
Life is a practice of all kinds

author:999 in the sleeve
Life is a practice of all kinds


As I told you before, I like to go to urban villages for shopping.

I don't know when it started, but there was one more seller in the village.

This pancake is freshly baked in the oven, and it has more "soul" than the pancake that comes out of the electric oven.

The bread seller was an old man, from Henan, about fifty years old, with "suffering" written all over his face:

After a long period of sun exposure, the complexion is dark, the skin is wrinkled, the eyelids are sagging, and the brow is wrinkled all day long;

I think I did a lot of physical work when I was young, my fingers are slightly deformed, and occasionally new scars appear—I think I accidentally burned them when I was sticking cakes in the fireplace;

The clothes he wore did not particularly fit, he was crumbling against his body, and he often wore a large dark blue apron, on which he rubbed a few strips of flour from time to time;

Passers-by pass by his stall, and occasionally someone asks the price, and he speaks in his hometown dialect and says five yuan to the passer-by who asks for the price;

Some people can't understand Henan dialect, so they have to ask him a "ah"?

At this time, he raised his voice, stretched out his hand, and gestured "five dollars" as he spoke.


The Henan people who sell cakes don't know when they came to the village.

By the time I noticed, he was at the intersection.

At first, the business of selling cakes in Henan was not good.

This thing does not meet the needs of Shaanxi people, buy a palm-sized cake for 2 yuan, it is better to go to the wrong opposite side to buy a vegetable sandwich bun for 4 yuan:

Not only can there be staple food - steamed buns, but you can also stuff vegetables into the steamed buns;

As long as you're thick-skinned, can ignore the roll of your boss's eyes, have a firm pie in your hand, and a sturdy plastic bag for your bread, you'll be able to stuff enough cost-effective dishes – pour them on a plate and eat them for two.

Therefore, the cakes of Henan people are usually not sold, and they are piled up on the edge of the stove.

It's winter, it's terrible, it's dry and cold, and it's toothy.

Probably paid the booth fee, you have to do it if you don't do it, you don't have to set up a stall and you have no income, and you may still be able to make money by setting up a stall.

I often look at the people of Henan with their hands on the stove where they make cakes, and look at the crowd with melancholy eyes.

As a Shandong man who likes carbs, I often visit his stall and become his loyal old customer.


The perseverance of the Henan people has finally paid off, and the stalls have gradually been patronized.

Although there is no queue to buy, you can hear: WeChat to the account of 2 yuan, WeChat to the account of 5 yuan.

Such days did not last long.

One day, I found that the Henan people who sold cakes were gone.

After stepping on the dot for a week, I waited for him.

So I asked: I haven't seen you for a few days, what are you going to do?

Unexpectedly, he sighed: Alas, the village didn't let me set up a stall here, and I paid the stall fee...

After saying this, I stopped talking, and I didn't continue to ask.

Until one day, when I was shopping for cakes, I saw this scene:

A middle-aged man with a big belly, a big bald head, and a slipper, walked to the stall of the Henan people, picked up a cake and stuffed it into his mouth, and pointed while eating: Your cake is a little hard today, do it well.

As he spoke, he took another loaf with his idle other hand.

The Henan people smiled with a smile on their faces, nodded their heads, and sent the people away.

At that time, I understood why the people of Henan did not let the stalls go out, but they were able to sell stalls again.


Before it entered June, the Henan people who sold cakes disappeared again.

One Wednesday, I bought 10 biscuits as usual, and when I went back the other day, the stall was gone.

It happened to be a rainy day in Xi'an for a few days in a row, so I think it might be that it was inconvenient to go out of the stall due to the rain.

When it was sunny, I went to buy cakes—the Henan people were still not there.

I asked the stall owner next to me: It's been a long time since I've been selling cakes.

The stall owner nodded: Yes, it should be something at home and he hasn't come back yet.

For half a month, I stepped on the dots every day, and no one in Henan came out of the stall.

I think it may be that I can't hold it anymore, so I change my village life, and if it doesn't work well, I will go back to my hometown.

Until the day before yesterday, I went to the village to buy some fruit, but I didn't expect the Henan people to come back.

I haven't seen him for more than half a month, and the people of Henan are even darker.

I must seize this kind of opportunity, and contract his illness as soon as possible and "blame":

"What are you doing here? Not for more than half a month? ”

The Henan people were a little embarrassed, and they smiled: "I went back to my hometown to harvest wheat." ”

I picked up the conversation, "How much is a pound of wheat in my hometown?" ”

"Eight cents and nine pounds".

I shook my head, "Is it so cheap?" ”

The Henan people sighed, "When I went home, the wheat came down, and the wheat was dried thoroughly, and one pound was eight cents and nine." ”

I also sighed, "You came back so late, there is a lot of land at home." ”

When the Henan people heard this, they lowered their heads and pointed to their feet

"There were only a few acres, and when I went home to work, I broke my feet, and I couldn't work, so I rested for a few days.

It was dry at home, and it didn't rain, so I planted the cobs after harvesting the wheat, and I found someone to help me water the ground, and when I saw the cobs sprout in the field, I came back. ”

The Henan people were silent after speaking, and I didn't know what to say.

Someone happened to pass by: "Give me a cake for 10 yuan", and the Henan people opened up to fill the cake.


Every wheat harvest season, it is not surprising that history repeats itself:

Ordinary people can't earn a lot of money by growing food crops, and they still rely on the sky for food;

In the event of a heavy drought and heavy rain, basically all the work of more than half a year was compensated.

Even if it's a good harvest, it's not really good:

The cost of fertilizer/labor is a big one, and there is not much money to remove.

Although the state has subsidies - for example, in my hometown, the subsidy for growing wheat is 100 yuan per acre.

As a result, some village officials took advantage of their positions to falsely report the area under wheat cultivation in order to obtain state subsidies.

There are even some village officials who take the state's grain subsidies in the name of low-income households, and at the same time withhold special allowances such as subsistence allowances/pension insurance.

Let the people, who don't have much money in their hands, suffer a dumb loss but dare not complain, and there is no way to complain-

And whenever this kind of thing is mentioned, it is not surprising that someone will definitely say: It's not that the farmers are not working hard enough? Short-sighted, poor is as it should be.

Speaking of which, I think it's funny, how long has it been since the agricultural tax stopped and started spraying rural people?

Many people have forgotten the peasants' contributions, the public grain is as fierce as a tiger, the retention fee is not a lot, and they have to dig the river for free, and the money will be deducted if there is no labor.

Without decades of strategic sacrifice, how can there be today's industrialization?

Especially now that the world is peaceful, others think that being a farmer is incompetent.

As everyone knows, the first rich lead the latter to become rich, and they have become the first rich to exploit the poor with capital advantages;

After that, you have the right to speak, saying that you are not rich because you are stupid and lazy.

Whether it was the sixties and seventies or the eighties and nineties, rural children were educated from an early age:

You have to study hard and go to work in the city, and you can't be a farmer in the future.

When I was young, I couldn't understand it, but now I look at it again:

found that the one-third of an acre of land at home really couldn't support people,

And now, in many places, it may not even be one acre and three points of land...