
Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

author:Qinghe reads and raises children

There is a small poem that describes people in middle age like this:

It's the best age of life and the worst of years.

It is a season of light, but also a season of bleakness.

It is a winter of disappointment, but also a spring of hope.

On the one hand, middle-aged people have experienced the tempering of the years, faded away from the youthfulness and innocence of their youth, become more mature and sophisticated, and have also accumulated rich life experience.

On the other hand, in the gap of "old and old", our world has long been quiet and good, and many times it is a cumbersome place.

Competition in the workplace, run-in in marriage, and hardships in educating children...... The pressures of life put middle-aged people in a lot of difficulties.

"If you are poor, you will think about change", the more difficult the time, the more the opportunity to change your life.

As long as we can make good use of these seven powers, we can still achieve a counterattack in life.

Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

01. The power of belief - the "lighthouse" that lights up the soul

Where is the difference between the poor and the rich? The first is faith.

Writer Cai Fuqiang said: The rich always say "I can" to themselves, and the poor always say to themselves, "I'm afraid I can't".

Edison invented the electric light and failed more than a thousand times.

For most people, I don't know how many times I have given up, but Edison always believed that every failure is a step towards success.

Indeed, failure is about eliminating mistakes and getting closer to success.

The power of belief is the power of believing and believing.

One thing, as long as you have a strong belief, no matter how far away your dreams and goals are, it will produce a powerful force.

Once this power is generated, fate will follow your will in a good direction.

McGee once said, "What a man believes, his future life will be close to." ”

In other words, you can only create a rich life if you first believe that you can become rich.

If you believe in failure, you will fail; You believe in success, and you can succeed.

In order for fate to change, we must first change our inner beliefs.

Constantly sow the "seeds of faith" in life, and always "water" and take care of ......

One day, these beliefs will grow into a "towering tree" that seeps into our subconscious and becomes a great force that pushes us forward bravely.

Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

2. The power of focus - the "laser" that breaks the ice and moves forward

What are the first ingredients for success?

Dong Yuhui said: "If you have no distractions, everything can be broken." ”

It's normal for young people to have multiple goals at the beginning of their careers.

But when people reach middle age, after a period of trial and error, we need to determine a goal that is suitable for our own development and put all efforts into it.

The power of focus is the "laser" that we use to break the ice and move forward.

Focus for a long time, and you can finally detonate that point, and then make a splash.

Really powerful people are masters of high concentration.

They can cut through the complex and focus their precious ideas on what they want to do.

"Cognitive Awakening" says: "The real master of action is not someone who has the ability to do many things at the same time, but someone who will find a way to avoid doing many things at the same time." ”

Only by knowing how to focus and spending your energy on the most important things can you dig out "depth" and make achievements.

Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

03. The power of gratitude - the "help" to overcome difficulties

Jin Weichun, the founder of "Business Week", said that the entrepreneur he admires the most is Kazuo Inamori.

Kazuo Inamori does business and knows how to cultivate a grateful heart.

Because of his gratitude, Kazuo Inamori has accumulated a lot of contacts and established a good reputation, and the people who believe in him continue to come, and the business will continue to flow.

"Positive Psychology" also tells us that gratitude is a positive psychological energy.

The higher a person's level of gratitude, the higher their subjective happiness and the more positive their mindset will be in the face of difficulties.

The higher the level and the higher the wisdom, the more grateful people are.

But gratitude alone is not enough to know, it needs to be practiced.

In order to learn gratitude, Jin Weichun specially went to consult the teacher, and the teacher taught him four sentences:

Thank you for allowing me to meet you in this life;

Thank you for the awareness and learning you have brought to me;

Thank you for being a mirror of my life;

Thank you for seriously playing your part.

Whenever you encounter something unhappy and someone you can't get along with, you can say these four words until you can face it with a smile.

Many times, when we learn to be grateful, we will get more help to overcome difficulties.

Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

04. The power of repetition - the "ladder" of life forward

Jack Ma said: "What's a great thing? A great thing is something that is done mundanely, repeatedly, monotonously, and boringly countless times, and it will be done great. ”

I think so.

The secret of firm belief is to keep repeating it on the path of the identified goal.

The most amazing power in the world is the power of repetition.

When a person is determined to do something repeatedly, he can achieve a leap from quantitative change to qualitative change.

You should never underestimate the power of repetition, it is difficult to go from 0-1, but when you repeat to go beyond 1, you will find that the rest will fall into place.

The most powerful people are often the masters of constant repetition, they are determined, determined, not internal friction, will continue to work their own path, and in the end you will find that success is often these people.

This is "God rewards hard work", God will favor those who do things repeatedly, and opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

A good life must endure loneliness, repetition and monotony.

Find the right direction, repeat, repeat, and thrive in life.

One inch further, one inch of joy, and the advancement of life comes from this.

Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

05. The power of action - the "Hot Wheels" that crosses obstacles

The farthest distance in the world is not life and death, but knowledge and action.

The power of action is enormous.

Doing something, just start acting, and you're halfway there.

Taking action is the beginning of our experience and the beginning of solving all problems.

No matter how good the idea is, how wonderful the idea is, how great the chance, if you don't take action, the chance of success is zero.

Really powerful people are masters of action, they never make excuses to do things, but will find a way, and continue to act, have a goal in mind, have a direction for action, and do things naturally.

Life is like a matryoshka doll, there are small contradictions in the big contradictions, and only action can relieve the uneasiness.

The power of healing is not only in the heart, but also in the action.

Step on the "Hot Wheels", bravely cross the obstacles, and the life you want will get closer and closer to you.

Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

06. Inward power - the "internal force" that nourishes the psychology

Zhou Guoping said: "Only when the heart is rich and full, can we calmly resist all the restlessness and restlessness in the world." ”

The highest state of life is to nourish the soul, not to satisfy desires.

When a person knows how to withdraw his external strength into the depths of our hearts:

No longer seek outward, but grow inward, communicate with yourself, compete with yourself, and give yourself peace;

No longer obsessed with external evaluation and recognition, but to follow what you really want and bravely chase your dreams;

No longer immersed in the hustle and bustle of the world, to find your true peace, learn to be alone, and know how to cultivate internally......

At that time, you will find that the abundance of the heart is the true freedom.

Really powerful people are masters of looking inward, with "profound internal force" that nourishes the soul.

When a person is at peace inside, not fighting for external things, and not being disturbed by external things, life will naturally become smoother and smoother, and luck will get better and better.

Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

07. The Power of Language - The "Magic Wand" of Reshaping Luck

"Good words and three winters are warm", the good and evil in the heart are the origin of blessings and misfortunes, and only by keeping your mouth shut can you retain the blessings.

Words have energy, and when you speak harshly to others, the pain will eventually come back to you, and how much pain you bring to others will end up doubling down on it.

Sow good because you get good results, sow evil causes get bad results.

You think you're hurting someone else, but you're hurting yourself.

In the same way, if everything you say is full of good things and can bring happiness to others, then these happy energies will eventually come back to you, nourish you, and accumulate blessings for yourself.

If you want to make your luck better, you must start with cultivating virtue and be in awe, so that you can stop there.

Change your life in middle age, be your own master, and make good use of these 7 powers

Write at the end:

Lu Yao said:

"Life can't wait for others to arrange, you have to fight and struggle for yourself. Whether the outcome is happy or sad, you have lived in this world in vain. ”

Really good people have lived as their own masters.

Dare to turn the number of years into the story of life; It can also turn the established facts into an ideal reality.

Fate is not an impenetrable barrier, as long as you do your best, everyone will seek the most suitable outcome for themselves.

May each of us make good use of these powers, with wisdom and courage, to dispel the gloom of life and let the rest of our lives shine.