
The European Championship, which once made me obsessed, is now drifting away

author:Insects from Chongqing

I don't want to talk about pigeons for a while, because I feel like a needle is sticking in my heart when I talk about pigeons. The youngsters were alive until this point, but with their feet facing the sky, they breathed open-mouthed, and their mouths were open and closed, indicating that they were still alive. If the prediction is correct, dragging the tired body back home at night, this little pigeon with its feet facing the sky and lying unknowingly for three days and three nights is very likely to have returned to the Western Elysium.

The European Championship, which once made me obsessed, is now drifting away

I'd like to talk about Euro 2024 in Germany today, and to tell you the truth, if it weren't for the news report about a great European Championship match every morning when I read the headlines, I wouldn't have known that June was in full swing on the European soil. Many colleagues around him, even the young handsome guys who have just graduated from the ivory tower of the university and worked in the school, should have a crazy love for the European Cup and the World Cup, but when they went to the cafeteria to eat at noon every day and met these young and handsome young men full of vigor and sunshine, I did not hear them spit about the European Cup football match in Germany. What's going on, is the wonderful European Cup football match really as my colleague Fan Old Man said?

The European Championship, which once made me obsessed, is now drifting away

I used to be a die-hard football fan with a passion for the game, and my colleagues gave me the title of Jia Fan one after another. I've always wondered about the title of Jia fan, I don't have the surname Jia, how did I become a Jia fan? At that time, that is, in June 1994, maybe you were still wearing open crotch pants at this time, and I would be 20 years old and about to take the college entrance examination. Don't ridicule me for taking the college entrance examination when I was 20 years old, when I graduated from primary school and went to middle school, because I was so short, my parents couldn't bear to rush to school with a torch every morning at 6 o'clock, so they asked me to repeat my studies in the village primary school for a year. Fate really plays tricks on people, I met a six-year elementary school, and as a result, in a bland elementary school, your cute bugs studied for seven years, and when I took the college entrance examination, I found that this bad old man was about to be twenty years old. The god of fate always likes to play tricks on me, on the eve of the college entrance examination, I met the Asian World Cup football match in the United States, and I have a strong interest in the World Cup when I just got in touch with football.

The European Championship, which once made me obsessed, is now drifting away

To put it bluntly, a month on the eve of the college entrance examination, I had no intention of studying, and when I encountered a wonderful competition, I took leave to return home because I had something at home, and I stayed up all night to watch almost every game. At that time, there was just a panda brand 17-inch black-and-white TV at home, through this only black-and-white TV, I knew that there is a sport called football, under the influence of several classmates who love football, I actually forgot that I was about to take the college entrance examination, finished the day's homework, sat in front of the TV tiredly, and watched every wonderful game in a sleepy haze. To tell the truth, my exam luck was quite good back then, if I had the courage of my colleague Fan Old Man, I would probably study at a well-known university, but I just filled in a certain normal college in advance, and I passed by a well-known university.

The European Championship, which once made me obsessed, is now drifting away

When I was studying at a teacher training college, I not only met the first very beautiful love in my life, but also took football for two years. At that time, the third year of college and the fourth year of college were almost all electives, and physical education was no exception. I had no interest in basketball, I was very afraid of ballroom dancing, and I had no choice but to take football, but I was very short, and I learned enough football in two years. In order to pass the football electives, preferably excellent, I bought a few boxes of Huazi and secretly stuffed them into the hands of the physical education teacher. After two years of football study, there has been no improvement in ball skills, but I have a preliminary understanding of the rules of football, at least I know what is offside, what is a direct free kick, and what is an indirect free kick. Some fans, especially some beautiful fans, have watched football matches for many years, and still don't understand what is offside, what is a direct free kick and what is an indirect free kick, and even curiously asked why Yao Ming did not participate in a certain football game.

The European Championship, which once made me obsessed, is now drifting away

In the 1998 World Cup in France, encouraged by Richard Martin's "Cup of Life", this summer, that is, just after graduating from college, I didn't do any farm work at home, no matter how my parents scolded me, I didn't do any farm work at home, and I stayed up more vigil every night to watch football games, and in the daytime, I lay on the sweaty old antique wooden bed and fell asleep. Of course, when watching a football game, you have to prepare a plate of peanuts and a few bottles of beer, although my alcohol consumption is very low, and I belong to the person who gets drunk after a bottle of beer, but it does not affect my enthusiasm for enjoying a wonderful football game while drinking beer. Do you still remember Euro 2000, friends who follow my headline space, whether you are a man or a woman, almost all of them are bad old men and old women over 50 years old, the 2000 European Championship jointly organized by the Netherlands and Belgium, may have a little impression on you. In this year's World Cup, I watched every wonderful game every night with a colleague who had long passed away in the collective dormitory of the unit.

The European Championship, which once made me obsessed, is now drifting away

So, when a colleague accused me of being a fake fan, I was angry, and I was able to stay up all night watching every football game, is this called a fake fan? If my surname is Jia, I can accept you affectionately calling me a fake fan, but I don't have the surname Jia. The next few World Cups and European Championships, as well as some of the best matchups in the Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A and Champions League, I will try to watch them every night, no matter how sleepy I am at night. But slowly I found that when I drank a cup of fragrant coffee and curled up on the sofa in the living room to watch a football game, I had fallen asleep before the game officially started, and when I woke up from my sleep, I found that a game I had been waiting for had ended. So, slowly I stopped staying up all night to watch football matches, and the World Cup held in Qatar last year, if it wasn't for Toutiao's launch of a program "DOU to the World Cup", I guess I wouldn't have paid attention to the Qatar World Cup either.

The European Championship, which once made me obsessed, is now drifting away

The pictures in this article are from the Internet, and the infringement must be deleted

I don't know what's going on, this year's European Cup, no matter how much I searched in the headlines, I couldn't find "DOU to the European Cup", so I had no interest in the German European Cup. I used to be a fairly avid football fan, and although I was dubbed a fake fan by my colleagues, I stayed up countless times to watch one very good football game after another. Now, perhaps because of my age, I have lost my interest in the European Championship and the World Cup, and I have even forgotten about the excitement of the tournament. As a bad old man or an old woman, are you still madly following this exciting football event?