
Regulate the liver - Zeng Jian, Tongyang - harden, long drive straight in!

author:October Doctor

Invigorate the blood first to replenish the liver, aphrodisiac first to pass yang, and only by driving can you drive straight in.

1. The main tendon of the liver, the largest tendon - Zong tendon.

Replenish the liver and blood, you can have enough nutrients and abundant tendons;

Replenish the liver and blood, and you will be able to have enough airflow to fill the sponge.

2. Yang Dao passes, and qi and blood can reach Zongjin.

Through the Yang Road, the essence of the kidneys, qi and blood rush to the ground, and the tendons are straight and long;

Tongyang Road, clear damp heat and congestion, the yang of the kidney can be replenished, and the strength of the sect is a pillar of optimism.

Regulate the liver - Zeng Jian, Tongyang - harden, long drive straight in!

At the same time, there are problems with the liver and kidneys, the qi is stagnant, and the yang qi is blocked, which jointly affects the effect of the Zongjin and becomes weak and not straight.

The patient asked for help, 47 years old, Mr. Li, 3 has been weak and unable to get up, very sad.

1. It is soft and not straight, and it is difficult to lift;

2. Hypochondria fullness;

3. Urine bifurcation, frequent urination and urgency;

4. Insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness;

5. The tongue is light, the moss is thin and white, and the pulse is thin.

The comprehensive syndrome differentiation is: liver and kidney deficiency, qi stagnation.

Regulate the liver - Zeng Jian, Tongyang - harden, long drive straight in!

1. How to treat it? Ventilator, tonifying liver and blood, and clearing kidney yang.

The ventilator uses Bupleurum + Citrus aurantium, the qi is bloody, and the tendons become larger.

White peony + angelica is used to replenish liver and blood, fill the liver and blood, and the meat tendons are rich in nutrients, and they will grow up smoothly.

Centipede + salvia is used to pass the kidney and yang, dissolve blood stasis, pass the yang channel, and the yang can reach the meat tendons.

2. How to deal with the aftermath? Tonify the spleen and stomach.

Licorice + atractylodes for tonifying the spleen and stomach.

Licorice can alleviate the medicinal properties of the whole prescription and avoid hurting the spleen and stomach;

Atractylodes atractylodes is a product that invigorates qi and strengthens the spleen, dries dampness and improves water, and solves the problem of unfavorable urination.

At the same time, it can also strengthen the spleen and biochemical essence and blood, continuously replenish the tendons, and the tendons continue to be supplemented with nutrients, which is natural and resolute.

Regulate the liver - Zeng Jian, Tongyang - harden, long drive straight in!

3. Why should we deal with the aftermath?

When Zongjin is installed in the engine, it also needs a steady stream of gasoline to run farther and farther. To replenish the spleen and stomach and take care of the aftermath is to constantly replenish the "gasoline" to the Zongten, one can make the effect last, and the other can run long distances, and jointly create the strength of the macho man.

Summarize the 8 flavors as [Menghan Soup], and quickly cultivate Menghan.

Bupleurum, Citrus aurantium, white peony, angelica, centipede, salvia, licorice, atractylodes.

Regulate the liver, pass yang, add qi, symptomatic patients, improve tenacity, drive a night car can drive straight in, macho spirit, invincible!

Regulate the liver - Zeng Jian, Tongyang - harden, long drive straight in!