
Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice

author:The taste is flowing for years


Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice

In China's Jiangnan water towns, the summer evening breeze carries the freshness of paddy fields and the fragrance of lotus flowers, and people enjoy the joy of harvest in this season. Mandarin fish, as a specialty of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, has been loved by people since ancient times for its delicious meat quality and rich nutrition. Braised mandarin fish, a traditional Jiangnan dish, not only carries the memory of regional culture, but also brings a touch of coolness to people in the hot summer.

Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice

Mandarin fish, also known as cinnamon fish, has a long history of eating in China. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", mandarin fish has a sweet and flat taste, and has the effects of replenishing deficiency, invigorating qi and warming the stomach. In "Suiyuan Food List", Yuan Mei even listed braised mandarin fish as the top grade, praising its "tender and delicious meat, red and fragrant color". Braised mandarin fish is bright red in color and delicious in taste, and it is a common delicacy in banquets in the Jiangnan area.

The choice of ingredients is crucial to the flavor of braised mandarin fish. Fresh mandarin fish is tender and delicious; High-quality soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar and other seasonings can better bring out the fresh flavor of mandarin fish. During the cooking process, it is crucial to control the heat to ensure that the fish is tender and to allow it to fully absorb the flavors of the spices.

Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice

In the food documentary "A Bite of China", braised mandarin fish has won praise from the audience for its unique flavor and profound cultural connotation. This dish is not only a delicacy, but also a cultural inheritance and emotional sustenance.

Cooking in detail:

  1. Nutritional information: Mandarin fish contains about 90 calories per 100 grams, 18 grams of protein, 1.4 grams of fat, and is rich in trace elements and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.
  2. Cooking principle: The cooking principle of braised mandarin fish is to quickly lock in the moisture and nutrients of the fish through high temperature, and at the same time let the flavor of the seasoning penetrate into the fish.
Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice
  1. Ingredient list: 1 fresh mandarin fish (about 500 grams), 3 slices of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 green onions, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of sugar, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of water.
  2. Cooking Steps:
    1. Wash the mandarin fish, remove the scales and guts, and make a few cuts on each side to absorb the flavor.
    2. Slice the ginger and garlic, and cut the green onion into sections for later use.
    3. Heat the pan with cold oil, add ginger and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.
    4. Place the mandarin fish in a pan and fry on both sides until lightly browned.
    5. Add cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer.
    6. Simmer until the soup is thick, the fish is flavored, and sprinkle with green onions.
    7. Add salt to taste according to personal taste before cooking.
    8. Put the braised mandarin fish on a plate and pour the soup over the fish.
  3. Self-adjustment of personal style: The ratio of soy sauce and sugar can be adjusted according to personal preference to achieve different tastes.
Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice

Cooking tips and tricks:

  1. Choosing fresh mandarin fish is the key to success, as the fresh fish is more tender and tasty.
  2. When frying fish, the oil temperature should not be too high to avoid the fish from frying.
  3. When stewing fish, the heat should be moderate to avoid the fish being stewed too old.
  4. Add soy sauce and cooking wine in moderation, too much will affect the original taste of the fish.
  5. The addition of sugar can add color and flavor to the dish, but not too much.
  6. Adding salt before cooking can better control the saltiness of the whole dish.
Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice

Cooking Tips: Q1: How to choose fresh mandarin fish? A1: Fresh mandarin fish has bright eyes, intact scales, elastic flesh and no peculiar smell.

Q2: How to control the heat of braised mandarin fish? A2: To fry the braised mandarin fish over high heat until it is slightly browned, then turn to low heat and simmer so that the fish can fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning.

Q3: How to avoid fish stewed too old? A3: When stewing fish, pay attention to the changes in the soup to avoid simmering for too long, which may cause the fish to become old.

Q4: How to enhance the flavor of braised mandarin fish? A4: You can add some spices such as star anise, cinnamon, etc., to increase the aroma of the dish.

Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice

Share 4 dishes related to this cuisine:

  1. Steamed mandarin fish: Fresh mandarin fish, with shredded ginger and green onions, is steamed and drizzled with hot oil and soy sauce to preserve the original flavor of the fish.
  2. Sauerkraut mandarin fish: Mandarin fish fillets are cooked together with sauerkraut, chili peppers and other ingredients, which is sour, spicy and fragrant, and has a unique flavor.
  3. Mandarin fish with garlic: The mandarin fish fillets are marinated with minced garlic, chili peppers and other seasonings and then fried, the garlic is rich in flavor and rich in taste.
  4. Fish head tofu soup: Mandarin fish head, tofu, ginger slices and other ingredients are stewed, the soup is milky white and nutritious.
Dig up the treasure, this braised mandarin fish is too satisfying, the meat is tender and fragrant, and it is a home-cooked dish that nourishes the rice

Creative ending: Braised mandarin fish, a delicacy that carries the culture and memory of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, is not only a delicious dish, but also a transmission of emotions. While tasting this dish, we seem to be able to feel the gentleness and tranquility of the Jiangnan water town. I hope that every reader can find their own emotions and memories in the process of cooking. At the same time, everyone is also welcome to share their cooking experience and feelings in the comment area, so that we can communicate together and make progress together. Don't forget to like and follow to make our culinary journey more colorful.

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