
Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

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Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

In recent days, the hot search news that has exploded on the Internet is that Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old secondary school girl in Jiangsu, won the 12th place in the global mathematics competition held by Alibaba. Many young netizens exclaimed after seeing Jiang Ping's excellent results: The only true god!

It means that Jiang Ping is the most valuable in the preliminary list, because she has three outstanding characteristics. Studying secondary school is the first feature; The 17-year-old girl is the second characteristic; The third characteristic is to win the 12th place in the preliminary round by self-taught mathematics.

Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

It's worth noting that none of these three features are particularly surprising when taken out alone. It's only when these three characteristics come together that the effect is produced. It's as if a genius has been born, and she's slowly walking towards people.

In the past, people always said that there was no shortage of geniuses on the mainland, let alone talents, but now I have truly experienced this. This is the real thoughts of many netizens at the moment. Especially when a secondary school girl can be compared with a group of students from Tsinghua University and Peking University, the top universities in China.

For this reason, Lao Dongyan, a professor of criminal law at Tsinghua University, also spoke out in support of Jiang Ping. Professor Lao Dongyan commented that a large part of the reason why people today have such unstingy praise for Jiang Ping is not due to her competition results.

Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

It's more about living the way she wants to be, and the best she can be. Jiang Ping has the courage and perseverance to make all efforts for the things she loves, which is pure that very few young people have. Jiang Ping's difference is eye-catching.

Reckless persistence

From the words of Professor Lao Dongyan of Tsinghua University, it is not difficult to find that her core basis is reckless persistence. This kind of reckless persistence can also be reflected in many people, but once Jiang Ping's 17 years old is added, this condition is very unusual.

Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

In other words, at Jiang Ping's age, most students are doing the same thing. That is, according to the general growth route and rules, I am learning some knowledge to prepare for the college entrance examination. For their lives, passing the college entrance examination is the main theme of this stage.

Very few people jump out of this evaluation system and into their own field of interest. Not to mention, Jiang Ping also gave full play to her natural talents and became a sweet spot in the eyes of everyone. Therefore, Professor Lo Dongyan's expectation for young people is to live their own lives.

Rather than being psychologically limited by the fact that society has set limits on what we are to accomplish at each stage, each single subject has the power, freedom, and ability to live the way we want. Jiang Ping's insistence on self-taught mathematics is undoubtedly pursuing what she loves.

Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

And it is precisely this quality that is lacking in the vast number of young people. Since neither the college entrance examination nor the research examination can have partial subject questions, the vast majority of people who have obtained high scores through the college entrance examination and research examination will become de facto mediocre people. Namely: quadrangular warriors.

The meaning of self-limitation

And you can't be the best in a single discipline. If you want to break out of this cycle, you can only go against the wind, show your love for a certain discipline to the fullest, and stick to it even if it is reckless. That's what it really means to be self-limiting.

Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

In fact, the market and society are also rethinking people. That is: people who have not been deeply involved in one field for many years will be questioned if they dare to reach into more fields. For example, Professor Zhang Weiwei of Fudan University majored in international political relations.

But Zhang Weiwei has received widespread attention for speaking out about China's livelihood and social issues. After speaking out many times, Professor Zhang Weiwei's reputation and reputation have shown a trend of falling again and again. Today, Fudan Zhang Weiwei has become one of people's "jokes".

The reason is that Zhang Weiwei used to study English, and he has not studied international political relations for a long time. This shows that when a person has not achieved a well-recognized effect in the field that he has been deeply engaged in for many years, it is best not to talk too much about things in other fields.

Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

This is the true opinion of many netizens about Professor Zhang Weiwei of Fudan in their hearts. But it also answers the question of self-limitation from the side.

But for young people, self-imposed limits are more likely to erode love, motivation and passion. If you want to break through, you must do it in reverse.

Retrograde people are in the minority after all

Although daring to go against the grain will impress everyone, in fact the number of people who go against the grain is really small. Although there are all kinds of retrograde people who can be seen at every age, these retrogrades need to have a moment to prove themselves, and if they don't, they will be ignored.

Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

In other words, Jiang Ping's participation in this mathematics competition allowed her to show her ability and talent to the outside world. But the reality of many retrograde people is that they may not get a chance to show or do not get good results and are buried deeply.

This is undoubtedly very regrettable, but it is very true. Some retrograde people may eventually choose not to go retrograde because they can't make achievements or no one pays attention, and end up living like their past selves and becoming annoying. It can only be said that Jiang Ping is very lucky.

Jiang Ping met a good teacher who also loved mathematics and was willing to help her move forward; Jiang Ping had an opportunity to show her strength to the outside world and successfully achieved proud results; Jiang Ping's reckless persistence finally brought a lot of rewards to her love.

Tsinghua professor Lao Dongyan has an amazing evaluation of Jiang Ping, courage and love vitality! Fryer in the comment area

And how many poor students are becoming more and more mediocre and nameless under the step-by-step situation. Perhaps for the quadrilateral warriors, Professor Lao Dongyan's words can also play a considerable role in motivating. As long as you are a young person, you can live your own life.

It depends on whether your thinking can be changed. If it can be transformed, then it will eventually complete this long road to the west without self-limitation. It's just that some people can get a reward from the Buddha after walking the West Heaven Road; And some people don't.


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