
appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

author:Passionate biscuits UJkp9F


appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

In recent years, a music competition program called "Sound into the Heart" has been loved by the audience, and many contestants have won the attention and support of the public with their outstanding performances. Among them, Siqingerile, a contestant from Inner Mongolia, became a dark horse in the show with her unique voice and soulful interpretation, which also made the audience have a strong interest in her music path.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

Siqingerile is not a new musician, her name has been in the public eye for many years. As a Mongolian singer, Siqingerile has experienced professional ups and downs and emotional injuries, but it is with the company and redemption of music that she has found the courage and strength to start anew.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56
appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

1. The seeds of dreams

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

Every good musician has a story behind him. And for Siqingerile, her story with music began as early as the moment she was born.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

Siqingerile was born in a pastoral area of Inner Mongolia and grew up on the vast grasslands. Perhaps influenced by the natural environment, Siqingerile developed a strong interest in music, and it was in this environment that her voice gradually showed her innate charm.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

In order to allow Siqingerile to better learn music, her parents decided to send her to an art school for professional training. In her studies and life in art school, Siqingerile has shown extraordinary musical talent, especially has a deep affection for Mongolian traditional music, her singing voice seems to be able to evoke the softest part of people's hearts, and also makes people have a strong interest in Mongolian culture.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56
appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

2. Pursue dreams hand in hand

It was during his study and life in the art school that he met a like-minded partner, who was Zang Tianshuo, who later became an important partner in Siqingerile's musical journey.

Zang Tianshuo, who also hails from the pastoral region of Inner Mongolia, has a persistent pursuit of music, and also has unique insights in composition and interpretation. Two young people came together because of their love for music, they discussed music together, created music, and embarked on the road of acting together, with endless love and longing for music.

At first, their musical dreams were not understood and supported by too many people, and they also experienced a lot of hardships and ups and downs. However, it is their firm belief and unremitting efforts that have gradually won them the recognition of audiences and industry insiders, and they are also fortunate to join a well-known music team and start their career as professional musicians.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

3. The ups and downs of the profession

After entering the music circle, Siqingerile and Zang Tianshuo's music path has also undergone earth-shaking changes, their songs are loved by more and more people, and they have also performed well on various music stages, becoming a new generation of musicians who have attracted much attention.

It can be said that it was at this time that their musical talents were fully displayed, and they also won a large number of loyal fans, became the darlings of many music programs, and even had the opportunity to participate in some large-scale concerts.

It was when their careers were booming that there was a rift in the relationship between the two. In the face of professional challenges and pressures, Zang Tianshuo gradually lost his way, and began to waver in his feelings for Siqingerile, and finally chose to betray and leave.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Siqingerile, she not only lost the other party, but also lost the partner who once chased her dreams together, and the whole person fell into extreme pain and despair.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

Fourth, the salvation of music

In the face of emotional betrayal and career ups and downs, Siqingerile once fell into a long period of trough and confusion, and even had the idea of losing hope in life for a while.

It was at this time that music became the most determined companionship and source of strength in Siqingerile's life. She uses her singing voice to vent her inner pain and helplessness, and also finds an emotional outlet and the possibility of self-redemption in music creation.

Siqingerile's songs are full of insights and love for life, and it also makes people seem to see her slowly regain her confidence and courage in music, and face the strong side of life again.

Perhaps it is precisely because of such persistence and courage that Siqingerile's musical works have been recognized and loved by more and more people, and he has also become a musical idol in the hearts of many people, infecting others with his own stories and songs, and making people full of hope and courage for life.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56

5. Say goodbye to the past and look forward to the future

As the lyrics say, "When suffering comes, I will protect myself with my singing", Siqingerile bravely faced the setbacks and tribulations of life in his own way, and also drew growth and strength from them.

And just when Siqingerile gradually came out of the shadows and rekindled her love for life, fate also drew an unexpected end to the story between her and Zang Tianshuo.

After Zang Tianshuo betrayed and left Siqingerile, he did not live the happy life he imagined, but fell into prison because of some wrong choices, and also suffered from a terminal illness and faced the moment of life.

Faced with such a situation, Zang Tianshuo had endless repentance and remorse in his heart, and he hoped that he could apologize to Siqingerile with the most sincere heart in his lifetime, and also hoped that she could forgive himself, so that he could get a trace of comfort and forgiveness at the moment of his life.

Siqingerile did not choose to visit Zang Tianshuo, but through a song, with the most sincere emotions and blessings, he said goodbye to the past, and hoped that he could be reborn in another world, and he would continue to face life bravely and meet every day in the future.

appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was robbed of the first night by his teacher, forced to have an abortion after an attempt, and no one dared to marry at the age of 56


The story of Siqingerile may be just a microcosm of many musicians, but she uses her own experience and music to convey many profound insights and inspirations to people.

Whether it is in the face of emotional damage or career ups and downs, Siqingerile tells us with practical actions that every setback and tribulation in life can become an opportunity for us to grow and change, and we can also rewrite the meaning of life with courage and perseverance.

Perhaps in the depths of everyone's heart, there is a piece of music of their own, when we can't use words to tell our hearts, we can use singing to vent our emotions, and we can also use music to find salvation and comfort for the soul, so that life can bloom with gorgeous colors because of music.