
Introduction to General He Weizhong


He Weizhong (1903~1981), a native of Chiayi Town, Pingjiang County. Member of the Fifth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and former Vice Minister of the Finance Department of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

He Weizhong joined the Communist Party of China in August 1927 and joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in July 1930. He successively served as Director of the Supply Department of the Red Sixth Army Corps, Director and Political Commissar of the Supply Department of the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division, Deputy Director of the Logistics Department of the Southwest Military Region, Director of the Finance Department of the Southwest Military Region, and Deputy Director of the General Finance Department. He Weizhong resolutely implemented the party's correct policy of "developing the economy and guaranteeing supply," took an active part in leading the famous Nanniwan large-scale production movement, and made positive contributions to smashing the economic self-sufficiency of the Kuomintang reactionaries and the production of the troops. In 1942 he received a material reward at the Northwest Bureau-Conference, and his exemplary deeds were praised in the Liberation Daily. Chairman Mao also wrote an inscription for him with "practical, simple, impartial, and selfless". In November 1944, he marched into Guangdong with the southward detachment, and then returned to the Central Plains, experiencing many hardships. He participated in many battles and, in an extremely harsh environment, relied on the active support of the masses of the people, and completed the task of providing logistical support in wartime. After the liberation of the whole country, he worked hard to study his business, studied scientific knowledge, and made contributions to our army's logistics and financial work. In the "Cultural Revolution", He Weizhong adhered to principles and did not follow the crowd. He resolutely supported the line, principles, and policies adopted since the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee.

First, the founding veteran general - He Weizhong

He Weizhong (1903-1981) was born in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1927 and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in 1930.

During the Red Army, he served as the chief of the Accounting and Supply Department of the Cashier Section of the Manager Office of the Red 18th Army, the director of the Supply Department of the 51st Regiment of the 17th Division of the Red 6th Army, the deputy director of the Supply Department of the Red 6th Army, the head of the Supply Department of the 17th Division, and the head of the Supply Department of the Red 6th Army. He participated in the struggle against "encirclement and suppression" in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, and Guizhou Soviet regions, as well as in the arduous 25,000-mile Long March.

During the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the head of the supply department of the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division, and participated in the leadership of the famous "Nanniwan Large-scale Production Movement". Under the leadership of Brigade Commander Wang Zhen and the brigade party committee, He Weizhong led the comrades of the supply department to formulate a production plan and carry out a production self-sufficiency movement based on the principles of unified management, decentralized operation, everyone doing their own thing, and each doing his best. In the spring of 1941, the 359th Brigade was stationed in Nanniwan Tunken, and in 1944 it achieved full self-sufficiency and saved more than one year.

The brilliant victory of the "Nanniwan Large-scale Production Movement" enabled our party and our army to successfully tide over the most difficult period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. At the meeting of senior cadres of the Northwest Bureau held in 1942, Chairman Mao Zedong personally wrote an inscription on He Weizhong: "Practical and simple, impartial and selfless". Chairman Mao's inscription is a high evaluation of He Weizhong's character and style, and it is also an affirmation of his work achievements.

In the later period of the Anti-Japanese War, He Weizhong was transferred to the head of the supply department of the "Southward Detachment of the Eighth Route Army", and once again experienced a dangerous and arduous journey.

During the War of Liberation, He Weizhong successively served as the director of the logistics department of the Jinsui Military Region, the director and political commissar of the logistics department of the 2nd Column of the Northwest Field Army, and the deputy director of the logistics department of the Northwest Military Region. Participated in the battles of Qinghuatou, Yangmahe, Shajiadian and Yichuan. Later, he followed He Long's troops to advance to the southwest and liberate the southwest.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, He Weizhong successively served as deputy director of the Logistics Department of the Southwest Military Region, director of the Finance Department of the Southwest Military Region, deputy director of the General Finance Department, and deputy director of the Finance Department of the General Logistics Department.

Second, He Weizhong made a spinning wheel

In 1937, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated to resist Japan, and the Communist Party of China established the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region to lead the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army to persist in the war of resistance behind enemy lines. However, the Kuomintang pursued the basic state policy of "settling the interior before attacking the outside world" and brazenly imposed an economic blockade on the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo border region, clamoring that "not a grain of grain, a pound of cotton, or a foot of cloth" should be allowed to enter the border area. From November 1940, the Kuomintang government suspended all military spending for the Eighth Route Army. For a period of time, the military and civilians in the border areas almost reached a serious point where they had no food, no oil, no paper, no food, and no clothes to spend the winter.

Faced with the problems of distributing clothes, changing shoes and socks, eating and dressing, the 359th Brigade set up the "Daguang Textile Factory" in the second half of 1940, but in order to weave cloth, cotton yarn was also necessary, and the Nationalist Government strictly prohibited the trafficking of foreign yarn to "Yan'an", and "violators are guilty of the same crime as bandits." For this reason, Yan'an soon set off a spinning boom, from the central leaders to ordinary family members, everyone undertook a certain spinning task. At that time, his father, He Weizhong, served as the supply minister of the 359th Brigade. In the large-scale production movement, he always stood on the front line and participated in specific leadership work, drawing up production plans, opening up wasteland and tuntian, setting up factories, setting up transportation teams, and creating joint-stock "military cooperatives...... Do everything yourself.

My father was busy with work during the day, and when he returned to his cave at night, he would spin yarn with his mother until late. My mother is the mother-in-law of Suide in northern Shaanxi, and she has been spinning yarn with a spinning wheel in northern Shaanxi since she was a child. My father is a native of Pingjiang, Hunan, and the first time he used the spinning wheel in northern Shaanxi, he was really in a hurry and sweating profusely. But the more anxious he was, the more the thread was broken, the spinning was slow and the quality was poor, so angry that his father complained: "Your spinning wheel in northern Shaanxi is too bad to use, the wheels are small, and the shaking is heavy, and our spinning wheel in Pingjiang is much stronger than yours." Mom couldn't help but say to him: "I always say that our spinning wheel in northern Shaanxi is not good, and the spinning wheel in Pingjiang is good." Then you can build a Pingjiang spinning wheel yourself. When Dad heard this, he was stubborn: "Build, make it to ensure that it spins faster and better than you." ”

Dad learned a little carpentry work in his hometown, and since then, his own cave has become a carpentry room. When Brigade Commander Wang Zhen heard the news that "He Weizhong wants to build a Pingjiang spinning wheel", he rushed to the door early in the morning and shouted: "Lao He! I support you, the spinning wheel in northern Shaanxi is not easy to use, let's build a Pingjiang spinning wheel. Brigadier Wang Zhen also did some carpentry work, and the two half-pulled carpenters worked together for a whole day and a night, and when the sky was bright, they finally made a Pingjiang-style spinning wheel. Let my mother try it, it's really good, my mother praised: "It's really better than our northern Shaanxi spinning wheel, it's light to shake, and the spinning thread is longer." Father and Brigadier Wang Zhen had proud smiles on their faces.

Brigadier Wang Zhen was not satisfied, and squatted down again to pick up the spindle on the spinning wheel and carefully grasp it. Wang Zhen is a native of Liuyang, Hunan, and he carefully compared and painted on the spinning wheel for a while and said: "It would be better if this spindle was improved according to our yarn spindle in Liuyang." "I was busy for a while, the spindle was also changed, the effect was excellent, the shake was light and fast, and it was not easy to break the thread, the original three-foot-long yarn, the car had to shake six or seven turns, and now only three or four turns are enough. Brigade Commander Wang Zhen said happily: "Immediately concentrate the workers to imitate it, and send one to Chairman Mao after it is made." And named it "Pingjiang-style spinning wheel".

Originally, the northern Shaanxi spinning wheel was used to spin only one to three taels of yarn per person per day, but now it can spin four to twelve taels of yarn, which greatly improves the spinning efficiency. Chairman Mao Zedong used the "Pingjiang-style spinning wheel" to overfulfill his spinning task, and Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai was also rated as a spinning expert.