
618, the big anchors are quiet

618, the big anchors are quiet

E-commerce newspaper Pro

2024-06-19 09:21Posted on the official account of Guangdong E-commerce News

618, the big anchors are quiet

The turnover of top anchors with goods has dropped sharply

The fragrant bait of live streaming doesn't seem to be so fragrant now.

This year618 has been hot since the news of the cancellation of pre-sale, and in the past two days, Jingdong and Tmall have also successively issued news that they will increase the subsidy by 10 billion. It's a pity that under this lively scene, it is the frustration of the anchor with the goods.

Feigua data shows that in the live broadcast of the 618 promotion on June 16, the turnover of several head anchors of Douyin, such as Guangdong couple, Qi'er, and Pan Yurun, was 61.14 million yuan, 12.923 million yuan, and 6.748 million yuan respectively, down 86.4%, 88.46%, and 77% respectively from the same period in 2023.

618, the big anchors are quiet

Source: Feigua Data

The sharp drop in turnover is a bit surprising, after all, this is the annual 618 promotion. Moreover, these are all top anchors on Douyin, and their appeal is originally greater than that of some small and medium-sized anchors.

You must know that Pan Yurun previously posted his tax bill on social platforms, and the annual tax payment was close to 100 million. More taxes means more money. In her first live broadcast, the GMV of the live broadcast directly exceeded 100 million.

618, the big anchors are quiet

Source: Weibo

According to Xindou data, from March 15, 2023 to March 15, 2024, Pan Yurun's estimated sales of live streaming will be 620 million yuan, ranking fourth in the entire Douyin beauty track. When the results are better, they can even compare to Brother Xiao Yang and Dongfang Selection.

It stands to reason that the longer the anchor carries the goods, the greater the appeal will be, and the turnover of the goods should also increase. However, now Pan Yurun's turnover of millions of goods in 618 is indeed a little worse than the turnover of his first live broadcast exceeding 100 million.

Sell more, earn more, sell less, earn less. It can be seen from the data that the head anchor does earn less than before.

The turnover of the top anchors is so dismal, let alone the anchors below. The decrease in turnover also means that the anchors with goods make less money. After all, the anchor with goods is to look at the data to speak.

According to the "Daily Economic News" reporter interviewed Liu Baoli, the founder of a live broadcast base, Liu Baoli revealed that the average monthly salary of the anchors with goods in the base is 8,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan. However, according to Liu Baoli's observation, there are already (anchors) whose hourly wages are as low as 20 yuan, so it is better to go to the street to post small advertisements.

Now that the turnover of the top anchors has decreased, the money in their pockets has naturally become less. The frustration of the head anchor is even more vividly reflected in the small anchor, after all, the relevant people have already said that the hourly salary is as low as 20 yuan.

This situation shows that the live streaming industry has lost its initial vitality. The emergence of this trend is actually not too surprising, e-commerce live streaming has been developing for so long, and many things have changed.

618, the big anchors are quiet

The anchor can't bring the goods, what's the difficulty?

The dividends of live streaming have gradually bottomed out, and the situation faced by anchors with goods is becoming more and more complicated.

Once, because of the huge e-commerce live broadcast market and the scarcity of anchors with goods. Ordinary anchors can attract a lot of consumers to shop with a casual live broadcast, and it is exaggerated to say that they can make a lot of money by lying down, not to mention which head anchors.

However, now some anchors shout all night, although the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is not small, but consumers may not necessarily place orders. Nothing is left after the excitement, and this is because there are so many choices for consumers now.

At the beginning, live streaming, as the first emerging business model, was very profitable, attracting many people to join the industry. Up to now, it can be said that all people can live broadcast goods.

Open any software, and you may mistakenly enter a live broadcast room in the process of watching videos. The live broadcast room is big enough to be a super head anchor like Li Jiaqi and a big brand like Huawei; It can be as small as a stall owner who buys fruit at a roadside stall, or a mother who broadcasts live at her own home.

618, the big anchors are quiet

Source: Video Account

The threshold for the profession of anchor with goods is also very high, after all, not everyone can export in the live broadcast room like Dong Yuhui. It's also low to say low, just open the mobile phone live broadcast room and silently display the goods.

Many institutions will also simply train anchors, and the cost is very low. Therefore, now no matter what you sell, you can open a live broadcast room. Consumers don't have to go to a certain live broadcast room, if they find something they like and the price is right, they can buy it.

The proliferation of anchors with goods has made the track of live streaming become crowded. Every anchor wants to sell more goods and make more money, but when the price is about the same, why should consumers choose this live broadcast room. At this time, the live broadcast room must be distinctive.

If the live broadcast room is to be distinctive, it depends on the competitiveness and attractiveness of the anchor with the goods, which requires constantly updating its own live broadcast content and methods, and investing more time and energy.

It's just that, in this way, the operating costs of live streaming will naturally increase.

The delivery of goods by anchors is dependent on e-commerce platforms, and if the live broadcast room wants to attract consumers, it must rely on the support of platform traffic. That is, the so-called streaming, only with streaming can there be exposure, and consumers can see the live broadcast room, and streaming requires cost.

Even a super head anchor like Simba, who is a fast hand, needs to be streamed on the platform. Simba fell out with Kuaishou several times, and his account was blocked because of traffic.

In 2021, Simba once distributed the traffic to the scammer anchors who sold heirlooms on the platform in the live broadcast room, but did not give him a normal seller like him. I spent so much money on my own streaming, but the traffic was controlled by the platform. As a result, he scolded Kuaishou executive Thomas, and then his account was banned for seven days.

618, the big anchors are quiet

Source: Video Account

As the head organization of live broadcasting, Yuanwang Technology has also achieved outstanding results in bringing goods to its anchors. In 2023, Yuanwang Technology will achieve an operating income of 4.777 billion yuan, but it has made so much money, and the final result is a huge loss of 1.05 billion.

Among them, Yuanwang Technology will invest 2.3 billion on Douyin in 2023. This huge amount of streaming fees, even if the turnover of the goods is high, excluding the streaming costs, the money distributed by the anchors with the goods must be greatly reduced.

In addition to casting in exchange for attention, what can really grab consumers and orders is low prices. In this year's 618, various e-commerce platforms and anchors with goods have also rolled up to a new height in low prices.

Behind the low price is the subsidy of the platform and the concession of the merchant. Jia Nailiang received a turnover of 380 million in the premiere of Douyin 618 on May 21.

Behind this data is the large subsidies given by Douyin, including 500 million subsidies, large red envelope subsidies, Apple mobile phone benefits and 1 cent welfare products.

The platform will not give subsidies for no reason, and the final penny will still be obtained from the turnover. In this way, although the high turnover is eye-catching, the anchor does not necessarily get more in the end.

It can be seen that the business of live streaming is indeed getting worse and worse. The market is so big, and there are so many consumers. Competitors are on the rise, and operating costs are getting higher.

Those big institutions and big anchors, with strong capital behind them, may be able to barely support this fiercely competitive situation. However, it is unknown how long which small and medium-sized anchors can survive in this kind of tearing field.

The anchor who could easily earn a lot of money at the beginning is now facing such a dilemma, and the gap is indeed a bit big. You can still make money if you want to, but it's less.

However, people always want to get more things more easily. If this arena doesn't work, just change it, and there are already a lot of anchors with goods who want to dig a new cornucopia.

618, the big anchors are quiet

The super head anchor took the lead in the transformation, did it succeed?

The more powerful the person, the more able to transfer in time.

When some small and medium-sized anchors are still mired in the quagmire of live streaming, several super-head anchors are already looking for a new arena for themselves.

People can't hang themselves on a tree, since the competition in live streaming is fierce now, and it is impossible to make a better breakthrough in a short time, it is necessary to transform in a timely manner.

Brother Xiao Yang relied on live broadcast to bring goods to establish the Three Sheep Group, and his personal appeal is self-evident. It's just that Brother Xiao Yang also intends to withdraw from the live broadcast room and develop in the direction of entertainment. Last year, it cost 30 million to hold a concert, which made Xiao Yang's Zhenxuan account increase 4 million fans, and all the tickets for this year's electronic music festival were sold out.

618, the big anchors are quiet

Source: Video Account

In April, Brother Xiao Yang even threatened to temporarily withdraw from the live broadcast room and concentrate on short dramas. has been busy for more than a month, and Xiao Yang's company's self-made short drama "The Bride is a Big Guy" has also been launched on Douyin, and currently has more than 80 million views.

Recently, Brother Xiao Yang has entered the cultural tourism industry with a live broadcast team, which can be said to be blooming in all directions, and he will go wherever there is money to be made.

Li Jiaqi, as the first brother with goods, also started a side business. In April this year, Li Jiaqi's IP "Naiva Family" and Bear Claw Coffee opened the first co-branded coffee shop in Shanghai, NEVER MIND CAFE, officially entering the coffee track.

It is unknown how the business situation of the coffee shop is, but under the effect of Li Jiaqi's personal IP, there should still be fans to consume. It's just that it shouldn't be comparable to big brands like Luckin and Cudi.

Dong Yuhui has also been controversial recently, saying that he dislikes the title of Internet celebrity, and saying that he does not enjoy live broadcast work until today. It can be seen that Dong Yuhui is tired of live broadcasting.

Dong Yuhui's focus is also not on the live broadcast of the 618 promotion. I participated in the film festival before, and recently participated in the live broadcast and talk show of cultural tourism, which is intended to change the status quo.

Several super-head anchors are trying to transform, but they still can't get rid of the identity of anchors with goods, and they can't really leave the live broadcast room. This process of transformation will take a long time to explore.

Author | Li Ying

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  • 618, the big anchors are quiet
  • 618, the big anchors are quiet
  • 618, the big anchors are quiet
  • 618, the big anchors are quiet
  • 618, the big anchors are quiet
  • 618, the big anchors are quiet
  • 618, the big anchors are quiet
  • 618, the big anchors are quiet

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