
Many South Korean presidents have been abandoned because of this mansion, and the Blue House mansion is made of what it is?

author:World Persona

Have you ever seen a murderous mansion that can bring down many presidents? In March 2022, newly elected South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol announced that he would move his presidential office from the Blue House to the Ministry of National Defense Building after taking office, and his family would not live in the Blue House, but would move to a new official residence in Hannam-dong. As the name suggests, the green tiles in the Blue Wadae are the tiles on the roof, which are cyan. Tai means that the people who live here are in a high position. During the Goryeo Dynasty in Joseon, the Blue House was originally the royal family's palace, which means vacation house. Beginning in 1948, when South Korea's first president, Syngman Rhee, was founded, there have been 12 presidents in the Blue House, with a total of 19 presidents. Why didn't you live here when you got to Yoon Suk-yeol? The official explanation given by Yoon's spokesman was that the new president had vowed to carry out political reforms and was pro-people, while the Blue House was part of the former prince and would lack direct contact with the people once he moved in. But critics immediately retorted, saying that Yoon Suk-yeol was simply talking nonsense, and that the relocation would not help the president strengthen communication with the people, but would be a waste of resources. The money spent in vain is the hard-earned money of taxpayers. The opposition parties have calculated that the demolition and renovation will cost a total of 74.8 billion won, or about 390 million yuan. So the Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) shouted at a press conference that the relocation was the exploitation of the people by naked tyranny. But Yoon Suk-yeol turned a deaf ear, and after he was sworn in in May, he moved into the Ministry of National Defense to start working.

In fact, Yoon Suk-yeol is not the first president to want to move, since the 90s of the last century, almost every elected South Korean president has made statements that he wants to move out of the Blue House, but for various reasons has not been able to do so. Why did the presidents want to move out of the Blue House? Because the Blue House is a world-famous presidential murder house. There is a curse in the Blue House, and the vast majority of South Korean presidents who are stationed in the Blue House will not die well. How much is this vast majority? The current accurate figure is 83 per cent. The feng shui of the Blue House has been widely criticized for many years and is well known in South Korea. Therefore, Yoon Suk-yeol did not use the ready-made presidential palace and moved with all his staff, although this matter cost the court, but most of the people in South Korea also understand. To explain the curse of the Blue House, we must start with the origin of the Blue House and the doom of South Korea's presidents.

Many South Korean presidents have been abandoned because of this mansion, and the Blue House mansion is made of what it is?

In the 14th century, the Riseki Dynasty of Joseon came to power and built Gyeongbokgung Palace, a royal palace in Seoul, and then expanded the Goryeo Dynasty's Imperial Palace, which is now the Blue House, into part of the backyard of Gyeongbokgung Palace, turning it into a shooting range for members of the royal family to practice archery. Lee's Joseon was a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, and the most valuable color of the Ming Dynasty was bright yellow, which was the royal color and could not be used by others. The second is cyan, which the prince can use. The king of Joseon was of the same rank as the vassal kings and princes of the Ming Dynasty, so the decoration of Gyeongbokgung Palace could only be at the level of a prince, and no dragon motifs could be used. The heir of the king of Joseon cannot be called the crown prince, but only the prince, and the tiles can only be made of cyan. If you go beyond it, this is called overstepping in terms of etiquette, and it is a very serious matter.

Time flies, and the Li dynasty, which lasted for 500 years, has long since become ancient. In 1948, when the Republic of Korea was founded, the first president, Syngman Rhee, circled the archery field in the backyard of Gyeongbokgung Palace as the presidential palace and named it Gyeongmudae. Successive South Korean presidents have also embraced the name. The name sounds very vivid, cyan tiles, and the English name is BlueHouse, which is very reminiscent of the American White House. The name is very atmospheric and easy to remember. The Blue House as you see it today was rebuilt in the late 80s of the last century because the original Blue House had a fire during the Korean War. President Roh Tae-yu has been fully rebuilt since he took office, and the pattern of the Blue House has not changed since the reconstruction.

South Korea has gone through 12 presidents for 19 terms from the founding of the country in 1948 to the election of Yoon Suk-yeol, and almost all of them, regardless of their political affiliation, have been unlucky, either assassinated, impeached in office, and forced to resign. Even if a few can leave office with dignity, they will suffer this or that outcome undignified soon after leaving office, so the following is to interpret the doom of successive South Korean presidents according to the degree of tragedy.

If we rank the level of misery from 0 to 3 from low to high, then the third level of extreme misery is undoubtedly the fifth president, Park Chung-hee, because he is the only president in office to be assassinated since the founding of South Korea. Park Chung-hee's start was not glamorous, and in 1961, as an army officer, he staged a military coup that ousted the newly elected president, Yoon Tu-sun, and replaced him himself. He served five terms as president, from the fifth term to the ninth. In the end, Park Chung-hee was assassinated in his fifth term.

There are four presidents in the second level of misery, all of whom were ousted during their term of office. The first was South Korea's founding president, Syngman Rhee, who served the first to third terms of South Korea, and at the end of his third term, he was forced to resign due to a fraud case, and finally died in a foreign land. Next is the fourth president Yoon Woo-sun, who was ousted by Park Chung-hee in a coup d'état one year after taking office, and then the tenth president Choi Gyu-ha, whose presidential career was shorter than Yoon Yoon-sun, took office in October 1979, and only 10 months later, in August of the following year, he was replaced by the military's security commander Chun Doo, who staged a coup d'état and ousted him.

Then there is the 18th South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who is the daughter of Park Chung-hee, and when Park Chung-hee was alive, she was the first daughter known to everyone in South Korea. When Park Chung-hee's wife, Roh Young-so, died in 1974, Park Geun-hye's surrogate mother took over her mother's role as first lady at various public welfare events and ceremonial occasions. In 2013, Park Geun-hye was elected South Korea's 18th president. 4 years later, he was impeached and removed from power by Congress because of his girlfriend's corruption. Park Geun-hye is South Korea's only female president to date, and the only one to be impeached and removed from office.

The first was the 11th and 12th President Chun Doo-hwan, who staged a military coup and ousted Choe Gyu-ha from power, becoming the second military strongman president to seize power and take power by force after General Park Chung-hee. However, after leaving office, he was sentenced to death in 1996 on charges of military coup and embezzlement and bribery, which was later commuted to life imprisonment, and he was pardoned while Kim Dae-jung was president. Because Kim Dae-jung pursued a conciliatory line, but in 2013 he was raided again and asked to return the proceeds of past bribes. Chun Doo-hwan passed away in 2021.

Next is the 13th president, Roh Tae-woo, who is the president of South Korea after Chun Doo-hwan. Although he was an army general, he was the first president to be directly elected by the people after South Korea's democratic transition. At the end of Chun's reign, a massive pro-democracy movement erupted, and he pushed for South Korea's democratic transition in 1987. However, at that time, the three candidates surnamed Kim in the opposition were scattered and did not give in to each other, resulting in a pattern of one Lu against three gold. Roh Tae-woo was elected president in 1987 as Chun Doo-yo's successor. Roh Tae-woo was supposed to have been instrumental in consolidating the gains of the democratic transition during his tenure, but two years after leaving office, he was sentenced to life in prison for the revelation of the secret funding scandal, which was later commuted to 17 years in prison. At the end of 1997, at the suggestion of Kim Dae-jung, he was pardoned by Kim Yong-sam. Then there is the 16th president, Roh Moo-hyun, who is also the most sensational president in South Korea. Because during his presidency, he vigorously advocated political integrity, and he himself did it, but a year after leaving office, the next president, Lee Myung-bak, was investigated in the name of taking bribes. Roh Moo-hyun jumped to his death from humiliation, and he was also the only president in South Korea to commit suicide due to depression.

The 17th president, Lee Myung-bak, is a good reincarnation in heaven, who will the sky let go? As soon as Lee Myung-bak came to power, he investigated his predecessor Roh Moo-hyun, who was forced to jump off a cliff, and when Roh Moo-hyun's friend and 19th president, Moon Jae-in, came up, he immediately began to investigate Lee Myung-bak. As a result, Lee Myung-bak was imprisoned for embezzlement and abuse of power five years after leaving office.

There is one more president with a miserable rating of 0.5, and he is the 14th president, Kim Yong-san. During his tenure, he worked to eradicate corruption and promote the disclosure of civil servants' assets and the real-name financial system. He sent two former presidents, Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo, to prison for a bad breath on South Koreans who had been beaten during military rule. Kim Yong-sam also reorganized the army, putting an end to the possibility of South Korean military interfering in politics.

During Kim Yong-sam's administration, South Korea's economic development was also good, and Kim Yong-sam's presidential resume was perfect, but unfortunately his son was involved in a bribery case during his administration and was imprisoned, which stained Kim Yong-sam's resume.

There are only two presidents with a level of 0 misery, the 15th President Kim Dae-jung and the 19th President Moon Jae-in. Kim Dae-jung, who died of illness in 2009, was a rare South Korean president who died peacefully. But Kim Dae-jung's troubled fate came before he was elected president, not afterward, and as a fighter for democracy, he was persecuted by the former military government many times, and almost lost his life at least five times. In a fatal car accident, he was left lame and disabled for life. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in office for talks with North Korea, and he helped South Korea survive the 1997 Asian financial crisis, as well as many important social and economic reforms. Although Kim Dae-jung had many virtuous policies, he could not escape the curse in the later part of his administration, and there were political scandals, but fortunately there were no catastrophic consequences. The 19th president, Moon Jae-in, stepped down in 2022 and can only be said to be relatively safe so far, but he has been criticized by many for his leftist and pro-communist stance.

In this way, 10:12 83% of South Korean presidents have turned in bad luck. So you can understand why the presidents want to move out of the Blue House, and it is difficult to say that it is a coincidence that so many presidents are unlucky. So the well-known Korean feng shui master Jeon Kwang-so openly said that there is indeed a problem with the feng shui of the Blue House, so let's take a look at the feng shui of the Blue House as a whole. Because Cheong Wa Dae was originally an archery factory in the backyard of Gyeongbokgung Palace, Gyeongbokgung Palace was built in 1395, but 200 years after its completion, the Imjin Rebellion occurred in 1592. Japan invaded Korea and burned down part of the building. In the 19th century, the Joseon royal family spent another large sum of money to renovate more than 7, 000 rooms in the palace. However, the layout of the building still follows the original style. The word Gyeongbok comes from a phrase in the Book of Songs, "to introduce Gyeongbok", which means to bless the king's descendants and the people to enjoy peace.

Gyeongbokgung Palace was built in accordance with the traditional Chinese capital Feng Shui Four Elephants. The four elephants are the green dragon, the white tiger, the vermilion bird, and the Xuanhu, and they are the four divine beasts that establish a royal palace in a place where the four elephants are complete, so that the country can prosper, and Gyeongbokgung Palace fully meets the standard. Luoshan is the left green dragon, Mt. Inwang is the right white tiger, Nansan is the Suzaku, and Beiyue Mountain is Xuanwu. Namsan blocks the flow of the Han River, and Yeouido blocks the flow of the Han River, which helps the flow of the Han River in Seoul, which used to be Seoul. The Han River is south of Gyeongbokgung Palace, passing around the city, with photos in front and back, it seems that Gyeongbokgung Palace is a proper feng shui treasure here.

In the late 80s of the last century, when the Tsing Ma Tai Terrace was fully rebuilt during the reign of Lu Taiyu, a stone tablet was dug up, which was engraved with the first blessing in the world. In other words, Gyeongbokgung Palace is the best place for feng shui in all of Korea, but why is the blue tile feng shui, which was once part of Gyeongbokgung Palace, not good? As mentioned earlier, Cheong Wa Dae was originally the backyard of Gyeongbokgung Palace, a shooting range for the Lee royal family to practice archery, and later a piece of farmland was opened up for the royal family to farm and experience life. Later, it was used as an examination room to select talents for the imperial examination, anyway, it has many uses, and the only use that is not there is to live in, because it is not suitable for residential housing.

If the Blue House is used as the backyard of Gyeongbokgung Palace, it is no problem, but as an independent presidential palace, it is not good from a feng shui perspective. North of Gyeongbokgung Palace, Bukaksan Mountain, which is one of the barriers to protect Seoul, is 342 meters above sea level. The Beiyue Mountains are connected with the Beihan Mountain Range, and the terrain is from high to low, forming a pattern of dragons and tigers. If the location of the Blue House is located right next to this dragon vein, everyone will be happy. However, this dragon is facing the main hall of Gyeongbokgung Palace, not the Blue House, and the Blue House is actually leaning at the foot of Beiyue Mountain, just passing by the dragon vein. There is a big difference in fortune between Cheong Wa Dae and Gyeongbokgung Palace.

In addition, the mountain is steep and rugged, and Park Minzan, a well-known Korean feng shui master, said that this is called a poor mountain in feng shui, and it is hidden and dangerous. The mountain on which the house is built should ideally be a famous mountain with abundant vegetation and not too many bumps. The house can be built next to the mountain, but you must measure the situation, and you must choose the height to avoid the dangerous edge of the poor mountain. And from the perspective of modern geology, building a house at the foot of a steep mountain is indeed a safety hazard. Storms erode the mountains all year round, and if there is heavy rain, it may cause natural disasters such as mudslides. As soon as the mountain collapsed, a house was destroyed and people died.

In the feng shui of people's residences, that is, yang houses, there is one of the most important factors, that is, the Ming Hall and the Yang House correspond to the Yin House, that is, the cemetery. To put it simply, Mingtang is the open space outside the gate, and there is such a saying that it is called the first line of the yin house, and the first line of the yang house, which means that the living live in the place. Mingtang is a blessed place to be open, and the Yin Mansion must be constricted and occupies a small area, so that it can be a blessed land for the descendants of Zefu. The Myeongjeon Hall in Cheong Wa Dae, that is, the open space in front of the Presidential Palace, is obviously too narrow and not grand enough, and it is far less than the Myeongjeongjeon outside the Gwanghwa Gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace. Therefore, some feng shui masters believe that the Blue House is actually more suitable for making a yin house, that is, the location of a mausoleum, rather than a yang house. Not only feng shui masters say this, but even the Korean news media have followed suit.

South Korea's JoongAng Ilbo claimed in a 2019 report that more than 600 years ago, Gyeongbokgung Palace, built by Lee Sung-gye, the founding monarch of Lee Joseon, was a feng shui base, while the backyard Blue House was a murderous place, Gyeongbokgung Palace was a place where people lived, and the Blue House was a place where dead souls or gods lived, so living in the Blue House would be a misfortune. There are also two roads in front of the Cheong Wa Dae that converge in front of the main building, forming a reverse bow shape, and the long road in front leads straight to the Cheong Wa Dae gate, like an arrow shooting straight to the main building of Cheong Wa Dae, which forms the fierce appearance of an arrow piercing the heart in Feng Shui. At the same time, feng shui experts also say that there is a small palace on each side of the Blue House, and because the location is too close to the main hall, there is a suspicion of forcing the palace. This arrangement has affected the luck of South Korea's successive presidents, so the presidents are in danger of being dragged down, framed and even murdered by their cronies.

In short, whether it is the geographical environment or the architectural pattern, the blue house is greatly unfavorable as the feng shui of the presidential palace. Feng Shui experts also said that the previous presidents of South Korea did not end well, in addition to the problems with the feng shui of the Blue House, it was also inseparable from the South Korean flag flying in front of the Blue House. In the middle of the shape of the Korean flag is the Taiji Yin and Yang Fish pattern, and there are four hexagrams in the outer circle, namely Qian, Kun, Kan and Li. These four hexagrams represent heaven, earth, water, and fire in "Zhou Yi", but there are other half of the eight trigrams, and the remaining four hexagrams are Zhen, Xun, Gen, and Dui, which represent thunder, wind, mountain, and Ze respectively. Taken together, these eight trigrams represent the eight major natural phenomena and dynamics of the natural world. When the gossip is complete, it is called peaceful. And now there are only four flats in the national flag of South Korea, and there is no eight stability. This means that although South Korea's national fortunes are generally smooth, the president is quite unstable, and the presidents have suffered the bad luck caused by the four trigrams that were missing from the national flag.

In short, the Blue House's own flaws, combined with the combination of the national flag in front of it, constitute a murderous house. Now that Yoon Suk-yeol has moved out of the Blue House, he has actually done a good thing for his opponents, so that those who want to run for president in the future are relieved that they don't have to be dragged down by the murderous house anymore. But no matter how murderous the Blue House is, before Yoon Suk-yeol, South Korea's 12 and 19 presidents had worked here for more than 70 years, and they had built South Korea from a poor country to one of the richest countries in the world today. Therefore, no matter how accurate Feng Shui is, character is decisive.

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