
I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

author:A story of a thousand faces in the world


This is the 4,154th real story we have told

Reading is not the only way out, but if you read well, you will have a wider range of choices when choosing a career, and you will be able to choose what you like among many choices.

My path to life abroad is different from what most people leave behind after studying. After graduating from MIT, I did not stay in the United States, but returned to China to work for more than a year, and then returned to China again and chose to work in Denmark.

Now, I have basically achieved my ideal life, I have a work-life balance and can grow again, and I have found a lot of joy in life in the second-hand market outside of work.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(My mother made me wear a bachelor's hat when I was a child)

I am a post-90s Ningbo native. My father was in business, had an active mind, and always wanted to do big things. And the mother is a civil servant and is more stable. Their personalities formed a bond in me: I was a bold and adventurous person who loved order and planning at the same time.

However, when I was in kindergarten, they parted ways because of the difference in personality.

As a child, I used to spend a lot of time with my two grandmothers. My grandmother was a farmer, illiterate, but a self-reliant woman, who often took me to work in the fields and to sell vegetables in the vegetable market. I often regret that my grandmother is so smart and self-reliant, if she gets the opportunity to get an education, she will have a great world in life.

My grandmother was one of the few high school students of that era, she could speak English and Russian, and she was a teacher all her life. My grandmother was my biggest source of warmth when I was a child, she was very fond of children, she was always so kind to people, and she would do her best to help others. And I inherited this trait from her.

I spent most of my childhood in school, and living in the school allowed me to develop an independent personality at an early age, and I had a good relationship with my classmates. Therefore, my school time is less dependent on the protection of my elders, and more about freedom, which has a time-traveling link with my fearless exploration of the world in the future.

In the college entrance examination, his score just passed the Shanghai Finance and Economics line, so he went with the flow and studied finance and economics.

In 2014, the school had a free exchange program, and I went to the Swedish town of Örebro as an exchange student for half a year. The town had a small population and nothing famous for anything other than a university and a castle.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(Photo with my grandmother in childhood)

I went with three classmates, and we traveled to more than a dozen countries together in addition to studying. In Europe, I have eaten frugally and traveled poorly, slept at the airport, and slept in a mixed eight-person room. From the nervousness at the beginning to the familiarity with the road later, I feel that there are more possibilities in life.

At that time, I never thought of staying overseas, but I just wanted to see more and experience a different life, so I returned to China after the exchange program. I didn't expect that my life would be long, and this period would become a foreshadowing of the future.

Before graduating, I got an internship job as a bond trader assistant, and after graduation, I became a bond trader. After five or six years of working in finance, I have indeed learned and gained a lot, but as I get older, the industry is also heading for a downward cycle, and I always feel that this is not the field I want to cultivate for the rest of my life.

I am a very contrasting person, who looks weak on the outside, but is actually strong on the inside. Most people's impression of science and engineering talents is stereotyped, and they are only good at academic and technical skills. And I'm emotional, and sometimes very funny.

I wanted to explore more possibilities in life, and I could only achieve this goal if I had enough knowledge and material resources, so I started to think about my plan to study abroad. Since I have to invest a lot of time, energy and money, I have to go to a good school and get a good degree, and MIT has become my goal.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(During the study period)

The application process did not go well, I did not quit my job, but worked overtime in my spare time to take the exam, and finally got a high score after going through a lot of difficulties, but was rejected in the first year. However, I was not discouraged, and a few months after receiving the rejection letter, I took the opportunity to participate in a short-term study tour in the United States and consulted with the program director to ask me why I was rejected.

He was very eager to help me ask questions, and finally said that my English was not good enough, and I was worried that the learning experience would not be good, and I would not contribute much to the class. When I heard the news, I was actually relieved.

Originally, I thought that the work experience was not good enough, the academic was not strong enough, and it was really difficult to solve in the short term, but if the oral English was average, it would be easy to improve. So, I found an online paid coach to chat with me, and after an hour of chatting, it didn't take long for my speaking level to improve a lot.

I applied again the following year, and the written materials were quickly approved, and I entered the interview. Coincidentally, the interviewer was the program director.

He was humble and gentle and asked me, "Wouldn't you be disappointed if MIT didn't give you a really good job directly?" ”

I was very firm in saying, "It's a small job, but this experience will definitely be a very important experience in my life." ”

This is not a hypocritical answer, but what I really think in my heart.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(MIT Campus Days)

After the interview, I was finally accepted. I am grateful to the enthusiastic project director, and I am glad that I have the courage to ask and try again, in fact, in the first year I have crossed many mountains, only stopping in front of the last hill, if I give up at that time, I may regret it for the rest of my life.

I used my savings from working in China for 5 years and a loan to study in the U.S., which gave me an advantage in my job search. When I was studying in the United States, I got an offer from a large financial institution in China before graduating, and decided to return to China at that time.

It was an industry I was more familiar with, and I was convinced that I could do it. It stands to reason that I have been working in the domestic financial industry for 5 years, and I am not surprised by some interpersonal relationships and workplace culture, but after I returned to China, I found that my tolerance threshold was greatly reduced, and when there was an imbalance in my work again, I could have smiled and tolerated it, but now I can't do it. Perhaps this is why it is difficult to close the eyes that have been opened.

For a long time, I was in a state of depression. On the one hand, considering that this job is envied by thousands of people and is not easy to come by, and is unwilling to give up easily, on the other hand, there is a low mood that cannot be adjusted.

Then the financial industry began to lay off a large number of employees, and an older woman like me, who had no background, was necessarily the first choice, and finally gave me the courage to give up.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(Life sometimes depends on blessings and misfortunes, give up some of what you have, in order to discover a different scenery)

I decided to stop and think about what exactly I wanted. What can I do to get what I want?

After some thought, I found that whether I lived or worked, I still wanted an atmosphere of equality, so I began to look for a suitable place to settle down.

Combining my own advantages and the characteristics of other countries in the world, I am ready to submit a job in Europe, and Copenhagen is my first choice. Within a few weeks, I applied for the relevant positions that did not require Danish, and there were about dozens of them in total.

I quickly received an online test from my current company, and a few days later, I received an interview invitation. The boss was very warm and kind, and the first sentence said: "I'm more nervous than you now, this is my first time hiring." The atmosphere instantly relaxed.

Less than a week after the interview, a second interview invitation was sent. When they ask me what I do in my spare time? I replied, "I want to date cute and kind guys in Copenhagen and maybe find a soul mate." Everyone laughed.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(Life is full of life and fun because of the fat cat)

At the end of the interview, they repeatedly emphasized that if there is an offer from another company, they must inform them and never let them miss it.

A few days later, I received an offer to work for my current shipping company to do data analysis. With Denmark being a big shipping country and Copenhagen being a big port, my job is to process, analyse and present data for the company to ultimately support transactions and management decisions.

Unlike my previous experience, the contact with the Nordic company made me realize that work can be so enjoyable, and I don't even look forward to weekends anymore because the midweek is also enjoyable. Even after the initial "honeymoon period", this happiness continues.

The sense of hierarchy in the company is not strong, and everyone is always joking, especially like to trick the boss, tease him to go to the wrong conference room, wrap his seat in wrapping paper, and make the boss funny and helpless.

Looking back, in addition to being sincere and steadfast in my heart, my personality has also changed from introverted to extroverted.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(Irresistible cuisine)

When I was a child, I was a very introverted child, and it was extremely difficult to take the initiative to talk to my classmates and teachers, and I was even more afraid to speak in class. After class, I was kicked and beaten by male classmates and was silent, I don't know if it was shame or fear.

But as my understanding continued to broaden, I became more and more extroverted, and when I was in middle school, I openly opposed teachers who opened off-campus cram schools and refused to pay for classes in other cram schools. After work, I constantly deal with industry customers, and to a certain extent, I force myself to be lively. After going abroad, I met a lot of new friends, and I kept practicing communicating with people and making connections. To this day, I have been able to have a happy chat with my colleagues, neighbors, and shop owners from all over the country.

At the moment, I'm more content with my current life, and I may pursue further professional and technical advancements to become independent, but the office culture here is relatively moderate, and even if I pursue career progress, I don't need to work overtime. Now I have a lot of personal time to do something I love.

When I was in middle school, my father's friend gave me a wool coat worth more than 2,000 yuan, which I couldn't put down and cherished very much. But the dress was bigger, and I didn't grow any taller, so I gave it to my older sister the next year, but I never forgot it.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(Recent photo of Copenhagen)

After work, I suddenly saw someone selling this dress in Xianyu, small, almost brand new, only 100 yuan, I immediately bought it. I'm still wearing this dress to this day, and the quality is really good.

Memories of the past hit me like a boomerang, and I'm glad I can make up for it. Since then, I have fallen in love with the second-hand trade.

I haven't bought new outerwear for almost 7 years now, and all my clothes, electronics, furniture, etc. are second-hand as much as possible.

In China, I am a big Xian fish owner, and there are a large number of transactions in both buying and selling. In Copenhagen, I go to second-hand stores more often, which adds a lot of fun to my life.

Many people look at me changing clothes every day, and always think that I have a huge wardrobe, but in fact, the clothes are second-hand, and they are sold for a while to change for a new one. When moving internationally, there are always people who marvel at how light my luggage is.

In Copenhagen, one of the second-hand stores I frequented was run by an old man. He is from Mongolia and he is always very kind to meet Asian children. Most of the young Asians who shop at second-hand stores are students, and he thinks so am I.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(Sometimes it's not just the sun that warms people's hearts)

When the weather turned cold, I put a down jacket and a cashmere coat together, and he thought that I didn't have a down jacket and probably couldn't afford it, so he asked me to take a down jacket for free, and said, "Son, you're going to freeze."

Although I showed him my down jacket and declined his kindness, the warmth stopped me from being cold.

It's more fun to be in the second-hand market, and the clothes that I have washed and ironed look better and can even make money. Although a little money has no impact on life, most people's hobbies cost money, and hobbies can also make money, which is a kind of happiness that can be met but not sought. Although the value of a single transaction is not high, it is estimated that it has saved more than 200,000 over the years.

At present, most of the good things in my life are based on my educational background and work ability, and the root of these is from reading. Although many people no longer believe it, reading can still change fate.

Learning is a fair trade where hard work is rewarded, and it's much simpler than the workplace and emotional relationships, isn't it?

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(Simple Pleasure)

In my experience of studying and working abroad, I have received a lot of help from well-wishers. MIT has always been supportive of our graduates, and we always seek one-on-one counseling from career mentors and alumni at the school, and they have given me a lot of advice.

Therefore, I am also very enthusiastic about helping other juniors who are interested in studying and looking for jobs, all for free. As long as the other party politely comes to me and asks for career counseling, I will try to make an appointment on the phone or meet in person.

After I arrived in Denmark, I met a lot of well-wishers, and I often helped Chinese students living in Denmark. Others who have been helped have expressed their gratitude, and the things themselves are wonderful.

But in the process, it is inevitable to meet some people, who are full of malice towards all this. They don't believe that anyone is willing to help others sincerely, and they insist that I must be an illegal immigration agent who wants to profit from others. There are also men who pretend that they want to consult for a career, but in fact sexually harass me after I have arranged a time.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(The waves in the sea will not become muddy because of the stagnant water in the well)

But I never thought of giving up, and if I gave up my light because of these despicable people, it would be too unworthy. I only think about how to improve myself through learning, to better create career output, and to make the road wider and wider for the younger generations.

I don't have any background, and the biggest highlight of my resume is just my academic qualifications and certificates. Nowadays, many people will often say that fate is determined by family conditions, and there is some truth to this. Of course, it helps with a good family, but I still hope that my experience can encourage other readers with no background to believe that reading can still change their lives.

And I am willing to do my part to help those who are positive, so that we can move towards the future we want together.

I, a Danish migrant worker, am a top student at MIT, and I am also a working woman who is addicted to second-hand trading

(Welcome to follow my account)

[Narrator: Eva]

[Written by: Heartstrings]

[Editor: Xiaoqi]

We can't experience different lives, but we can feel different life trajectories here, every photo here is a bit of life, every story is a real life, if you also like it, please click to follow! @人间千面故事

(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )

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