
Liver and kidney insufficiency, exhausted body? Share 3 proprietary Chinese medicines to help your liver and kidneys replenish together

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Yang Xinyi

Hi, I'm Dr. Yang. As we age, many people will face the problem of imbalance in the function of the internal organs, especially after the age of 40, the function of the internal organs of the body declines, and the liver and kidney are the first to bear the brunt.

Manifestations are common: backache, weakness, frequent urination, fatigue, dizziness, etc. Is it in some state of your own? Today, I would like to recommend 3 Chinese patent medicines to help you nourish your liver and kidneys and regain your vitality.

Liver and kidney insufficiency, exhausted body? Share 3 proprietary Chinese medicines to help your liver and kidneys replenish together

First, Zhibai Dihuang pills

If you feel that your waist and knees are sore, and you eat a little hot food such as mutton, you will become angry, and you will have symptoms such as dry mouth and thirst, hot hands and feet, night sweats, insomnia, etc., it is likely to be liver and kidney yin deficiency. In this case, Zhibodihuang pills are a good choice. It has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, nourishing yin and reducing fire, and can effectively alleviate these symptoms.

Liver and kidney insufficiency, exhausted body? Share 3 proprietary Chinese medicines to help your liver and kidneys replenish together

Second, Qi Ju Dihuang pills

The liver is open to the eyes, and insufficient liver and kidney often lead to eye problems. If you feel blurred vision, dry and red eyes, tears in the wind, and symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, then Qi Ju Dihuang Pill is very suitable. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish yin and brighten the eyes, and improve eye discomfort.

Liver and kidney insufficiency, exhausted body? Share 3 proprietary Chinese medicines to help your liver and kidneys replenish together

Chapter 3, Tsukuho Maru

The liver and kidney are homologous, and the essence and blood are homologous. When the body's essence and blood are insufficient, it is easy to have symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability and irritability. If you often have insomnia at night, are easily awakened in the middle of the night, and are irritable, then Kun Bao Pill is very suitable. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, reconcile qi and blood, and effectively improve the above symptoms.

Liver and kidney insufficiency, exhausted body? Share 3 proprietary Chinese medicines to help your liver and kidneys replenish together

In short, the liver and kidney deficiency caused by age is a very common situation, and we must not hide the disease from medical treatment, as long as we find it in time and take reasonable measures to recuperate, we can regain our health and vitality. If you are not sure about your physical syndrome, you should consult a doctor in time.