
Amazon has added unreasonable fees? Seller: Outrageously high!

author:Shenzhen Maijiahui cross-border e-commerce

Speaking of this year's Amazon advertising fees, I believe that the majority of sellers have endless suffering.

Recently, a seller complained in the community: "This year's advertising fee is ridiculously high, and the category I did soared to $4 per click!" The advertising cost of new products has caught up with sales, and they are ready to give up...... Can you only gnaw old products this year? ”

Amazon has added unreasonable fees? Seller: Outrageously high!

This kind of profit being eaten up by advertising is even more serious in the low average customer value market, as shown in the figure below:

A product that costs $6-$10 can cost more than $1 per click, and the advertising cost is on par with the sales.

Amazon has added unreasonable fees? Seller: Outrageously high!

According to the current average price of Amazon as a whole, the probability of low customer unit price and wanting to use advertising to make money is too low. Many sellers have said that they should try other promotion ideas for products with low customer unit price, such as off-site, on-site with big discounts, low prices, in short, to get rid of the dependence on advertising.

Recently, there is another suspected increase in fees!

Some sellers have reported that their coupons have been charged by Amazon in a large amount in recent times, and in the case of a small number of orders, the data is not matched, and it is impossible to spend so many coupon exchange fees, and the cost of this deduction is 3-4 times that of usual.

Amazon has added unreasonable fees? Seller: Outrageously high!

Hopefully it's a bug fix, don't really deduct the money, otherwise it's an additional expense for the seller.

In addition to the various fees that make sellers complain, recently, the new regulations of Amazon UK station IEN are about to come into effect, and non-compliance will affect the storage and distribution of shipments!

Amazon has added unreasonable fees? Seller: Outrageously high!

Ways to get IEN:

1. Use a UK VAT number for customs clearance:

When you use your UK VAT number for customs clearance, the customs will release the goods after approval and will provide a C88 document containing the IEN code. This document is a customs declaration and will have a separate IEN number on it.

2. Delivery through the freight forwarding company:

This method can obtain an IEN directly from a freight forwarder, but may involve multiple sellers sharing the same VAT number.

In this case, it is necessary to confirm with the freight forwarding company how to obtain the IN, and understand the regulations and potential risks related to the sharing of VAT tax numbers.

Steps to upload IENs:

Step 1: Obtain IEN in a compliant manner.

Step 2: Then locate the shipment ID cleared by the IEN through the Seller Central menu > Inventory > Shipments, and click on "Import Details Incomplete".

Amazon has added unreasonable fees? Seller: Outrageously high!

Step 3: Then select "This shipment has an import record" and enter a valid IEN, click Save.

Amazon has added unreasonable fees? Seller: Outrageously high!

Sellers should understand the specific requirements and operation procedures of the new IEN regulations in advance to ensure that they can obtain and upload IENs smoothly within the specified time, and at the same time, sellers also need to understand the relevant tax and customs policies to ensure that the goods meet the import requirements.