
Why do acne flare-ups? The secret to fighting acne and saying goodbye to skin problems

author:Dr. Zhou Haibin

Acne, many people have been suffering from it. You may have tried various skincare products, changed your diet, or even sought medical attention, but your acne still recurs and is overwhelming. Why do acne keep coming and going? How to say goodbye to these annoying skin problems once and for all? Today, we're going to dive into the causes of recurring acne and provide some effective tips to help you achieve smooth, flawless skin.

Why do acne flare-ups? The secret to fighting acne and saying goodbye to skin problems

Causes of recurrent acne

Endocrine disorders

Endocrine disorders are one of the main causes of recurrent acne. The body's hormone levels change significantly during stages such as puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. These changes can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce excess oil, clogging pores, which can trigger breakouts. In particular, when androgen levels are elevated, it is more likely to lead to an increase in sebum secretion, which can lead to the formation of acne and acne.

Eating habits

Diet and acne are inextricably linked. Foods high in sugar and fat can increase the inflammatory response in the body and promote the growth of acne. Studies have shown that milk and high GI (glycemic index) foods are also associated with the development of acne. Therefore, improper diet is an important factor that leads to recurrent acne flare-ups.

Stress & Emotions

In modern society, stress is everywhere. Work stress, life stress, mood swings, etc. can all affect skin health. Stress causes cortisol levels in the body to rise, which in turn stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. In addition, negative emotions can also lower immunity, making the skin more susceptible to bacterial infections, leading to breakouts.

Poor skincare habits

Many people use a lot of anti-acne products in order to get rid of acne quickly, but the result is counterproductive. Improper skincare behaviors such as excessive cleansing, frequent use of toners containing alcohol, and frequent changes in skincare products can disrupt the skin's barrier function, leading to skin sensitivity and acne is more likely to recur.

Genetic factors

Genetics also play an important role in the occurrence of acne. If your parents also had severe acne when they were younger, then you may face the same problem. Genetic factors determine how active your sebaceous glands are and how resistant your skin is to bacteria, which can influence the occurrence and recurrence of acne.

Why do acne flare-ups? The secret to fighting acne and saying goodbye to skin problems

Fighting acne secrets

Eat a balanced diet

Eating a proper diet is an important measure to control acne. Reduce your intake of foods high in sugar, fat, and GI and eat foods rich in vitamins A, E, and zinc, such as carrots, spinach, nuts, and fish. Vitamin A promotes normal metabolism of skin cells, vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, and zinc reduces sebum production and is anti-inflammatory.

Keep your skin clean

Proper skin cleansing can effectively prevent breakouts. Cleanse your skin daily with a gentle cleanser, once in the morning and once at night, and avoid cleansers that contain harsh ingredients. When washing your face, you should be gentle and avoid excessive friction to avoid damaging the skin barrier.

Adjust your schedule

A regular sleep schedule is essential for skin health. Getting enough sleep helps to balance the endocrine system and repair the skin's self-repair. It is recommended to maintain 7-8 hours of sleep every day, try to avoid staying up late, and develop good lifestyle habits.

Use skincare products wisely

It's important to choose skincare products that are right for your skin type. For oily skin, you can choose oil-controlling and refreshing skincare products; For dry skin, choose moisturizing skincare products. Avoid frequent changes to skincare products and choose products that are gentle, alcohol- and fragrance-free. In addition, using an exfoliating product containing salicylic or AHAs once a week can help clear pores and prevent breakouts from developing.

Stress management

Learning to manage stress effectively is important to prevent acne recurrence. It is possible to relax and reduce stress through exercise, meditation, yoga, etc. In addition, maintaining good communication with family and friends can also help relieve emotional stress.

Avoid touching your hands with your face

Touching your face with your hands can easily bring bacteria to your face, causing pore infections and acne. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid touching your face with your hands, especially if your hands are not clean.

Why do acne flare-ups? The secret to fighting acne and saying goodbye to skin problems

Specific case sharing

Xiao Li's experience of fighting acne

Xiao Li is a college student who often stays up late due to academic pressure, resulting in acne on his face. Xiao Li tried a variety of acne products, but the results were not good. Later, Xiao Li adjusted his diet to reduce sugar intake, increase the intake of vegetables, fruits and fish, and insisted on running for 30 minutes every day. After two months of hard work, Xiao Li's acne has been significantly reduced, and her skin condition has been significantly improved.

Xiao Wang's skin care experience

Xiao Wang is an office worker who has recurred acne on his face due to his busy work and irregular diet. Under the advice of his doctor, Xiao Wang adjusted his work and rest time, maintained sufficient sleep every day, and used gentle skin care products for daily care. At the same time, Xiao Wang also takes a deep cleansing mask once a week to exfoliate regularly to keep the skin clean. After a period of perseverance, Xiao Wang's skin has regained its health, and the acne problem has been effectively controlled.

Expert advice:

Regular skin exams

It is recommended to go to a dermatologist for regular skin examinations to understand the specific condition of the skin and formulate a scientific skin care plan. Depending on the individual's skin type and acne, the doctor can provide professional treatment options, including medication and medical aesthetics.

drug therapy

For severe acne problems, medication can be used under the guidance of a doctor. Common medications include topical antibiotics, tretinoins, and oral antibiotics. These medications can effectively inhibit bacterial growth, reduce inflammation, and promote the healing of acne.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment is an effective acne treatment for stubborn acne. Lasers can treat acne by killing bacteria, inhibiting sebum secretion, and improving skin texture. But laser treatment needs to be performed under the guidance of a professional doctor to ensure safety and results.