's Wife". Every time I see her coming, I will specially prepare a cup of hot milk tea for her, chat with her, and listen to her chatter about some parents. In Jasuda's heart, these monks may be closer to her than her husband in the capital, New Delhi.

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!

The pattern of the "first lady".

Speaking of Jasudaben and Modi's marriage, it was full of drama from the beginning. Back then, people from two different worlds came together because of the order of their parents. It is conceivable that this marriage is destined to be unhappy.

Not long after his wedding, Modi left his hometown, leaving Jasudaben alone to face the long years.

Some people say that Jasuda was too stupid to keep a loveless marriage and live as a resentful woman. It is also said that Jasuda is too great and willing to sacrifice his happiness for the sake of her husband's ideals.

But perhaps only Jasuda himself knows the truth. Now that decades have passed, the love and hatred of the year have long since turned into dust in the years. Jasuda no longer complains, nor does he expect anything.

She is like a nameless little flower growing in the Indian countryside, neither fighting nor grabbing, neither humble nor arrogant. Perhaps this is the pattern of the real "first lady".

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!


Although Jasuda is over 70 years old, her retirement life is more colorful than that of many young people. In addition to going to the temple every day to offer incense and go to the pasture to graze cattle, she also actively participates in various activities in the village.

In his spare time, Jasuda likes to sit in front of his house, basking in the sun while flipping through second-hand books he has picked up from thrift markets.

Every time she sees her husband's familiar and unfamiliar face on TV, there will always be a trace of indescribable ripples in her heart. However, this kind of emotion will soon be thrown out of the clouds by her. She knew very well in her heart that she and this man were just in name only, and it was impossible to have any deep relationship.

Let the past pass, the present life, calm and fulfilling, is enough.


Douyin Encyclopedia Narendra Modi

Douyin Encyclopedia Jasudaben Modi

Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!
Modi's wife: married at the age of 17, hasn't seen her husband for 56 years, and takes 12 bodyguards to herd cattle every day!