
The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

author:Lao Li looks at the entertainment industry

As a popular Internet term, street slicker is mostly used to describe people who have nothing to do all day long and like to wander around the streets.

Their nature is not bad, they are just lazy, they love to brag, and they love to join in the fun.

In many film and television works, there are three classic characters, which perfectly fit the netizens' perception of street slippers.

The first is Niu Xiaowei in "A Family in the Northeast".

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

He is the son of Niu Yonggui, an ordinary retired employee, and a recycler of manhole covers, a disposer of scrapped cars, and the owner of a sling beauty.

Niu Xiaowei's cultural level is limited, his moral level is worrying, and the methods of making money are relatively lacking in morality.

But before the big right and wrong, he was never ambiguous, and he acted bravely and helped many times.

On his entrepreneurial road, there are countless ups and downs and twists and turns, and at the age of thirty, he is still gnawing at home.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

It wasn't until he met Zhu Tingting that he gradually got on the right track in life.

Zhu Tingting has a hot personality, and her appearance conditions are equally hot, she is the best-looking girl in the whole play.

With the scene of her appearing, the audience is not happy to look at others.

Although Niu Xiaowei has a lot of blind dates, Zhu Tingting is undoubtedly the most suitable for him.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

Under Zhu Tingting's education and control, Niu Xiaowei gradually began to become responsible.

It really responds to the old saying: If there is a good wife in the family, the husband will not suffer misfortune.

Niu Xiaowei was able to marry Zhu Tingting, which was really his great creation, and it also made many viewers very envious.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

Before Niu Xiaowei, the most famous street slicker was Jia Zhixin in "I Love My Home".

Jia Zhixin is flamboyant all day long and never does anything serious, which is in stark contrast to his brother.

But the optimistic attitude of nature also plays the role of a lubricant in family conflicts.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

When taking care of Xiaoqing's cousin, he is also quite contributing, and he does not have his usual casual appearance at all.

It seems that in front of the girl he likes, no matter how unobtrusive the lazy man is, he will become very diligent.

Xiaoqing's cousin, played by Tao Huimin, is the reincarnation of Sister Lin, fresh and refined, gentle and lovely.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

The actor of this role also played the wife of Director Qi in the hit drama "In the Name of the People".

Tao Huimin's appearance is neglected, and many people have never seen her beauty.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

In addition to Xiaoqing's cousin, Jia Zhixin's official partner is Yan Hong.

Yan Hong has a strong personality and likes people who are more capable and able to make money than herself.

For example, she liked Zhiguo who was an official at first, and later fell in love with the rich Arwen.

In the face of them, she will also become a bird, obedient and obedient.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

So the combination of Jia Zhixin and Zheng Yanhong doesn't look so perfect.

Helplessly, Xiaoqing's cousin didn't like him, and the two finally ended Jia Zhixin's beautiful vision with a helpless hug.

Under the lights, Jia Zhixin seems to understand that the street life of his generation should stop.

Xiaoqing's cousin is the white moonlight he can never chase, and his love with Zheng Yanhong seems to be the product of mutual compromise.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

One thing to say, Mr. Cai Ming when he was young was also quite wow.

This appearance, this appearance condition, is not inferior to Tao Huimin at all.

It's just that the role she plays is always "twittering", and her voice is too high and sounds a little harsh.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

The last street slicker king is Brother Tiaozi from "Yang Guang's Happy Life".

He is Yang Guang's good brother, and he has basically done everything, but he can't do it for long.

It was his dream to make a fortune, but he lacked a down-to-earth spirit.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

Although he always takes a fancy to beautiful girls in the play, others ignore him.

He and Yang Guang are a pair of bad brothers, but he is better at enjoying himself and does not complain about his life.

Compared with Brother Tiaozi, netizens prefer Cao Dazhuang in the play.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

Cao Dazhuang is also known as the King of Rumba, a waist lover, a small billiards expert, and the first person who is afraid of his wife.

Every time he appears, he can cause a lot of laughs.

The humorous Tianjin dialect came out of his mouth, and the comedic effect was directly doubled.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

Actor Han Zhao is now starting to be a director and has also started a live broadcast, and his career is getting better and better.

It seems that talented men can make up for the lack of appearance conditions, and it is not necessarily only handsome guys who can have a relationship with the opposite sex.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed

Compared with the three kings of the street slicker world, who do you think is more accurate in the portrayal of the image of "street slicker"?

Facing Zhu Tingting and Xiaoqing's cousin, which one do you like more?

Everyone is welcome to leave a comment, if you like it, click on it.

The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed
The Three Musketeers of the Street: Niu Xiaowei married Zhu Tingting, and Jia Zhixin had a cousin, but only one failed


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