
Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

author:Cloud worldview
Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate, and the future of Ukraine is worrying. The special military operation launched by Russia has lasted for more than 800 days, and the flames of war have spread everywhere, and the land of Ukraine is full of holes and people have been displaced. The United States and its Western allies are still trying to support Ukraine, but with little success.

The military assistance given to Ukraine by Western countries is like a drop in the bucket in the face of Russia's powerful military power. However, the economic sanctions imposed by the United States and the West on Russia have not only failed to make Russia comply, but have aroused Russia's strong dissatisfaction and counterattack, making the situation worse. At this juncture, Putin threw out the conditions for peace talks and gave Ukraine one last chance, which undoubtedly cheered up the outside world.

Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

According to Russian media reports, Putin recently publicly stated that only if Ukraine completely withdraws from the four newly annexed regions of Russia, namely Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye, it is possible for the two sides to sit down and start peace talks. Putin stressed that Ukraine must officially renounce its attempts to join NATO in writing, and promised to maintain neutral status in the future, not to join any military alliances, and at the same time permanently renounce the development of nuclear weapons. In addition to this, as a precondition for a comprehensive peace agreement, Western countries must lift all unilateral sanctions against Russia.

In his speech, Putin pointed out that Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is well aware of its sacred responsibility to maintain global peace and stability. Russia is willing to carry out sincere and frank dialogue and cooperation with all countries in the world on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect. But this in no way implies accepting superficial dialogue or tolerating deception on the part of its dialogue partners.

Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

If Ukraine and the West once again ignore Russia's demands and refuse to seek a negotiated peaceful solution, they must bear full moral responsibility and political consequences for the continued escalation of the fighting. Russia has shown maximum goodwill and sincerity, and the ball is now being kicked again on the pitch of Ukraine and the West.

Some analysts pointed out that Putin's peace initiative is of great significance to European countries that are increasingly tired of aiding Ukraine. In fact, a number of major European countries, including Germany, France, and Italy, are gradually finding that it is increasingly inadequate to continue to provide large-scale military and financial assistance to Ukraine in the current situation of increasing downward pressure on the economy, and the discontent of the domestic population is also growing day by day. Some dignitaries are beginning to openly question whether it is worth blindly following the United States on Ukraine. In this context, Russia's initiative to extend an olive branch to Ukraine may become a lifeline for them to get out of their predicament.

Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

Many people of insight have appealed that after this battle, European countries should wake up and blindly follow the United States to lose their diplomatic independence, and the price is too great. Since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, Europe has followed suit under the baton of the United States, and has fully accepted all of Washington's demands, for fear that it will not comply at all.

But the result? The United States has not only made a lot of money in the arms business, but has also trapped an opponent in a quagmire and cannot get out, killing two birds with one stone and becoming the biggest winner. Europe, on the other hand, has not only suffered heavy losses on the issue of sanctions against Russia, but has also suffered greatly from the refugee crisis and the energy crisis, and has been led by the nose by the United States everywhere. Such blind obedience, in the end, it was a bamboo basket for water, and the gains outweighed the losses.

Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

At this juncture, what European countries need to do is to calmly and rationally reflect on their own policies toward the United States and re-examine their role in the geopolitical landscape. You must know that blindly acting as a pawn of the United States and taking advantage of Washington's fire will only hold you back and miss a good opportunity for development.

Instead of fueling the war and exacerbating the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we should have the courage to contribute to the peaceful resolution of the crisis, and use political wisdom and diplomacy to push the warring parties to return to the negotiating table as soon as possible. This is not only responsible for the interests of our own country, but also responsible for the peace and stability of Europe and the world at large.

Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

What's more, judging from the current battlefield situation, the defeat of the Ukrainian army is a foregone conclusion, and it may be difficult for the United States and the West to turn the tide. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the number of Russian troops participating in the special military operation has reached 700,000, and the number of troops and firepower is strong, ranking first in the European battlefield. Last week alone, the Russian army annihilated more than 12,000 Ukrainian soldiers, and nearly 50 others surrendered to the Russian army.

The Ukrainian army has been defeated and retreated on all fronts, losing its armor and abandoning its armor, and it has become a foregone conclusion that the Russian army is full of morale and momentum, and it is a foregone conclusion that it will take the eastern region of Ukraine and the southern coastal zone in an all-round way. In such a situation, if Ukraine still insists on going its own way and fighting against the water, it is tantamount to self-destruction. In contrast, accepting the olive branch thrown by Russia and seeking peace through negotiations may be able to buy a glimmer of life for itself.

Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

For Ukraine, instead of being beaten to the last soldier by the Russian army, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the homeland is difficult to return, it is better to accept it when it is good and stop the loss in time. Although accepting Russia's terms for peace talks means giving up some territorial sovereignty and will be subject to many restrictions in foreign policy, it can at least leave some dignity for itself and win a respite for national reconstruction and national rejuvenation. What's more, Russia and Ukraine both belong to the East Slavic nation, and the two peoples have deep historical ties and cultural ties. Turning hostility into friendship and returning to the negotiating table may also lay the foundation for good-neighborliness and friendship in the future.

The West should be more pragmatic and help Ukraine get out of the quagmire of war as soon as possible, instead of pushing Ukraine into the abyss. In a sense, the West is to blame for the Ukrainian problem. It is precisely the United States and its allies who continue to squeeze Russia's strategic space that has intensified the contradictions between Russia and Ukraine to such an extent.

Ukraine's defeat is coming, Putin throws away the last chance, 700,000 soldiers are fighting on the front line, and the West wants to be subdued?

Now that the Russian side has put down its posture, taken the initiative to show goodwill, and released a signal of peace, what reason does the West have not to respond positively? Instead of continuing to act as Ukraine's "arms dealer" and "coach" and adding fuel to the fire of a war that is bound to be lost, it is better to lend a helping hand and help Ukraine get out of the sea of suffering and rebuild its homeland. Only in this way can the beautiful and rich land of Ukraine regain tranquility and the people can live and work in peace and contentment.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has come to this point, and it can be described as a chicken feather, and there is no winner. All parties should stand up from the ruins of war and adopt a rational, calm and responsible attitude to de-escalate the situation as soon as possible and return to the right track of peace. Putin's olive branch has provided Ukraine and the West with an opportunity to turn around, and whether it can be seized depends on whether all parties have the wisdom and courage to do so. History will prove that only through dialogue, consultation, and mutual understanding is the correct way out for resolving contradictions and differences. In this ancient land of Ukraine, the dawn of peace will finally return.

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