
The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

author:Cold-eyed spring and autumn
The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

When heaven and earth come together, heroes are not free!

When, fate "bang" comes to you all of a sudden, and you will be printed in red all of a sudden; When, fate will come to you again, and you will fall to the bottom all of a sudden. What kind of life fate has arranged for you, who can say for sure?

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

Just like Jiang Ping of Jiangsu Lianshui Secondary School, a 17-year-old girl who studied fashion design, according to the established trajectory of fate, after the three-year secondary school expires, she will become a tailor and find a fixed job, which is already very good, and life looks up to it.

His sister Jiang Ling is three years old and Jiang Ping is three years old, and she graduated from Lianshui Secondary School, according to neighborhood rumors, when she was studying, her sister got all kinds of awards, but she also couldn't overcome her fate, and now she works in a milk tea shop, sleeping only three or four hours a day, and uses her youth to buy money. Not surprisingly, Jiang Ping also repeated her sister's old path, but it is possible that Jiang Ping did not go to the bubble tea shop, but to the tailor shop.

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

However, fate gave Jiang Ping a moment, Jiang Ping met Wang Runqiu, a math teacher, and under the guidance and persuasion of Wang Runqiu, she participated in the 2024 "Ali Number Competition".

Ali number competition is a global mathematics competition award, attracting many students from the world's famous universities to participate, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Princeton University many outstanding students participated, do not expect, Jiang Pingjing won the 12th place in the preliminaries, into the encirclement, directly let the famous schools with master's and doctoral titles of students stunned, this is really from the desert boy Guo Jing, with a trick of the Nine Yin True Scripture, really killed the martial arts seniors in seconds, which made people jaw-dropping.

Liu Ben, a doctor from the University of Science and Technology of China who ranked thirteenth, was nicknamed "Thirteen Masters" and even went down in person, expressing his admiration for the fledgling genius girl, and staged a hero's good show of saving beauty, which directly fueled the flames and made Jiang Ping run wild on the road of the genius girl's personality.

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

After all, this girl named Jiang Ping, in the past two years, has been fighting at night, and all her spare time and evening self-study time have been spent on the study of mathematics, which has not been in vain after all.

Great talent is born in the people, and heroes come from recklessness, which is true!

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

In fact, about the "genius", although it is extremely rare, it is not that it is not seen, one is that in the eyes of ordinary people, he does not recognize his genius, and the other is that he himself is used to it, everyone has already labeled and hatted it, plus there is no discovery vision like Wang Runqiu, most of the geniuses are unknown!

Jiang Ping is the alternative among the alternative!

I went to primary school in a backward and closed village, when a classmate was extremely soft, extremely flexible, self-taught, would perform all kinds of aerial somersaults, more than 20 in a row, climbing trees and houses were extremely neat, and the village life was light.

"It's really a good seedling, if you become a soldier and enter the army art troupe, then you can pay it back!"

However, time has passed, what kind of life is this classmate?

He stayed in the small village for most of his life, didn't read much, couldn't study, wanted to be a soldier at the age of eighteen, it didn't matter, he had no power, he was squeezed out, he never left the small village all his life, he worked as a coolie everywhere, he was so poor that he couldn't open the pot, and when he reached the marriageable age, he couldn't even ask for a partner, and finally married a mute girl to live, who knows, and gave birth to a mute child, that day, alas, I was worried about it......

I often think that there is no shortage of geniuses and talents in this world, but there is a lack of soil for discovering geniuses and a lack of vision for discovering geniuses!

It is true that the girl Jiang Ping is talented in mathematics, however, without Wang Runqiu's vision of discovering geniuses, even if Jiang Ping is noble and has a family, she can only be stuck in the quagmire, just like an ordinary person!

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

When she was in junior high school, Jiang Ping showed a strong interest in learning mathematics, for the finale, there were ideas for solving the problem at a glance, and she was not interested in simple math problems at all, even so, her math scores were mediocre, and she did not play a big role in the high school entrance examination, otherwise, she would not have scored 621 points in the high school entrance examination and went to study an ordinary secondary school.

What is Genius?

Genius has the ingredient of talent, but it is more necessary to cultivate, to dig, to study for a long time in a certain city, and accumulate over time, in order to dig that well, in order to taste the sweet fruit.

Jiang Ping's prominence stems from the unique patience training of teacher Wang Runqiu, and in this process, it highlights the different pattern and vision of this master's student who graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Jiangsu University.

One of them: discovering talents

"At that time, Jiang Ping could score more than 130 to 140 points in the 150-point math paper, while the second-ranked student in the class could only score 50 or 60 points, and Jiang Ping was ahead of the cliff."

The first monthly exam made Wang Runqiu notice Jiang Ping, and through patient and careful observation after class, he realized that this girl has strong mathematical thinking and strong logical reasoning ability, and is an irreplaceable pearl in mathematical research. With all these well-known observations, Mr. Wang began to cultivate carefully.

Second, the work of cultivation

"If you have the spare time to learn, can you follow you Wang to learn mathematics?" Jiang Ping asked Teacher Wang.

Teacher Wang Runqiu happily agreed to Jiang Ping, and since then, Wang Runqiu has done his best to guide him on the road of learning mathematics, and the realistic version of "Soul Catcher" has been released.

"When I encounter a problem, I will ask Mr. Wang, and he will not answer directly, but guide me to solve it myself."

Jiang Ping later faced the interview media and recalled. Under the guidance of Mr. Wang, Jiang Ping's mathematics level has made rapid progress in a short period of time.

Third, the effect of promotion

In order to let Jiang Ping stand on a higher academic platform, have a larger pattern and open vision, Wang Runqiu recommended to Jiang Ping the "Advanced Mathematics" published by Tongji University and the "Mathematical Analysis" by Xie Huimin.

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

For more than two years, Jiang Ping gnawed down these tomes little by little, and she spent almost all of her time immersed in the world of mathematics, and this little girl underwent a reborn change.

Because of some difficult problems, Wang Runqiu recommended Jiang Ping to read foreign mathematics monographs, which are pure English and full of professional terms, so Jiang Ping can only use translation software to chew them out little by little while looking up the dictionary. With the rapid development of mathematics expertise, Jiang Ping's English proficiency is also rising.

In the hard work of the genius girl, her college dream is also ready to move again, and she is eager to be admitted to Zhejiang University to fulfill her childhood dream.

It is worth mentioning that, in fact, the teacher Wang Runqiu is also a reluctant person, he graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Jiangsu University, with the title of master's degree, in such an involuted employment situation, but he had to be with the wife of a college classmate who graduated with a master's degree in mathematics.

A down-and-out graduate student of Jiangsu University who is obsessed with mathematics, a secondary school student who can't go to high school to succumb to fashion design, and two teachers and students who are also sinking into the trough of fate, support and start the Jedi counterattack of fate.

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

Without Wang Runqiu, Jiang Ping is an ordinary junior high school student, and there will be one more tailor in the sewing shop in the future, without Jiang Ping, Wang Runqiu is just an ordinary secondary school teacher, his love for mathematics is not worth firewood, rice, oil and salt after all, he will also go on the vicissitudes of life, with baldness, and old age.

However, after all, the two unwilling souls did not agree with the mercy of fate, they struggled and worked hard, and then, they started to work together, and finally completed a mathematical story, and also fulfilled each other's lives!

Life, who can say clearly the mystery, the change of fate has to be put on others, only two people can react, it is possible to produce new changes, change is common, general is long!

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

In Jiang Ping and Wang Runqiu, the two masters and apprentices, they are mutually perfect and mutually perfect. Jiang Ping, who won the 12th place through the "Ali Number Competition", once scored, the world heard that after that, no matter what her final results were, she was already famous, her life is destined to change, to make waves, whether it is Changshu University of Technology, or even a more famous school, or even a famous foreign school, at least one university will admit Jiang Ping, her future life road is destined to be extraordinary, destined to go all the way.

Similarly, for the teacher Wang Runqiu, it is also a great joy from the sky, and the famous educator Wang Jinzhan has spoken out repeatedly recently, bluntly saying that "talents are rare" and "teachers are rare". More professors from famous schools also stood up and said that they were willing to recruit Mr. Wang Runqiu under his name and let him study for a doctorate.

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

Wang Runqiu graduated in 2020 with a master's degree in mathematics from Jiangsu University, and has shown his skills in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition for three consecutive years. The results are getting brighter and brighter year by year: from 432 in the preliminary round for the first time, to 125 last year, and then to 166 in this year's preliminaries. Today's Wang Runqiu's normal inference, that is, the age of nearly thirty, graduated with a master's degree in 2020, that is, about 25 years old, plus 4 years of teaching, about 29 years old, it is the prime of life, it is the best time for him to study for a doctorate.

Whether it is a Ph.D. or a higher school to teach, it is a very good choice for Wang Runqiu.

Wang Runqiu and Jiang Ping, this pair of teachers and students, have fulfilled each other, encouraged each other, supported each other, and walked towards a better shore.

The path of salvation for genius master and apprentice

When I was in high school, I had a good student in physics, his name was Li Yang, who had an out-and-out love for physics, and had taught himself most of the college physics courses. In my junior year of high school, in physics class,

After the teacher finished speaking, he asked, "Li Yang, do you understand?" Li Yang nodded.

The physics teacher gently threw down the chalk and said, "It's okay for everyone to understand, no, you can ask me another question." ”

At that time, Li Yang's physical level was still visible. However, what is surprising is that in the college entrance examination, Li Yangjing was admitted to Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology, majoring in agronomy. A physical genius has fallen. His father said,

"There are too many smart people in the world, so let's let people engage in scientific research! Li Yang studied agriculture, it would be good to be able to return to the county! "Huh!


Seeds can only grow when they meet the right soil, and geniuses can only thrive when they meet good teachers. Jiang Ping met Wang Runqiu, how fortunate he was!