
Diao Linyu broke out of the cocoon into a butterfly: the new soul of the Chinese women's volleyball team, or an accidental highlight?

author:Popular perspective


In the fierce competition of the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League, Diao Linyu, the setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team, is like a bright star, standing out among many outstanding players and winning the honor of the best setter. What's even more remarkable is that she became the only Chinese player to rank first on the list of technical statistics. This achievement is not only an affirmation of her personal ability, but also a recognition of the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team. However, behind this award, how did Diao Linyu do it? Is her performance an accidental highlight, or the new soul of the Chinese women's volleyball team?

Diao Linyu broke out of the cocoon into a butterfly: the new soul of the Chinese women's volleyball team, or an accidental highlight?

1. The pinnacle of technical statistics: Diao Linyu's "King of the Second Setter"

In the World Women's Volleyball League sub-tournament, Diao Linyu conquered all the audience and judges with her amazing performance. With 1,021 passes, 277 successful and 7 turnovers, and a passing efficiency of 27.13%, she became the best of all setters. This statistic not only shows her superb passing skills, but also shows her consistent performance and excellent adaptability in the game. Whether it's the first pass or the second pass, Diao Linyu can easily control it and create excellent offensive opportunities for his teammates.

2. Break through the demons: from doubt to recognition

However, before Diao Linyu won this honor, she had been questioned and controversial for a long time. As the main setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team, she bears the heavy responsibility of organizing the attack. However, in previous matches, she has been inconsistent and has been prone to misplaced passes and poor coordination. This led some fans and media to question her, and even blame her for the loss of the Chinese women's volleyball team. However, Diao Linyu was not discouraged, but actively adjusted his mentality and worked hard to improve his technical level.

Diao Linyu broke out of the cocoon into a butterfly: the new soul of the Chinese women's volleyball team, or an accidental highlight?

In the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League sub-tournament, Diao Linyu finally ushered in her highlight moment. With her outstanding performance, she successfully broke the doubts and prejudices of the outside world. Her passing is not only consistent and accurate, but also creative and varied, creating more attacking opportunities for her teammates. In matches with strong teams such as Turkey and Poland, she played well and became a scoring weapon for the Chinese women's volleyball team. It was these outstanding performances that allowed her to win the award of best setter.

3. Cai Bin's "Insight into Pearls": Diao Linyu's transformation road

Diao Linyu's transformation was not all smooth sailing. In previous matches, she has been questioned for her ups and downs and poor coordination. However, Coach Cai Bin has always been full of confidence in her and insists on using her as the main setter. Under Cai Bin's careful guidance, Diao Linyu gradually found his rhythm and state. Not only has she improved significantly in her passing skills, but she has also shown a stronger quality in defense and offense.

Diao Linyu broke out of the cocoon into a butterfly: the new soul of the Chinese women's volleyball team, or an accidental highlight?

Coach Cai Bin's "discernment" allowed Diao Linyu to fully show his talent in the competition. He fully trusts Diao Linyu's ability and gives her enough playing time and opportunities. During the game, he often communicated and exchanged with Diao Linyu to help her adjust her mentality and tactics. It was this kind of trust and support that made Diao Linyu more confident and calm in the game, and finally ushered in his highlight moment.

Fourth, the new soul of the Chinese women's volleyball team: Diao Linyu's future prospects

The rise of Diao Linyu not only injected new vitality into the Chinese women's volleyball team, but also made people look forward to the future of the Chinese women's volleyball team. As a young and promising setter, she has a lot of talent and potential. In future competitions, she is expected to become the new soul and leader of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

First of all, Diao Linyu's superb and stable passing skills will provide strong support for the Chinese women's volleyball team's offense. She is able to pass the ball to her teammates accurately, creating more offensive opportunities for them. At the same time, her passing is also highly concealed and varied, which can effectively disrupt the rhythm of the opponent's defense.

Secondly, Diao Linyu's strength in defense and offense will also provide a strong guarantee for the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Not only is she able to actively participate in the defensive kick and get more counter-attacking opportunities for the team; He can also play a good role on the offensive end and contribute more points to the team.

Diao Linyu broke out of the cocoon into a butterfly: the new soul of the Chinese women's volleyball team, or an accidental highlight?

Finally, Diao Linyu's leadership and team spirit will also become an important asset for the Chinese women's volleyball team. She is able to lead by example and lead her teammates to fight and struggle together; He is also able to stand up at critical moments and stabilize the morale of the team. This kind of leadership and team spirit will make the Chinese women's volleyball team more united and powerful in future competitions.

In short, the rise of Diao Linyu is a great blessing for the Chinese women's volleyball team. Her performance not only proved her strength and value, but also injected new hope and vitality into the future of the Chinese women's volleyball team. We look forward to her continuing to perform well in future competitions and contributing more to the glory of the Chinese women's volleyball team!

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