
People with prostatic hyperplasia, take these 3 steps well, and the effect will not be lost!

author:The doctor's words

1. Dispel dampness

If you have lived in a tiled house, you will know that the heavier the rain, the less drainage the roof will be, and the rain will drip down.

It's the same for men, it's not good to have too much water in the body, and if it's wet in the body, it will cause the urine to drip endlessly.

Therefore, enhancing the power of water infiltration can promote the discharge of urine.

People with prostatic hyperplasia, take these 3 steps well, and the effect will not be lost!

2. Replenish yang energy

The more hot the fire, the easier it is to boil, the easier it is to boil, the easier it is to boil, but the pot is also easy to dry.

Yang Qi is the fire that transpires the bladder, without fire, the water cannot be transpired, it will accumulate in the bladder, and the urine will be distended and painful.

Therefore, it is necessary to warm and replenish yang qi, promote bladder transpiration and gasification, and reduce frequent urination and urinary weakness.

3. Pain relief

Patients with prostatic hyperplasia have long-term urine holding and less abdominal distention.

People with prostatic hyperplasia, take these 3 steps well, and the effect will not be lost!

Prostatic hyperplasia in 3 steps, step by step, precise and amazing!

A patient who suffered from prostatic hyperplasia for 4 years.

1. Frequent urination, especially at night

2. Weakness of urine, leakage of urine after urine, dripping endlessly

3. Less abdominal distension and strong discomfort

4. Soreness in the waist and weakness in the limbs

5. Sensitivity to cold

6. The tongue is light, the tongue coating is white and greasy, and the pulse is like a heavy string

The syndrome is that gasification is lost, and yang qi is insufficient.

What hinders gasification is moisture. The water is damp and turbid, and the turbidity obstructs the flow of air.

Therefore, the treatment needs to remove dampness, replenish yang qi, and relieve astringency and pain.

Fang uses [Earth Spirit Scatter].

Radix Epsom, Poria Cocos, Poria Poria, Atractylodes Macrocephalus, Cinnamon Branch, Cornus officinalis, Astragalus membranaceus, White Paeonia officinalis, Licorice.

Soil can overcome water, just like a leaky roof, sprinkle a handful of dry dust, and the water can be quickly absorbed.

Therefore, when the proposed prescription is being prepared, it is necessary to

People with prostatic hyperplasia, take these 3 steps well, and the effect will not be lost!

Fang Zhong Ze Yuan, Poria Cocos, Zhu Ling, and Atractylodes macrocephalus can do it, which not only transports water and moisture, but also strengthens the middle earth, so as to continuously transport water and moisture.

Combined with cinnamon branches and dogwood, it warms and replenishes kidney yang, and white peony, licorice, and astragalus relieve pain.

The whole formula plays the effect of transporting water and dampness, warming and replenishing kidney yang, and relieving pain.

After taking medicine 12, the urine was basically discharged smoothly, the feeling of abdominal distension disappeared, and the nocturia was reduced to 1 to 2 times.

A total of 25 years were taken before and after, and the urine was unobstructed, and all the evidence was flat.

People with prostatic hyperplasia, take these 3 steps well, and the effect will not be lost!