
Improper diet, "slender" is hard to find - the root of obesity in traditional Chinese medicine

author:And Ze Walker
Improper diet, "slender" is hard to find - the root of obesity in traditional Chinese medicine

The ancients maintained their health and ate modestly.

Nowadays, people often suffer from obesity due to improper diet, which is also the so-called "eating disorder, damaging the spleen and stomach" in Chinese medicine.

Let's elaborate on the reasoning.

1. Appetite for raw and cold, fat is easy to pile up

In order for biological self-protection, fat often accumulates in the cold and stasis.

Therefore, abstaining from raw and cold food is the core of weight loss.

Drain the cold and keep warm, improve the body qi, the appetite will become smaller, and the weight loss is expected.

Some patients and their husbands have reduced their food intake and become disgusted with greasy food, which is evidence of the increase in body qi and the activation of self-protection mechanisms.

Another example is patient B, after being conditioned by traditional Chinese medicine, not only the sleep is improved, but the facial swelling also disappears, which shows that the vitality is nourished and the vitality is popular, and the body is naturally slimmed.

Improper diet, "slender" is hard to find - the root of obesity in traditional Chinese medicine

Second, overeating to help fatten, and injuring the body

Live within your means, and eat and drink as well.

Overeating leads to overnutrition, and obesity is the root cause.

Housewives often end up with a big belly because they are reluctant to give up the rest of their food, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Obesity in children is mostly due to excessive consumption of fat, snacks, supper and other fattening products.

Parents should know the degree of feeding and do not interfere too much with their children's instinct for self-regulation.

Overeating not only helps to fatten, but also can lead to the recurrence of old diseases.

The so-called "food recovery" in traditional Chinese medicine means that improper diet leads to the recurrence of the disease.

The amount of food consumed varies from person to person. After the body is well recuperated, the body qi and sensitivity are improved, and the natural knowledge is controlled.

Improper diet, "slender" is hard to find - the root of obesity in traditional Chinese medicine

3. When there is no diet, the spleen and stomach are damaged

Diet must be regular, "good in the morning, abundant in the afternoon, and less in the evening", which has been said since ancient times.

If there is no time to eat and drink, the spleen and stomach will be damaged, and all kinds of diseases will occur.

Eating at a fixed time can ensure that digestion and absorption functions are carried out in an orderly manner.

The spleen and stomach are in harmony, the subtlety of the water valley is orderly and the body is naturally healthy.

Some patients eat less and are lazy, emaciated, and pale.

Tell him to eat well to nourish his spleen and stomach. The spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture, the source of qi and blood biochemistry. If you are malnourished, how can your blood sugar not be high?

Improper diet, "slender" is hard to find - the root of obesity in traditional Chinese medicine

It is important to know that eating in moderation is important.

In summary, poor diet is the root cause of obesity.

Craving for raw and cold food, excessive overeating, and eating without time can lead to obesity and other diseases.

The way to lose weight is to nourish your vitality, keep you warm, and eat modestly.

In this way, the shape can be expected.

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