
At the age of 50, I suddenly understood that the best way for a person to live is actually two words

author:An idler


Many people in their forties and fifties feel confused about the future, and some even feel that whether you have money or not, it will be difficult to get old.

I don't think so.

I feel that the state of mind determines whether a person's life is happy or unhappy.

Happy people, no matter how simple the conditions are, can be happy; And unhappy people will not feel happy, no matter how privileged they are.


Asking too much, being dissatisfied, not seeing anything well, no one can live with themselves, and distrusting others is the root cause of not feeling happy.

And happy people only do these two words: gratitude!

At the age of 50, I suddenly understood that the best way for a person to live is actually two words

The best way for a person to live is actually two words: gratitude

The more thankful, the luckier!

The more you are grateful for something, the more you can receive.

The more you are dissatisfied with something, the more things in your life that the Lord will displease you will have. The more you are afraid of something, the more likely it is that something will happen.

There is a saying that what you are afraid of comes.

Another saying is called a prophecy.

Meaning, the more you hate something, the more you don't want it, then, according to Murphy's Law: if something is likely to go bad, no matter how small that possibility is, it will happen.

The same thing.

What you are grateful for, you will receive; As much as you are grateful, you can get.

The book "Power" says: When you are grateful for the things you have, no matter how small they are, you will get more of them; If you are grateful for the money you have now, no matter how little, you will get more money; If you are grateful for a relationship – even if it's not so perfect at the moment, the relationship will get better.

This is not superstition, nor is it brainwashing.

You can recall.

When you have done something for others and received their gratitude, are you particularly happy? Do you want to do something more for her?

Why do some people like to be enthusiastic about helping others outside? Apathetic at home?

It's because, on the outside, you may just show your hands, but others can thank you a lot, you feel that you have only done a little bit, but others thank you a lot. So, your efforts are recognized, and you are willing to do more.

At home, if you do anything, it is considered as it should be.

No matter how much you do or how well you do, no one recognizes it, no one affirms it, and you can't get praise, and sometimes you don't do it well, and you will complain.

Who would want to do more?

Whether at home or outside, the more you are affirmed, the more motivated you are;

The more they are not recognized, the more they are ignored, or the more they are denied, the more they are resistant, and the more they don't want to do anything.

Therefore, if you want your husband to be good to you, you have to look at his strengths, see more of his contributions, and be grateful for his contributions, he will definitely be more considerate and tolerant than you think.

If your husband doesn't want to do anything at home, and he doesn't want to pay too much at home, you should reflect on yourself, have you ever been grateful to your husband?

Don't think that when he gets married, what should he do? How much should I do?

When people have a "should" mentality, they will feel taken for granted, and they will become critical and dissatisfied.

Thanksgiving will make your husband better and better!

Picky will push your husband farther and farther!

Whether it's for the husband, or for the wife, for the juniors, or for the elders, it's the same.

The more grateful you are, the more others want to be nice to you; The more dissatisfied you feel, the less people want to care about you.

Therefore, blessed people have no requirements for others, but they will be very grateful if they get even a little bit of good from others.

At the age of 50, I suddenly understood that the best way for a person to live is actually two words

Why should people be grateful

Gratitude is actually a kind of cherishing and satisfaction.

If a person wants a lot, he gets a lot.

Got a lot and wanted more; Got a thousand, wanted ten thousand.

You know, man's desires are endless. No man is content.

The more you want, the more you don't get thankful when you don't get it very satisfying.

If others give, not only will you not be grateful, but you will also complain about others, why only give you such a little? Would you be willing to give again?

Of course not! I even want to get back what I have already given out.

reminds me of the story of Sun Li helping a child in a poor mountainous area.

Sun Li probably no one doesn't know, she is a famous actor, once filmed in the mountains, and heard that the local people are very poor, and many children have no money to go to school and are facing dropout.

Sun Li thought that sponsoring a student to go to school was a completely capable thing for herself.

So, she chose a poor family and promised to sponsor him to go through college.

This should be a great thing for a child from a poor family. We should be grateful, we should be grateful for the grace of a drop of water, and we should repay it when a spring springs.

However, the child was not grateful.

Sun Li kept her promise and not only covered his tuition and living expenses every year, but also gave him a little pocket money.

After graduating from high school, the boy was admitted to the Shanghai Fisheries School at the suggestion of Sun Li.

If it weren't for Sun Li's funding, he might have dropped out of school a long time ago.

However, Sun Li's funding did not make him grateful, but felt that Sun Li gave too little.

thinks she is such a big star, in addition to all the tuition and miscellaneous fees, she only gives 500 yuan of pocket money every month.

Everyone else uses an Apple mobile phone, and he thinks that Sun Li is so rich, it is not impossible to buy him an Apple mobile phone.

But he forgot that it is someone else's affection to support you; It's not that you have to make an inch of capital.

He revealed his displeasure to reporters. It's not good to say how Sun Li is. As soon as the article came out, it caused an uproar.

Many people ridiculed Sun Li: The city doesn't allow dogs, how can you raise "wolves"?

It means that she has been kind enough to fund a "white-eyed wolf" for so many years.

Since then, Sun Li has never funded him a penny, and has cut off any contact with him.

Who will be willing to help a person who does not know how to be grateful?

originally had a good future, but after graduating, he might be able to be taken care of by Sun Li and have a good job.

However, I don't know how to be grateful, and it is said that after the incident came out, I was looked down upon by many people, and I couldn't bear the pressure and dropped out of school. No one wants to hire someone who doesn't know how to be grateful.

His life was completely ruined because he didn't know how to be grateful.

At the age of 50, I suddenly understood that the best way for a person to live is actually two words

How to find something to be grateful for in life

Treat yourself as yourself and others as others.

Whether it's a partner or a child, don't feel that your family should do something for you or that you should pay for the family.

He can do it or not.

Everyone has the freedom to do what they want.

You can't force someone to do what you love.

You can't force everyone to live as you want.

Let the flowers become flowers, and let the trees become trees. Let yourself live more like yourself and let others live more like others.

This is a prerequisite for respect and gratitude.

When you recognize the true meaning of life, you will not feel that you will be happy when others should do it; Rather, what others do is free for others.

You don't ask for it, but you are grateful.

If others don't do it, you won't get angry; Someone else did it, and you thought it was a surprise.

After Guo Youcai became popular, he thanked the fans: I originally only wanted a garden, but you gave me the whole spring.

It is a surprise, but also a joy of gratitude.

Your emotional value, make others happy, others will be willing to give more.

Rodin said: There is never a lack of beauty in this world, but a pair of eyes that find beauty.

There is no lack of good fortune in life, but a grateful heart.

At the age of 50, I suddenly understood that the best way for a person to live is actually two words

In life, things that make me grateful

Thanksgiving, let my life, every day is very satisfying and happy!

1: I am grateful to my husband for not forcing me to go to work to earn money.

Many people say that when they are only 50 years old, they don't go out to work at home every day. One person's ease is another person's burden.

I know, and of course my husband knows.

I don't go to work, so I don't have that much money. However, because he loves me, he is willing to support me to do what I want to do.

He said that more money is spent more, and less money is spent less.

So, even though I didn't go to work, he never embarrassed me or looked down on me because I didn't go to work.

Didn't push all the housework to me alone.

So, I'm very grateful to him.

And he's getting better and better. Even better than I wanted.

All his money was given to me, afraid that I would not be willing to spend money, afraid that I would worry about money.

I go home after work every day, and I don't dislike me because I didn't go to work. Instead, we are together when we have time.

Gave me all the tolerance and support.

2: Thanks to my children, they are very sensible and didn't bother me.

Thank you to two children who came into my life and made me their mother.

I feel that my life has become complete and happy because of my two children.

3: I am grateful for my current life, which is very stable and satisfying.

I don't feel lacking, life has given me a lot more than I want.

So, I am very satisfied and very happy.

4: Thank you Toutiao for giving me the direction to work hard.

I try to improve myself every day. Reading and writing every day makes me not empty and lonely at all.

Every day is diligent, every day is rewarded, every day is happy, so that my life is very meaningful every day.

5: Be grateful for all the money I've had in my life.

I never felt lacking, I always felt rich.

Because I want less, I always feel that I can't spend enough money.

So, I'm not willing to spend money, but I'm willing to spend money for my family.

Money is used to make life more rational and happier.

6: Thanks to my body, very healthy.

I'm 50 years old, but my body is full of energy.

Running every morning makes me feel energized;

Have a good appetite for eating, sleep well; Be in a good mood to do things.

Because of physical health and mental health, you can do what you love every day.

7: Thank you to all of you who liked my articles.

Your support and affirmation are the driving force behind my efforts.

Thank you for reading, liking, commenting, retweeting, and lots of pertinent suggestions.

I am very grateful and very grateful.

Thank you for seeing me so small in the vast sea of nets, and make my life meaningful because of your blessings.

Thank you, dear guys, for what I have and for what I have got.

Because of gratitude, it also makes my life feel happy every day.

I also wish all friends to have the magic weapon of "gratitude" and live the life they want.

At the age of 50, I suddenly understood that the best way for a person to live is only two words: gratitude!

At the age of 50, I suddenly understood that the best way for a person to live is actually two words