
Stanford University Ph.D. was proposed to be hired as a township civil servant, and the local responded

author:Thoughtful News

A doctor from Stanford University was proposed to be hired as a civil servant in a township in Anhui, and the local responded

On the evening of June 16, the Suzhou Municipal Civil Service Bureau of Anhui Province released the announcement of the proposed civil servants to be hired in the 2024 annual examination of Suzhou City through the Suzhou Pioneer Network (the second batch). Among them, Dr. Su Zhen of Stanford intends to admit to the position of grassroots affairs management of township organs in Lingbi County, and the position code is 040167.

Stanford University Ph.D. was proposed to be hired as a township civil servant, and the local responded

A total of 2 people are recruited for this position, engaged in grassroots comprehensive management work such as public service, rural civilization construction, and rural revitalization, 1 in Weiji Town, Lingbi County, and 1 in Xiangyang Town.

Among the 6 shortlisted candidates, Su Zhen's written test, interview, and total score all ranked first.

Stanford University Ph.D. was proposed to be hired as a township civil servant, and the local responded

On the afternoon of June 18, a staff member of the Lingbi County Government Affairs Management Center responded that there had not yet been an application for a famous foreign school in the list that had been put into the public in the past, "This year should be the first case." He further pointed out that Su is a native of Xiao County, Suzhou, Anhui Province, and Xiao County and Lingbi County are not far apart.

Stanford University Ph.D. was proposed to be hired as a township civil servant, and the local responded

According to reports, Su Zhen studied at the University of Science and Technology of China as an undergraduate. According to the official website of the University of Science and Technology of China's New Public Welfare Foundation, Su Zhen won the 35th Guo Moruo Scholarship. He graduated from Xiaoxian Experimental High School in Anhui Province and studied at the School of Physics of China University of Science and Technology, and went to Stanford University after graduation.

Stanford University Ph.D. was proposed to be hired as a township civil servant, and the local responded

According to the official website of USTC, applicants for Guo Moruo Scholarship Category A must have a grade point average (GPA) of their academic performance in the first three years within the top 5% (including 5%) of their college. If they do not reach Category A, if they have outstanding performance in science and technology innovation and other aspects that have received widespread attention and affirmation, they can be recommended to apply for Category B places.

Stanford University Ph.D. was proposed to be hired as a township civil servant, and the local responded

According to the official website of Xiao County Experimental High School in Anhui Province, Su Zhen ranked second in science in the county in the 2012 college entrance examination.

Stanford University Ph.D. was proposed to be hired as a township civil servant, and the local responded

Many junior high and high school alumni said that he was like a "god of learning". Some students said that they had heard his name since junior high school, and the teachers were proud of him when they talked about him. A student of his high school said that Su Zhen had always been among the top few in the school during his time in school. According to the usual results, you can go to Qingbei, but I heard that there was a little mistake in the college entrance examination and missed Qingbei.

Source: Zhejiang Online

Stanford University Ph.D. was proposed to be hired as a township civil servant, and the local responded