
What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

author:Encyclopedic knowledge of home appliance evaluation

With the increasing quality of life, many families have added a garment steamer, a practical small household appliance, which is also known as an ironing machine or electric iron. This artifact can iron clothes quickly, giving our garments their original shine and smoothness. However, there are many brands of garment steamers on the market, many of which have problems such as poor compatibility, unsatisfactory ironing results, damage to clothes, and potential safety hazards. So, what are the hazards of garment steamers? As a senior fashion designer, I often need to use garment steamers and have a deep understanding of them. Today, I decided to combine my personal practical experience to bring you a popular science article to discuss the potential hazards of garment steamers and the precautions when purchasing. (Next, I will show some garment steamers that I have personally evaluated)

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

1. What are the hazards of garment steamer?

What are the hazards of garment steamers? There is no harm in a professional and high-quality garment steamer as a tool for organizing household clothes. However, the proportion of inferior garment steamers on the market is very large, and many consumers do not know how to choose the garment steamer, and it is easy to buy inferior garment steamers that will damage clothes and leave potential safety hazards, and these garment steamers often have the following four hazards. The picture below is the explanation of the hazards of garment steamers by senior household appliance evaluation bloggers.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

Hazard 1: There are many potential safety hazards

The quality of the wires used in inferior garment steamers is often worrying, and their circuit design is often unreasonable. Considering that the garment steamer needs to operate in an extreme environment of high temperature and high pressure, such a design undoubtedly greatly increases the risk of safety accidents such as fire and electric shock. Therefore, when choosing a garment steamer, we must pay attention to its safety performance, avoid buying inferior products that may bring potential safety hazards, and ensure the safety of ourselves and our families.

Hazard 2: Damage to clothing

Inferior garment steamers often have disadvantages such as excessive power and inaccurate temperature control, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to the ironing needs of a variety of fabrics. In particular, some high-end fabrics, such as velvet and silk, can easily suffer damage due to improper operation of inferior garment steamers. Excessive temperature may cause the fibers of the garment to be burned, yellowed, and even cause irreversible damage, causing the beloved garment to lose its original luster and texture.

Hazard 3: Burns to the skin

Garment steamers work by ironing clothes with high-temperature steam, however, if there is a defect in the structure or handle design of the garment steamer, it may burn the skin due to accidental leakage of high-temperature steam when used. Therefore, when choosing a garment steamer, we should pay attention to its design rationality to ensure safety during use.

Hazard 4: Odor is annoying

Many low-cost and low-quality garment steamers are very sloppy in the selection of materials, and even use second-hand recycled materials. Such garment steamers may emit unpleasant odors soon after use, which not only affects the freshness of clothes, but also may cause potential harm to our health. When choosing a garment steamer, you must pay attention to its material and process to avoid buying inferior products.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

Second, the fifth type of IQ tax products must be kept away

What are the hazards of garment steamers? From the above analysis, it is not difficult for us to find that there are indeed many hidden hazards in the garment steamer, each of which deserves our high vigilance. In order to protect our precious garments, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the root causes of these hazards in garment steamers. The statistical chart of the negative evaluation of the garment steamer released by the authoritative media reveals the truth for us: the inferior and unprofessional garment steamer is the culprit that causes these harms. In order to help you avoid these "minefields", I combined the data for you to sort out five types of easily fooled garment steamer products, you must keep your eyes open when purchasing, choose carefully.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

1. Promote products with ultra-long warranties

Now there are a lot of garment steamer brands have played a "long warranty or lifetime warranty" gimmick, we must keep a clear head, do not easily believe, although they say that the lifetime warranty, but the business is likely to run away at any time, and the product quality is not too good, consumers seem to take advantage, in fact, the ironing effect is poor, and it is easy to damage the clothes, it will not take long to damage.

2. Choose a low-cost garment steamer carefully

Low-priced garment steamers are often unsatisfactory in the selection of materials, and generally use inferior components such as heating pipes, steam panels and thermostats. The design of its steam structure is often not scientific and reasonable. Although this type of garment steamer seems to have a high "cost performance", it is actually very disappointing. The ironing effect is poor, it is difficult to adapt to different clothing fabrics, and it is easy to damage the clothes.

3. Big names with high premiums

The price of many big-name garment steamers is as high as thousands of yuan, but in fact, the cost of product materials, quality, performance and other aspects is not so high, most of them are brand premiums, and because this kind of garment steaming machine has done very little because of professional and technical tuning, they often cause cases of burning and burning clothes.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

4. APP function garment steamer: the practicability is not high

In order to attract consumers and highlight the sense of technology, some garment steamer brands have launched products that support APP. Although these garment steamers look smart, in actual use, do we really need to check the APP when ironing clothes? The practicality of this function is not high, and it can even be said that it is a bit frivolous.

5. Give away a variety of products with clothing essence

In order to cater to the needs of consumers for gifts, some garment steamer manufacturers will attract consumers under the guise of gimmicks such as giving away garment essence, but we need to be cautious, after all, they are not professional manufacturers of garment essence, and it is easy to block the water pipeline of the garment steamer after use, causing hidden dangers.

3. How to choose a high-quality garment steamer? Eight ways to help you choose!

What are the hazards of garment steamers? When buying a garment steamer, we must be vigilant, because there are many IQ tax products on the market. These products often emit strong odors, are less effective in ironing, and may even cause damage to clothing. In order to ensure that we can choose the right garment steamer, I have compiled the following eight purchase methods for you, I hope it will be helpful to you:

Method 1: Choose a brand with strong professional and technical strength

If you want to buy a garment steamer with excellent performance, it is the key to choose a professional brand with strong technical strength. These brands have profound technical accumulation, and through continuous technology research and development and optimization, they ensure that the garment steamer achieves accurate temperature control and uniform and stable steam output. Such garment steamers not only provide excellent ironing results, but also effectively avoid damage to the clothes. At the same time, professional brands have strict testing and control of core parameters such as temperature control accuracy, steam distance, and steam uniformity to ensure that the product performance is durable and stable, and it is not easy to have problems in long-term use.

Method 2: The preferred multi-functional garment steamer

There are various types of garment steamers, among which multi-functional garment steamers are highly regarded for their rich functions. It not only has the excellent ironing performance of a vertical garment steamer, but also has the compact and portable characteristics of a handheld garment steamer. What's more, the multi-functional garment steamer supports a variety of methods such as garment ironing, flat ironing, and steam ironing, so that you can choose the most suitable ironing method according to your needs.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

Method 3: Pay attention to the uniformity of steam volume

When choosing a garment steamer, the uniformity and stability of the steam volume is a factor that cannot be ignored. This puts forward higher requirements for the core components of the garment steamer, such as the heating panel, heating pipe, and water pump. If the amount of steam is uneven or unstable, it is likely to cause temperature fluctuations during the ironing process, which can cause damage to the garment.

Method 4: It is best to choose a product equipped with a metal heater

As the core component of the garment steamer, the performance of the heater directly affects the overall performance of the garment steamer. Therefore, when choosing a garment steamer, we recommend that you give priority to products equipped with metal heaters. The metal heater has excellent energy storage effect, low thermal efficiency loss, uniform steam and rapid heat conduction. After long-term use, it is not easy to accumulate scale, stable performance, less damage to clothing, and has a relatively long service life. Such a choice will undoubtedly add more security to our ironing experience.

Method 5: Don't blindly pursue big names

When buying a garment steamer, we don't have to blindly pursue big-name products. Although some big-name garment steamers are expensive, they are actually at a higher premium, and the materials, quality and performance do not necessarily match their price. Many times, these high prices come more from brand marketing costs.

Method 6: Choose a product with excellent thermostats

The thermostat, as the "commander" of the garment steamer's heating temperature, is very important for the ironing effect. Different fabrics and different gears need to match different ironing temperatures, so it is particularly important to choose a garment steamer with a high-quality thermostat. If the quality of the thermostat is not good, the temperature of the garment steamer may fluctuate, which will not only easily damage the clothes, but also may bring safety hazards, such as fire. Temperatures that are too low may result in poor ironing results.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

Method 7: Use a garment steamer with excellent compatibility

We need to use those garment steamers with large steam capacity, more gears, and more modes (wet ironing/dry ironing, etc.), which can do dry and wet ironing to meet the ironing needs of different fabrics.

Method 8: Ceramic glaze panel is preferred

When choosing a garment steamer, the panel material is an important consideration. Ceramic glazed panels are prized for their high smoothness. Garment steamers with ceramic glazed panels are less damaging to clothes when ironing, and at the same time, they are less prone to rust and odors, and they are more convenient to clean.

Nowadays, many garment steamers on the market advertise themselves as not hurting clothes, but in fact, they are basically publicity gimmicks, and there is a high probability that everyone will bring damage to clothes when they really use them! So which garment steamers are professional, high-quality, and worth buying? Here is a statistical chart of the measured data of garment steamers from authoritative testing institutions, which lists the performance and clothing damage rate data of various mainstream brands of garment steamers, you may wish to make a reference.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

Many users of garment steamers complain that the ironing effect is not good, and the clothes are seriously damaged and become stiff and rough. However, Gong Ling stood out for its focus on deep ironing and attention to protecting clothes, which made it a hit! Unlike many brands that only meet the quality inspection standards, Gongling insists that indicators such as performance and clothing must exceed the standards by five times. Gongling not only provides audiophile-level top performance, but also has created 5 ironing high-performance technologies, 4 clothing black technologies, and has unconventional quality and up to 6 years of comprehensive performance anti-attenuation ability, extraordinary strength! Compared with competing products, Gongling has improved the ironing effect of the fabric by 137.2%, the ironing uniformity by 93.2%, and the damage to the garment by 93.9%, becoming the industry's recognized top brand of ironing and clothing. Gongling supports flat ironing, hanging ironing, steam ironing and other methods, compared to ordinary garment ironing machine can only iron simple fabrics, it can cope with 99% of clothing fabrics.

The media praised Gong Ling: "its quality is comparable to the top of the commercial garment steamer", Gong Ling never advertises, with excellent product strength and reputation, has won the love of many clothing bloggers, institutions and consumers, and has rarely obtained certification from the European Union and other countries, and is highly recommended by CCTV.

Gong Ling regards "high performance and no damage to clothes" as the ultimate pursuit, and has a deep background in home appliance safety research and development. Unlike other brands that pursue flashy marketing and appearance, it focuses on improving the performance and safety of its products. Gongling invests a lot of resources in the research and development of top-level performance configurations, and spends three or four years in product research and development to polish a product to ensure the ultimate details. Compared with other brands, Gongling's products can maintain stability for more than 6 years in terms of comprehensive performance, and the deviation value of various indicators does not exceed 0.1%. At the same time, Gong Ling insists on eliminating 30% of inferior materials in every link from components to finished products, which is strict.

Friends with a low budget can consider starting with Xiaomi, Supor and other entry-level models, and the basic brand is OK. If you have a sufficient budget, you can take a look at the high-end garment steamers of Panasonic and Daewoo, which have a more exquisite design.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

4. Is it necessary to buy a high-quality multi-functional garment steamer?

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Indeed, the garment steamers on the market are uneven, and those unprofessional and inferior garment steamers do bring many hidden dangers and troubles. But as long as we choose a high-quality and multi-functional garment steamer, it can become a powerful assistant in our daily life, helping us to take care of our clothes easily.

So, how does a garment steamer work? Actually, the principle is very simple. Before use, we need to add water and power on the garment steamer. Subsequently, the heater inside the garment steamer converts the water into high-temperature water vapor. This water vapor is released into the folds of the garment through steam ducts and nozzles, and the high temperature of the water vapour softens the garment's fibers. Then, we just need to gently pull the garment and it will quickly become smooth and smooth. With its unique working principle, the garment steamer makes it easy for us to have neat clothes and bring convenience and beauty to life.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

As the demand for ironing grew, the garment steamer family began to grow day by day. As a new type of product, the multi-functional garment steamer is favored by people because of its excellent ironing performance, small size, easy storage and use. It brings the following 4 benefits:

Advantage 1: Save time and effort, easy ironing

The multi-functional garment steamer has been carefully designed and upgraded layer by layer, not only the body is small and portable, but also the structure is extremely precise. This means that even if you need to take care of a lot of laundry, you won't feel tired after long periods of use. It makes it easy to iron clothes for a long time, from multiple angles, making your ironing experience even more effortless. In addition, the design of the water tank is also very scientific and reasonable, adding water or draining water has become simple and fast, which further improves the convenience of use.

Benefit 2: Excellent ironing results

The professional multi-functional garment steamer, with its excellent materials and exquisite technical adjustment, can achieve more ideal ironing results. Compared with the cordless garment steamer, its ironing effect is better. You don't need to iron your clothes repeatedly, even heavy clothes in autumn and winter can be ironed as smooth as new.

Benefit 3: Dust removal and sterilization

The high-quality multi-functional garment steamer has excellent ironing effect, and can also play the role of dust removal, sterilization, disinfection, etc., to better keep the clothes hygienic and clean, and effectively prolong the life of the clothes.

Benefit 4: Compatible with a wide range of fabrics to meet various needs

The design of the high-quality multi-functional garment steamer is very user-friendly, with a variety of ironing modes such as garment ironing and flat ironing, as well as rich functions such as dry and wet ironing. This makes it easy to cope with different life situations and clothing fabrics, whether it is silk, cotton or other materials, you can find the right way to iron.

What are the hazards of garment steamers? Be wary of the four flaws!

What are the hazards of garment steamers? After the above explanation, I believe you have a clear understanding of the garment steamer. Keep in mind that if you choose an unprofessional garment steamer, it is likely to cause damage to your clothes when you use it. Therefore, it is important to avoid products that do not iron well, damage clothing, pose a safety hazard and may pose a health hazard. On the contrary, we should choose a multi-functional garment steamer with strong professional strength and low damage rate, which can not only ensure that the clothes remain shiny, but also bring a comfortable and comfortable wearing experience.

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