
The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

author:Let's decipher

Source: CNKI

"I've been looking for my mother for fifteen years, but now I'm full of bones......"

In 1975, the daughter of revolutionary martyr Yang Hanxiu finally found her mother, she carefully rummaged through the soil for the white bone fragments belonging to her mother, collected them in a paper bag, and cherished them on her chest for preservation.

At this moment, she realized that she had found the wrong name for more than ten years, and it turned out that her mother was both "Wu Ming" and Yang Hanxiu, the legendary rich and beautiful "warlord lady".

But no one expected that this eldest lady would be involved in the revolution and be buried in the wilderness.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

"Miss Warlord" is not ordinary

On August 15, 1912, Yang Hanxiu was born into a warlord family in Guang'an County, Sichuan.

Her father, Yang Maoxiu, was a wealthy man in eastern Sichuan and the younger brother of the Sichuan warlord Yang Sen, serving as the division commander and supply commander of his troops, and he had all the money and power.

Yang Hanxiu is the only daughter of Yang Mao's eldest daughter, and the eldest sister of the daughters of the Yang family.

In short, she doesn't have to do anything, and she can live carefree for the rest of her life as long as she follows her father's arrangement.

But Miss Yang is not ordinary, in her words: "You must bind your feet, don't let you go out, arrange a marriage, what's the point of her living?" ”

When she was a child, in the face of her father's feudal ideas such as "girls are bound to their feet", she decisively refused, but her strong father insisted that Yang Hanxiu bind her feet in order to cultivate "standard ladies".

To this end, he also invited a gentleman to teach Yang Hanxiu knowledge, and cultivated her habits and thoughts of "not leaving the door and not stepping out", following the family rules and not showing her face.

Yang Hanxiu did not give in, and under the argument with her father, she walked out of the house at the age of 10 and successfully entered the Qiande Girls' Primary School in Quxian County.

At school, Yang Hanxiu temporarily broke away from the shackles of her family and saw some new things that her father had never let her come into contact with, and she became more and more calm.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

In 1924, Yang's father was shot several times in the Battle of Yichang, and when he parted, he was most relieved of his "restless" daughter Yang Hanxiu.

“…… Big brother, help me take care of Hanxiu......"

At this time, Yang Maoxiu never expected that his dying entrustment would push his daughter to a dead end.

In the face of his younger brother's request, Yang Sen agreed without hesitation, and immediately took Yang Hanxiu to his side to take care of him, and Yang Hanxiu, who lost his father at this moment, was sad and panicked.

Although Uncle Yang Sen did not lack her short, the life under the fence made Yang Hanxiu at a loss.

In addition, Yang Hanxiu treats people gently and politely, and does not have the temper of the eldest lady, and often goes deep into the masses to understand them, this kind of "showing up" behavior makes the Yang family feel "lost face".

In addition, the uncle is more unaccustomed to Yang Hanxiu's "out-of-line" behavior than his father, and often "corrects" her in the direction of famous ladies, which makes her feel imprisoned and uneasy.

Fortunately, Yang Hanxiu is not alone in the Yang family.

She had an "ally" brother, Yang Hanxing, the eldest son of her uncle, who not only participated in various student movements, but also publicly criticized various warlords, and later broke off relations with her father.

Thanks to the blessing of this "ally", Yang Hanxiu not only did not conform to the image of the "eldest lady" in the Yang family's heart, but also "made her own opinion" and quit the marriage contract, but the Yang family had no time to distract from her.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

In 1925, the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party had already lasted for a year.

In 1926, Yang Hanxiu followed her uncle to live in Wanxian County, at this time she was extremely confused, was it a muddy past like this for the rest of her life, or was it ......

In July of the same year, Zhu De, who had returned from the Soviet Union, followed the organization's arrangement and went to Wanxian County, Sichuan, to work under Yang Sen, who belonged to the Kuomintang and was the governor of Sichuan Province at that time.

The arrival of Zhu De brought Yang Hanxiu into contact with the advanced ideas of communism and injected new strength into her stagnant pool.

She liked Uncle Zhu very much, who often came to Yang's house to discuss things with her uncle, and especially liked to listen to him tell vivid, interesting and thrilling revolutionary stories. But whenever Yang Hanxiu wanted to ask something, she would be interrupted by her uncle, which also made her very distressed.

Maybe it was fate or maybe it was rebellion, but his uncle's obstruction not only did not work, but made Yang Hanxiu completely remember communism and revolution.

On September 5, 1926, the "Wanxian Massacre" occurred that shocked the whole country, which was also the first time that Yang Hanxiu faced the cruelty of war and the bloodshed of aggression.

Immediately afterwards, she not only saw the patriotic heart of Zhu De, Chen Yi and other communists, but also saw their courageous behavior of mobilizing the masses in Wanxian County to launch an anti-British movement, and she was deeply shocked by them at that moment.

Maybe that's what she wants, she thought.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

Changed the name and surname to Revolution

After the September 5 tragedy, General Zhu De delivered an anti-imperialist speech.

Yang Hanxiu, who had been moved by Zhu De's advanced thinking early on, after listening to his speech, put aside all the scruples in his heart and resolutely chose the road of anti-imperialism and revolution.

However, there was strong opposition from the family.

Whenever she went out and saw homeless people and beggars coming and going on the road, the kind-hearted Yang Hanxiu was very sad, especially after witnessing many warlords plundering and oppressing the people at her uncle's house, she became more and more sad.

At the same time, she also learned that Yang's father used to be the same.

His father exploited the poor people through his position, so he owned more than 3,000 acres of land and became a big landlord in Qu County, and as a person with vested interests, she once hated herself and hated this kind of life.

"Zhumen's wine and meat stink, and there are frozen bones on the road", Yang Hanxiu became more and more deeply aware of the differences and gaps between her family and the general public, and she didn't want to compromise and wait.

So when General Zhu De left Wanxian, Yang Hanxiu woke up.

She wanted to live for her ideals, so she actively participated in the anti-imperialist patriotic movement and made many acquaintances.

During this period, Yang Hanxiu met a like-minded man Zhao Zhihe, and slowly the two developed an unusual friendship, which also became her first step in rebelling against the Yang family.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

At that time, after the two people fell in love with each other, they planned to leave Sichuan together and go to Shanghai or go abroad to learn foreign languages, striving to do something for the country and the revolution.

But it didn't take long for the Yang family to oppose it, and even arrested Yang Hanxiu home.

No one knows what Yang Hanxiu did at that time, but what is known is that the Yang family no longer blocked Yang Hanxiu's choice, and really let her marry Zhao Zhihe.

The next three years may be Yang Hanxiu's happiest days, she is free from the shackles, has a happy marriage, has a like-minded husband, and gives birth to two love crystals.

Unfortunately, fate is impermanent.

In 1937, the Lugou Bridge Incident broke out and the full-scale War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and the couple decided to go to the front line to support.

On the eve of departure, Zhao Zhihe became seriously ill, and the person died within two days.

Before he died, he took his wife's hand and said, "I'm sorry...... I'll leave it to you later...... I hope that in the future, our children will be able to live in a peaceful era......"

Her husband died unexpectedly, but Yang Hanxiu didn't have time to grieve, in order to fulfill her husband and her own dreams, she silently packed everything and considered the next plan.

It just so happened that Yang Hanxiu learned the news in advance that "Zhu De was appointed commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army" through his newspaper.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later


At this moment, going north to Yan'an has become her hope.

In order to pursue the revolutionary road and the arrival of peace, Yang Hanxiu ruthlessly sent a pair of children back to his hometown.

Then, she found her former tutor Zhu Ruqing, a Communist Party member who broke into the Yang family and gained her trust, and with the help of the other party, she opened the way to the north.

In 1940, Yang Hanxiu, the "warlord lady", arrived at an office of the Eighth Route Army in Xi'an with a letter of recommendation from Zhu Ruqing, where he was reunited with General Zhu De.

"I am determined to give up everything and follow the Communist Party revolution to the end, resolutely transform with a name and surname, and never have the surname Yang ...... without a name."

“…… In that case, let's call it 'Wu Ming'! ”

General Zhu De proposed that if there was no name and no surname, the heavenly "Wu" and the golden name "Ming" should be taken according to the homonym of "nameless", and in this way, the warlord eldest lady Yang Hanxiu disappeared, leaving only Comrade Wu Ming, a revolutionary soldier!

Later, Wu Ming successively entered Yan'an Women's University, Lu Xun Art College, and Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and became a member of the Communist Party of China.

In 1945, Wu Ming was assigned to work in the Guanzhong Military Division.

In March 1946, the organization gave Yang Hanxiu a special task: if the peace agreement was maintained, it would be maintained and the upper level of united front work would be done; If the situation was reversed, an armed struggle against Chiang would be instigated.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

In a few days, she will fly to Chongqing with Premier Zhou Enlai.

Before parting, General Zhu De met with her twice, and she understood that it was a comrade and Uncle Zhu's thoughts, who had put life and death aside.

But she wanted to really give full play to the relationship between the Yang Sen family, so she said goodbye to the other party and resolutely went to Chongqing.

It's a pity that Yang Hanxiu was followed and monitored by spies not long after she arrived in Chongqing, and in order to get rid of these people, she only stayed for a few days to get in touch with Wang Pu, secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, and after agreeing on the contact method, she hurriedly returned to her hometown to carry out activities as "Miss Yang" that she had abandoned before.

In this way, the long-dormant "Miss Yang" reappeared on social media.

During the day, she was actively active in banquets held by people from all walks of life, and in the evening, as a patriot of "Wu Ming", she constantly ran for the preparation of logistics materials.

Later, in order to cover up her behavior, she also sold her family's fertile land, gold and silver in the name of building and operating a dance hall to buy food, cotton wool, guns and other materials, and transported them to the front line of the armed uprising.

With the fame of "Miss Yang" spreading, there were also spies with bad intentions.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

He was arrested three times and died

You must know that although "Miss Yang" is the niece of Sichuan warlord Yang Sen, her actions are too big and too much.

Coupled with the anti-imperialist behavior he participated in in his early years and his contact with Zhu De, it was difficult for Yang Sen, who was a Kuomintang, not to suspect it, and secretly let some spies notice her.

In 1946, Wu Ming unexpectedly lost the contact signal of the party organization and was forced to lose contact with the organization, and at the same time, many tails were staring at her every move.

In 1947, agents arrested her for investigation on the grounds that she refused to fill out a rehabilitation registration form. But Wu Ming's movements were too clean, and he really couldn't catch her "communist" handle.

What's more, this is the "Miss Yang" who is backed by the big warlord Yang Sen, but she is not a small person who is disposed of at will, so they have no choice but to release people.

"Be careful! Don't let us get your hands on you! These were the harsh words left by the angry spies.

In August of the same year, "Miss Yang" was arrested for the second time due to the whistleblowing of the party spy Zhongtong agent, and this time the evidence was conclusive, even if Yang Sen came, it was useless.

She was immediately secretly transferred to the "Sino-US Cooperation Institute" in the Dregs Cave Prison, where she was persecuted, but she did not reveal the slightest information about the Communist Party.

During her detention, she often used her special status to provide some convenience for taking care of sick refugees, or encouraging them to sing Yan'an songs to cheer up.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

Even if someone used her son, she didn't say any information, only mentioned that she would make her son strong and become a progressive youth, and if she died and grew up, she would avenge her. It can be seen that Wu Ming is ready to sacrifice at any time.

However, before more serious torture could come, Wu Ming fell ill.

In April 1949, Wu Ming's condition was so serious that Yang Sen had to bail his "rebellious" niece and put her under house arrest in a Chongqing hospital.

At the hospital, she actively contacted her uncle's aunts and wives, tried to rebel against them, and through them, she passed on the news to her uncle in order to get the 20th Army out of the civil war.

Of course, Janssen remained unmoved.

Uncle can't go this way for the time being, Wu Ming temporarily set his eyes on his cousin Yang Hanlie and mobilized him to revolt, but before her cousin's uprising succeeded, she had something wrong first.

What's going on?

In fact, before Wu Ming gave up persuading her uncle, she made one last effort, but unfortunately she still couldn't say anything, which made Yang Sen more and more impatient.

For Yang Sen, this "disobedient" niece who can be regarded as an "enemy" can neither bring benefits to herself, nor can she be hindered. If it weren't for his brother's only daughter, he would have jumped out with a shot.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later

Until September 2, 1949, a fire caused heavy losses in Chongqing, with countless casualties.

According to Wu Ming's understanding, this fire was a conspiracy deliberately created by the Kuomintang to take revenge and blame the Communist Party, and one of the masterminds was his uncle Yang Sen.

After this incident, Wu Ming was completely disappointed in her uncle, especially when she learned that her uncle had gone to the Chamber of Commerce to extort gold bars before the incident, which made her feel even more ashamed and angry.

Therefore, when she saw the other party, when she saw her uncle's unrepentant face, she couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded her regardless of her junior's identity.

In the face of the scolding of his niece who "caused trouble", Yang Sen was not a person who swallowed his anger, and he was still thinking of a little family affection, but he turned into annoyance and anger, and his murderous intention gradually rose.

On the evening of September 17, 1949, there were still 13 days before the founding of New China.

Yang Sen ordered the arrest of Yang Hanxiu, also known as Wu Ming of the Communist Party, for the third and last time she was arrested.

Then the uncle interrogated his niece overnight, trying to put the name of arson on her, but failed.

Finally, on the eve of his escape, Yang Sen ordered the Criminal Police Department to drag his niece into a car and strangle her, and carry her to a broken bunker to bury her on the spot at the age of 37.

At this time, on November 23, 1949, New China had been established for 53 days, but Wu Ming would never see the dawn again.

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later


Twenty-six years later, Wu Ming, also known as Yang Hanxiu's body, was found by a farmer, and her children were finally reunited with their mother after a fifteen-year absence.

In the future, this unique lady will rest in the tomb of the martyrs of "January 27" in Chongqing, and will be immortalized with all the martyrs!


China National Knowledge Network "The Greatest Warlord Traitor Girl" Yang Hanxiu" - Xiao Nong, Zhang Jianchao

CNKI "The Pride of Yan'an Luyi - Mourning the Martyr Comrade Yang Hanxiu" - Zhang Wang

The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later
The "warlord lady" threw herself into the revolution, but was secretly executed by her uncle, and the truth was revealed 26 years later