
The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

author:Physician Sister Xiaohong
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One day, Xiao Li found that he was sweating less and less in the summer, and he felt very stuffy. Not only that, but his friend Xiao Zhang also began to have a frequent runny nose and always felt that he couldn't breathe. Both of them wondered, are these little problems a warning from the body?

The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

Heart health and sweating

The heart is the core engine of our body, and it is not only responsible for blood supply, but also plays an important role in thermoregulation. When the heart is not functioning well, blood circulation slows down, leading to an imbalance in thermoregulation, which affects sweating.

Insufficient pumping of blood from the heart can prevent the body from dissipating heat properly and sweating less. This phenomenon is especially common in people with heart disease. Patients treated with thiazolidinediones (TZDs) for diabetes often experience edema and weight gain due to drug-induced fluid retention. These symptoms not only affect sweating, but can also be a precursor to heart failure.

The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

Clinically, we have found that many heart patients sweat abnormally in their daily lives, especially during exercise or hot weather, and are prone to stuffiness and even heat stroke. If you notice that you are sweating abnormally, you should see your doctor as soon as possible to check your heart function. In daily life, it is also important to improve heart health through moderate exercise and a healthy diet, and regular medical check-ups.

Lung function and runny nose

A runny nose is often thought of as a symptom of a cold, but in fact, it can also be a warning sign of lung health. Poor lung function can lead to increased mucus secretion in the respiratory tract and symptoms such as a runny nose. People with lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), often have a long-term runny nose and cough.

The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

TZDs may cause pulmonary edema in some patients as a result of fluid retention. These patients often experience symptoms such as dyspnea and runny nose after taking the drug. Statistics show a significant increase in the incidence of edema in patients treated with rosiglitazone when combined with insulin.

The key to preventing and improving lung function lies in a healthy lifestyle. Quitting smoking, avoiding air pollution, and exercising properly are all effective ways to do so.

The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

Early diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases is also crucial. If you notice a frequent runny nose and no obvious cold symptoms, pulmonary function tests should be considered to allow for early detection and treatment of the underlying problem.

Other physical health markers

Diabetes not only affects blood sugar control, but also causes damage to multiple systems throughout the body. Long-term poor glycemic control increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) have been shown to be effective in improving glycemic control. However, these drugs also come with some side effects, such as fluid retention and edema. When using TZDs, patients need to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly and adjust their treatment regimen under the guidance of their doctor.

The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

Sudden weight gain or loss is a warning sign of a health problem. Weight gain may be associated with cardiac insufficiency and fluid retention, while weight loss may indicate digestive problems or other metabolic disorders. Clinical data suggest that patients on TZDs often have weight gain, which may be due to drug-induced fluid retention. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight and regular monitoring is an important measure to prevent disease.

The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

Hypertension is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Persistent high blood pressure can cause damage to blood vessels and the heart, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Controlling blood pressure is especially important for people with diabetes. Clinical studies have shown that TZDs have a certain auxiliary effect on blood pressure control, but they need to be closely monitored during use to avoid adverse reactions.

Comprehensive health assessment

Through a comprehensive analysis of heart health, lung function, blood sugar levels, weight changes, and blood pressure, an individual's health status can be comprehensively assessed. There is an interaction between these health markers and needs to be considered comprehensively.

The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

Cardiac insufficiency can lead to pulmonary edema, which in turn affects blood oxygen levels and respiratory function; Abnormal blood sugar levels may exacerbate the risk of cardiovascular disease. A comprehensive health assessment not only detects potential problems at an early stage, but also allows for personalized prevention and treatment plans.


By focusing on heart health, lung function, and other physical health markers, we can get a more complete picture of our health. Sweating and runny nose may seem like minor symptoms, but there may be serious health problems hiding behind them.

The heart is not good for sweating, the lungs are not good for runny nose, whether you are in good health or not, you know from these aspects

We need to keep an eye on these body signals and take early steps to prevent and treat diseases. A healthy lifestyle and scientific health management are the best strategies for us to maintain good health.

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