
Stick to one action every day, don't get dementia at the age of 80, and live easily at the age of 100!

author:Health Road Plue

As we age, our skin becomes more saggy and mottled, and these changes are signs of aging that we can directly see with the naked eye.

Similarly, hair will gradually lose its original color and turn white, which is also an aging process that can be easily noticed.

However, the aging of the brain is not as noticeable as skin and hair. The brain shrinks and declines with age, and these changes usually require a professional medical examination to be detected.

As you get older, memory loss is not inevitable

Still, the aging of the brain does not mean that memory is necessarily declining. The real cause of memory loss is brain atrophy.

Many people think that as we age, it is normal to experience forgetfulness, confusion, insensitivity, insomnia, dizziness, unsteady walking, slow reactions, etc., but in fact these may be related to brain atrophy.

Stick to one action every day, don't get dementia at the age of 80, and live easily at the age of 100!

5 Factors That Accelerate Brain Aging

1. Irregular sleep

A good night's sleep is essential for brain development and recovery and helps preserve memory.

2. Poor eating habits

Excessive consumption of foods high in fat, sugar and salt may increase the risk of atherosclerosis and affect the blood supply to the brain.

3. Sedentary lifestyle

Sitting and standing for long periods of time may cause the storage area of the brain to shrink, and moderate physical activity can improve memory.

4. Not focusing on heart health

Heart health is closely related to brain health, and excessive stress on the heart can lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

5. Not liking to learn new things

Continuous learning of new knowledge has been shown to reduce the incidence of dementia.

Active brain cells, moving the tongue is the easiest

Scientists believe that the biggest cause of aging in the human body is brain atrophy, and the most significant symptoms are the stiffness of the tongue and the dull expression.

Japanese scientists conducted a comparative study of 800 volunteers, asking one group of volunteers to deliberately move their tongues every morning and evening, while the other group of volunteers did not move their tongues in particular.

After about half a year of experiments, scientists found that the group of people who insisted on moving their tongues had significantly more active brain cells and faster reflexes to deal with problems than those who did not have a particularly active tongue.

Based on this research, scientists suggest that you can move your tongue every morning and evening to activate brain cells and prevent brain aging and brain atrophy!

1. Stick out your tongue

Try to stick the tip of your tongue out of your mouth, feel the stretch at the base of your tongue, then roll your tongue back into your mouth and repeat 10 times.

Stick to one action every day, don't get dementia at the age of 80, and live easily at the age of 100!

2. Turn your tongue

With the tongue in the mouth, slowly rotate 10 times clockwise and then 10 times counterclockwise at maximum range.

Stick to one action every day, don't get dementia at the age of 80, and live easily at the age of 100!

3. Tongue licking teeth

Gently place the tip of the tongue against the palate for 10 seconds, then the outside of the upper teeth for 10 seconds, the outside of the lower teeth for 10 seconds, and the inside of the lower teeth for 10 seconds.

Stick to one action every day, don't get dementia at the age of 80, and live easily at the age of 100!

This set of exercises is not limited by time, you can do it in the morning, at noon, and at night, it is generally recommended to do it once in the morning and evening, 3-5 minutes each time.

There is some truth to "tongue" to prevent Alzheimer's. Medical research has shown that the lingual nerve is connected to the brain, and when the body ages, the first signal that appears is often the stiffness of the tongue.

Therefore, regular exercise of the tongue can indirectly stimulate the brain, prevent brain atrophy, and achieve the purpose of strengthening the body.