
A person who has a human touch for others will ultimately benefit themselves

author:Fisherman, farmer, read and see life

As the saying goes, "Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil consequences." ”

When we treat others with kindness, we naturally reap good rewards;

On the other hand, if we have malicious intentions and treat others badly, we will only end up reaping the consequences.

A person who has a human touch for others will ultimately benefit themselves


Human beings are social creatures, and our lives and work are inseparable from our interactions with others.

If we don't have a good heart, if we are always malicious to others, and if we don't leave anything to chance, then we will only make others resentful of us and eventually leave us.

In the long run, we will become alone, estranged from interpersonal relationships, and it will be more difficult for us to integrate into society and achieve careers.

Therefore, we should learn to treat others with kindness and leniency.

You must know that being tolerant of others is actually treating yourself well and leaving yourself more space and opportunities.

Both the old and the young should have this human touch.

Young people, especially young men, tend to be impulsive, impatient, and decisive, leaving no room for error.

However, such behavior will only make it difficult for them to be welcomed and accepted by others in society.

In interpersonal interactions, we should strive to be humane and tolerant of others.

In this way, when we are in trouble, there will be people who are willing to lend a hand to help us.

As the saying goes, "leave room for self-widening", only by leaving enough space and room for ourselves, can we go further and wider on the road of life.

A person who has a human touch for others will ultimately benefit themselves


George Rhone, a talented lawyer in Vienna, was forced into exile in Sweden in the wake of World War II, penniless and in desperate need of a job to make ends meet.

He is fluent in several Chinese languages and has a dream of finding a suitable position in an import and export company.

Most companies, however, declined his application and said only that they would put his name on file.

One of these rejection letters was particularly glaring, in which he bluntly accused him of being stupid and clumsy, and even questioned that he could not even write Swedish well, and that there were many typos in the letter.

Faced with such humiliation, George Rhone was so angry at first that he almost lost control.

However, he quickly calmed down and reflected deeply. He admits that Swedish is not his first language and that he has to work harder to improve if he wants to gain a foothold in the workplace.

A person who has a human touch for others will ultimately benefit themselves

So, he put pen to paper and wrote a thank you letter.

In the letter, he thanked the other party for replying even though he did not need a secretary, and admitted that he did not know enough about the company's business, and said that he would redouble his efforts to learn Swedish and correct his mistakes.

This letter of sincerity and determination eventually won him the favor of that company, and he was able to land a well-paid job.

This experience not only demonstrated George Rona's tenacity and wisdom, but also taught us how to transform difficulties with a positive attitude in the face of setbacks and humiliation, and ultimately achieve self-growth and improvement.

Obviously, the importance of tolerance and humanity to life is self-evident.

In the case of George Rhone, if he had been angry and spoke ill of him by that rude letter, that high-paying job would have passed him by.

This once again confirms that having a kind heart and treating others with a tolerant heart is actually treating yourself well and leaving more possibilities for your life path.

A person who has a human touch for others will ultimately benefit themselves


In the interpersonal arena, we must not ignore this crucial social strategy in order to weave a harmonious network of relationships and lay a solid foundation for our future development.

Don't be the kind of person who goes all the way to the dark, even if you face people you don't like, or even often make things difficult and sarcastic for you, you should learn to live in harmony with them.

When the other party treats you with a tough attitude, you should learn to overcome the rigidity with softness and bring the human touch to the extreme.

In this way, you can not only make the other party feel your kindness and tolerance in shame, but also win valuable popularity for yourself.

For young people, this quality of kindness to others is especially valuable.

It can help you win good relationships, so that you can integrate into society faster and gain a foothold.

Being kind to others is actually being kind to yourself.

A person who has a human touch for others will ultimately benefit themselves

A person full of humanity will eventually reap full fruits on the road of life.

Therefore, we should learn to be kind to others and forgive their mistakes. This is not only to open the door to others, but also to open a broader stage of life for yourself.

Let us write a wonderful chapter of life with tolerance and kindness, and win more support and help for ourselves. #记录今日心情#

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right, you pass by here like the wind, may you stay warm and comfortable for a moment.

I am (Yuqiao Farming), welcome to follow