
Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

author:Cosy Sunshine Nam

In the early days of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Chinese People's Volunteers fought three major battles in succession with their heroic and fearless spirit and excellent tactical strategy. These battles not only effectively dealt a blow to the momentum of the US-led United Nations forces, but also demonstrated China's determination to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity in the international arena. However, as the war situation deepened, the new battlefield situation also brought unprecedented challenges, the most prominent of which was the support of the logistics line and the air destruction of enemy aircraft.

In the fierce battle, the logistics line of the volunteer army is like a fragile lifeline, and it is always threatened from the air. Relying on their powerful air power, enemy planes frantically bombed and sabotaged our material transportation lines. This not only caused a large amount of material damage, but more seriously, this sudden blow caused the volunteers to fall into a predicament of lack of materials for a period of time.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

Over the course of a week, due to the precise bombing of enemy aircraft, our side lost a large number of transport vehicles. These vehicles are an important carrier of logistical supplies, and their damage means that supplies cannot reach the front line in time, and the fighters' operations have been greatly affected. In addition, the destroyed materials included food, ammunition and other necessities, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to the volunteers who relied on close cooperation and tenacious will to fight.

Faced with such a dire situation, the Volunteer Army did not succumb to difficulties. They still maintain high morale and firm faith, overcome many obstacles, and strive to ensure the smooth flow of logistics routes. At the same time, the armed forces have also strengthened vigilance and precautions against the activities of enemy planes and adopted a series of effective measures to reduce losses caused by air strikes.

In this arduous struggle, the volunteers showed extraordinary courage and wisdom. They have not only achieved brilliant results on the battlefield, but have also shown tenacious perseverance and indomitable spirit in logistical support. It is precisely with the existence of such a group of heroic figures that China was able to achieve the final victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

(Note: The above content is only a detailed extension of the three main points of expanding the background, logistics and losses, and does not complete the full text.) )

In the fierce course of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, an overlooked but crucial issue gradually surfaced. At an important summary meeting, Hong Xuezhi, deputy commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers, stood on the podium, his face was solemn, and his eyes flashed with determination. He bluntly pointed out that as the war continued, the logistical problems faced by the volunteers became more and more serious, and this has become a key factor restricting the victory of the war.

Hong Xuezhi's speech attracted the attention of everyone present. He elaborated on the current logistical dilemma: insufficient supplies, poor transportation routes, and frequent harassment by enemy planes, which make the front-line soldiers constantly face the danger of running out of ammunition and food. He stressed that without strong logistical support, it will be difficult for even the most heroic fighters to display their due combat effectiveness.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

After Hong Xuezhi took office, he immediately embarked on a series of reform measures. First of all, he strengthened the building of the logistics contingent and selected a number of cadres with rich experience and outstanding ability to enrich the logistics contingent. At the same time, he also optimized and adjusted the organizational structure to make the logistics work more efficient and orderly.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

In the construction of the supply network, Hong Xuezhi has made great efforts. He personally led the team to go to the front line to investigate and understand the actual needs of the soldiers. On this basis, he formulated a set of scientific and reasonable supply plans and established a complete supply network. This network covers the entire battlefield, ensuring that supplies can be delivered to the front line in a timely and accurate manner.

In addition, Hong Xuezhi also actively promoted the construction of multi-service joint logistics. He is well aware that in modern warfare, coordinated operations between various arms of the armed forces are of utmost importance. Therefore, he actively coordinated the forces of all sides, strengthened communication and cooperation among various arms of the armed forces, and realized the sharing and optimal allocation of logistical resources.

Through the implementation of these reform measures, the logistics support capability of the volunteer army has been significantly improved. The fighters no longer worry about the shortage of supplies and can devote themselves to the battle. This undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for the victory of the Chinese Volunteers in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

In the smoke of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the logistical support work of the Chinese People's Volunteers was particularly important. Hong Xuezhi, an outstanding leader in the field of logistics, knows that only by establishing a sound system and training system can we ensure the efficient operation of logistics work and provide a steady stream of support for the front line.

Hong Xuezhi first promoted the standardization and institutionalization of logistics business. He is well aware that only clear rules and regulations can ensure the orderly progress of logistics work. Therefore, he organized a team of experts to conduct in-depth research on all aspects of logistics work, and formulated a series of detailed operating procedures and management systems. Among them, the implementation of transportation procedures such as triple bills has greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of material transportation. These systems not only standardize the behavior of logistics personnel, but also ensure that every link in the process of materials from production to use can be strictly supervised and controlled.

However, systems alone are not enough, and a logistical team with specialized skills is needed to implement them. Therefore, Hong Xuezhi attaches great importance to the training of logistics professional and technical personnel. He personally planned and organized various forms of training activities such as rotation training classes and training teams, and invited experienced experts and instructors to impart knowledge and skills to logistics personnel. These training activities not only cover material management, transportation, maintenance and other aspects, but also focus on practical operation and emergency response ability training. Through these trainings, the professional skills of logistics personnel have been significantly improved, and they are better able to adapt to the needs of the battlefield and provide timely and effective support to the front line.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

With the in-depth advancement of system building and training, the logistics efficiency of the volunteer army has been significantly improved. The transportation of materials has been smoother, and the supply of materials has been more timely, which has effectively guaranteed the operational needs of the frontline. At the same time, the professionalism of logistics personnel has also been improved, and they are better able to cope with various complex situations and ensure the smooth progress of logistics work.

In addition, Hong Xuezhi also pays attention to communication and coordination with the front line. He regularly organizes exchanges and discussions between logistics personnel and front-line commanders to understand the needs and difficulties of the frontline and adjust the logistics support plan in a timely manner. This close cooperation has made the logistics work closer to reality and more in line with the needs of the frontline.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

Under the leadership of Hong Xuezhi, the volunteer army has achieved remarkable results in logistical support. These results are not only reflected in the timeliness and accuracy of material supplies, but also in the strong support for front-line operations. It is precisely with such an efficient and professional logistical support contingent that the Chinese Volunteers were able to achieve the final victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

On the battlefield of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, logistical support became one of the important factors determining the outcome of the war. In the face of the strong air superiority of the US military, the logistics supply lines of the Volunteer Army often face serious threats. In this context, General Hong Xuezhi creatively proposed the strategy of closely integrating the rear of the campaign with the tactical rear, as well as the strategy of using false targets to protect transport vehicles, which effectively improved the efficiency and safety of logistics supply.

First of all, General Hong Xuezhi profoundly realized the close connection between the rear of the campaign and the tactical rear in the war. He proposed that the rear of the campaign is mainly responsible for the reserve and deployment of strategic materials, while the tactical rear is more focused on the direct supply of front-line troops. In order to closely integrate the two, General Hong Xuezhi has established a set of efficient supply systems to ensure that strategic materials can be quickly and accurately transported to the front line to meet the needs of the troops.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

In this supply system, General Hong Xuezhi also creatively adopted the strategy of false targets. He was well aware of the threat posed by the US military's aerial reconnaissance and bombing, so he decided to use the strategy of false reality to set up false targets to confuse the US military. These fake targets include simulated warehouses, convoys, and supply depots, which are spread around real targets, making it difficult for the U.S. military to determine the real supply point. In this way, General Hong Xuezhi successfully protected a large number of transport vehicles, reduced material losses, and ensured the smooth flow of logistics supplies.

These tactics of General Hong Xuezhi were highly appreciated by Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai. Peng Dehuai believes that these strategies not only improve the efficiency and safety of logistics supply, but also win more initiative for the volunteers on the battlefield. Therefore, he decided to promote Hong Xuezhi's strategy throughout the army so that more troops could benefit.

In the process of promoting the whole army, General Hong Xuezhi also personally went to various units to provide guidance and training. He gave the troops a detailed introduction to the supply system of close integration between the rear and the tactical rear of the campaign and the specific implementation methods of the false target strategy, and put forward corresponding suggestions for improvement according to the characteristics of different troops. These trainings and guidance have markedly enhanced the logistics support capability of the whole army and laid a solid foundation for the victory of the Chinese People's Volunteers.

Hong Xuezhi set up a trap and deliberately let the US military bomb the volunteer car, Peng Dehuai: I won't interfere in logistics

By creatively integrating the campaign rear with the tactical rear and employing false target tactics to protect transport vehicles, General Hong Xuezhi successfully improved the logistics support capability of the Volunteer Army and made an important contribution to the victory of the war.

In the smoke of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the US military carried out a tactical operation known as the "strangulation war." The core of this tactic is to cut off the logistical supply lines of the Volunteer Army through aerial bombardment, especially against key transportation facilities such as bridges, so as to achieve the goal of weakening and defeating the opponent. However, in the face of this fierce offensive of the US military, the Chinese People's Volunteers did not give in, but adopted resolute and powerful countermeasures to meet the challenge.

As one of the outstanding leaders of the Volunteer Army, General Hong Xuezhi is well aware of the severity of the situation. In the face of the indiscriminate bombardment by the US military, he did not choose passive defense, but resolutely decided to adopt the strategy of taking the initiative to attack. He realized that it may be difficult to achieve a fundamental victory through a purely military confrontation, so it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the joint operations of all arms of the armed forces and form a powerful overall joint force to confront the enemy.

In order to achieve this goal, Hong Xuezhi meticulously organized and coordinated the forces of the antiaircraft artillery unit, the air force unit, the railway repair unit, the railway transport unit and other arms. They were given a clear mission and task to ensure a quick and effective response to and response to the U.S. military's bombing campaign at a critical moment.

Among them, the antiaircraft artillery unit is responsible for the key protection of the main railway lines and bridges bombed by enemy aircraft, and their presence is like a solid barrier, providing an important guarantee for the logistics line of the volunteer army. The addition of air force units further strengthened the air power of the volunteers, allowing them to be more calm in the face of the air superiority of the US military.

At the same time, the railway repair unit and the railway transport unit also played a vital role. They carried out emergency repairs to the damaged railway lines and bridges at the first time, ensuring that the supplies could be delivered to the front line in a timely manner. This kind of efficient cooperative combat capability allows the volunteers to maintain strong combat effectiveness in the face of the "strangulation war" of the US military.

In general, General Hong Xuezhi successfully defused the serious threat posed by the US military's "strangulation war" through ingenious strategic deployment and meticulous command and dispatch. His wisdom and courage not only won the admiration and respect of the soldiers, but also made indelible contributions to China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.


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