
Miaolian is right, Shanglian: The sunset landscape is quiet, please give the next couplet

Miaolian is right, Shanglian: The sunset landscape is quiet, please give the next couplet

Shanglian: The sunset landscape is quiet

Su Su cool breeze, plus my forest clear.

Drive the smoke to find the stream, roll the fog out of the mountain.

There is no trace of comings and goings, and there is emotion.

The sunset landscape is quiet, and the sound of relaxation is for you.

——[Tang]] Wang Bo "Yongfeng"

The first thing that catches your eye is the magnificent sunset scene, which is full of pictures.

As the sun sets, the afterglow of the sky gradually dissipates, and the mountains and flowing water seem to be immersed in this tranquility, as if the whole world is holding its breath at this moment. This is not only a kind of visual tranquility, but also a spiritual tranquility.

Between the mountains and rivers, it is not only a natural scenery, but also contains far-reaching artistic conception and philosophy. The word "quiet" in this couplet not only describes the natural tranquility at sunset, but also implies the peace and tranquility of the human heart, which makes people think of the transcendent realm of "the bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone is upstream" in Wang Wei's "Autumn Twilight in the Mountain House" in the Tang Dynasty.

Miaolian is right, Shanglian: The sunset landscape is quiet, please give the next couplet

Downlink: The moonrise fishing lamp is scarce

The moon is dark and you see the fishing lantern, and the lonely light is a little firefly.

The breeze is full of stars.

——[Qing] Cha Shen Xing "What I See in the Book of the Night of the Boat"

The lower link "Moonrise Fishing Lights are Sparse" turns the perspective to the night, the moon is rising, the silver light is sprinkled all over the river, and the fishing fires at this time are dotted, which is particularly sparse and deserted.

"Fishing lanterns are scarce", as Zhang Ji of the Tang Dynasty said in "Fengqiao Night Park": "The moon falls and the sky is full of frost, and Jiang Feng's fishing fire is sad and sleepy", which is not only scarce in quantity, but also highlights a kind of tranquility and loneliness away from the hustle and bustle.

However, although the fishing lanterns are scarce, they are particularly bright in this quiet night, they are not only the lights for illumination, but also the symbol and reliance of the fishermen's life. The light and shadow of the moon and the fishing lantern are intertwined, forming a quiet and slightly lonely picture, which is evocative.

Miaolian is right, Shanglian: The sunset landscape is quiet, please give the next couplet

Overall, the couplet depicts a natural picture of the sunset and the moon rising in a concise and crisp brushstroke. Shanglian uses "sunset" as an introduction to lead to the tranquil picture of "quiet mountains and rivers"; The lower part uses "moonrise" as a contrast, depicting the lonely scene of "sparse fishing lanterns".

The silence of the sunset and the tranquility of the moonrise, the grandeur of the landscape and the tininess of the fishing lanterns, form a stark contrast and marvelously blend together. The upper and lower couplets not only depict and contrast the scenery, but also echo the emotions, guiding people to experience and feel the detachment and harmony.