
You don't have enough money to spend, and here's why!

author:Drink tea and get drunk

In today's society, many people often lament that their money is always not enough to spend, and they are already working hard to make money, but they are still stretched at the end of each month. What is the reason behind this? Let's dive in.

You don't have enough money to spend, and here's why!

The prevalence of consumerism is one of the important factors that leads to not having enough money to spend. Under the bombardment of various media and commercial advertisements, we are constantly indoctrinated to pursue a higher quality of life and have more material comforts. Merchants have carefully created an atmosphere of consumption that makes us feel that the purchase of certain goods or services is essential and the key to improving our quality of life and well-being. For example, the rise of various fashion trends has made people constantly chase new clothes, bags and electronic products, and even if the old ones in their hands are still in working order, they will choose to buy new ones because they "can't keep up with the trends". This act of spending for the sake of spending makes our wallets deflated unconsciously.

In addition, merchants are also good at using various means to stimulate our desire to consume. They will create an illusion that goods are very scarce, and through limited editions, limited-time discounts, etc., consumers will have a psychology of losing if they don't buy, so as to consume impulsively. At the same time, big data killing is also quietly underway, the prices of goods we see online may not be the most favorable, and merchants will adjust the prices according to our consumption habits and data, so that we unknowingly spend more money. There are also those queuing crazes, seeing that others are rushing to buy a certain product, we are also easily driven to join the queue of rush to buy, ignoring whether we really need it.

You don't have enough money to spend, and here's why!

In addition, the cost of living in modern society is also rising. The rise in housing prices and prices has made our daily expenses bigger and bigger. Especially in big cities, rent, transportation, food and other expenses can make us feel stressful. In order to cope with these pressures, we may choose to relieve anxiety and stress through consumption, such as eating a large meal or buying something that we have long-cherished, but this is often only a temporary satisfaction, and we still have to face real financial pressures later.

You don't have enough money to spend, and here's why!

In addition, the lack of financial planning is also one of the reasons why there is not enough money to spend. Many people do not develop good financial habits and do not know how to allocate their income and expenses reasonably. They may squander as soon as they get their wages at the beginning of the month, without making any savings for the future. There is also no clear spending plan, and money is often wasted because of some unnecessary consumption.

So, how can we change this situation of not having enough money to spend? First of all, it is necessary to establish a correct concept of consumption.