
In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

author:Chalfi's notes
In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!


In southern Africa, there is a country with an HIV infection rate of 43% and an average life expectancy of only 35 years, making it one of the shortest life expectancies in the world.

But even so, polygamy was practiced in the country, and even the king turned the traditional festival into a festival for him to choose a concubine.

Every year, 100,000 topless maidens are chosen by the king...

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

(All the content of the text statement has reliable information sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article, and some details are artistically processed, please pay attention to screening)

The King of Eswatini absurdly cured Ai

Eswatini, a small country in southern Africa, is a beautiful country that is shrouded in the shadow of AIDS, which has led to high mortality rates.

Poverty is one of the main causes of the AIDS outbreak in Eswatini, a country with poor transportation, extremely poor living conditions in remote mountainous areas, and many straw huts, and people living in such harsh conditions have poor sanitation and difficult access to basic health care.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

The lack of necessary medical knowledge, the lack of knowledge about how AIDS is transmitted, and the high cost of testing and treating it, which most people cannot afford, have allowed this relentless disease to spread in Eswatini.

In the face of the high incidence of AIDS in Eswatini, King Miswaiti III issued a number of controversial decrees to curb the spread of the epidemic.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

For example, requiring all people living with HIV to have a special mark on their buttocks to distinguish them from each other undoubtedly exacerbates the physical and psychological trauma of people living with HIV and the discrimination against them in society.

Another decree considered to be overly regulated on sexual practice was the promotion of male circumcision.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

According to the decree, all men must undergo circumcision before the age of 18, and Miswaiti III believed that reducing male libido through circumcision could reduce affaires and births out of wedlock, thereby controlling the spread of AIDS.

The reality is that instead of reducing the incidence of AIDS, this practice has led to complications due to surgery performed in unhygienic settings.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

One of the craziest decrees is "abstinence from sexual intercourse for five years," which calls on minors to abstain from sexual intercourse for five years before they reach adulthood.

Miswaiti III believed that the spread of AIDS in Eswatini could only be stopped through abstinence, and although this decree was greatly questioned when it was promulgated, people began to consciously comply with it for the sake of health.

Ironically, however, King Miswaiti III himself soon broke his own decree and married a 17-year-old girl as a princess in 2005.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

The King's approach was a complete repudiation of the decree and a clear indication of the incompetence and absurdity of the rulers of Eswatini in their treatment of AIDS.

It also reflects that in the process of fighting AIDS, this backward country can only take some tortuous detours due to the limitations of its cognitive level, financial and technological capabilities, which has given the world a deep enlightenment and warning.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

"Reed Dance Festival" changed to "Concubine Selection Festival"

Eswatini, a small inland kingdom, may be a small country, but it has unique cultural traditions, the most famous and remarkable of which is the Reed Dance Festival.

This coming-of-age ceremony, which originated centuries ago, has evolved into a grand royal mate selection ceremony.

Every August, as the Grand Wizard sets the date for the start of the festival, thousands of Eswatini girls begin to prepare for this one-of-a-kind festival.

They cut reeds and weaved garments, hoping to bring out their best on the day of the festival and attract the king's favor.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

Once the Reed Dance Festival kicks off, it lasts for eight days and eight nights.

On the first day, when the first rays of the morning sun fell on the earth, tens of thousands of maidens gathered in front of the palace with reeds in their hands and shirtless.

Dressed in colorful grass skirts and crowns woven of reeds, they stood in a neat line, silently waiting for the ceremony to begin.

With the shamans raising their arms and shouting, the reed maidens began to dance the traditional dance, and their postures were graceful, which was truly a grand scene, and they were like gorgeous wild flowers, blooming in front of the palace to welcome a new stage of life.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

On the second and fifth days, the maidens, accompanied by their guardians, go to the jungle to cut down the reeds, which symbolize the chastity and purity of the maidens, and they carefully bring them home to be used to weave costumes and ornaments for the grand performances that follow.

On the sixth day, a visual feast slowly began, and the girls dressed in costumes and holding reeds sang and danced in front of the Queen Mother's palace.

They were graceful and graceful, or enthusiastic and unrestrained, like butterflies fluttering, and the king watched from afar from the viewing platform, choosing the girl he liked.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

On the seventh day, the reed dance festival culminates, and the king himself appears to rejoice with the people, and the reed maidens do their best to attract the king's attention with all their strength and brilliance in front of the king.

They danced and winked sheepishly at the king, hoping to be favored by the supreme monarch for this honor.

Traditionally, on the seventh day of the Reed Dance Festival, the king will choose his favorite maiden from thousands of beauties to be accepted as royal concubines, and it is a great honor to be selected, changing the fate of poverty and living a luxurious and comfortable royal life.

As a result, the girls tried their best to show their unique charm by learning everything they had learned, in order to stand out from the crowd and become the lucky ones.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

Just as the reed dance festival is coming to an end, the king will slaughter cattle and hold a feast to entertain the maidens who attend the festival, drawing a successful end to this great festival.

What was supposed to be a coming-of-age celebration for girls has evolved into a royal convention for the selection of a mate, and the king and the royal family have distorted this ancient tradition and turned it into a celebration of debauchery and lasciviousness.

They completely ignore the profound connotation of the origin of the Reed Dance Festival, and only know how to be drunk and luxurious.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

Polygamy is undoubtedly commonplace in the Eswatini royal family, the number of concubines is really staggering, and so many women want to enter the royal family is also to change their lives, after all, the extravagant life of the royal family is something ordinary people dare not think of.

They are extravagant and extravagant, like walking consumption machines, squandering a lot of hard-earned money from the treasury.

At the same time, the majority of ordinary people in Eswatini are struggling to survive under the poverty line, suffering all kinds of hardships, the royal family is becoming more and more extravagant and corrupt, and the lives of ordinary people are becoming more and more impoverished, which is particularly deplorable.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

King of luxury, poor country

As King of Eswatini, Mswati III tops the list of the world's richest people, owning most of the wealth of this small country, amassing an astonishing fortune over the decades by developing cattle farming.

The King's extravagant lifestyle is staggering, and he has a penchant for luxury cars, with dozens of top-of-the-line sports cars in his luxury garage, ranging from the latest supercars to prized antique classic cars.

The price of each car is sky-high, several times higher than the life savings of ordinary people.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

Every year, Mswati III hosts a lavish birthday party for herself, inviting celebrities and nobles from all over the world to come and congratulate her.

Guests enjoyed the finest wines and delicacies prepared by the world's top chefs, as well as ballet troupes and world-class singers.

In order to make the Pomeranians smile, Mswati III spent hundreds of millions of dollars to build a luxurious palace for the princess to live in.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

Covering several square kilometres, the palace is decorated with splendid interiors, with intricately carved marble columns, gem-encrusted fireplaces, and huge chandeliers.

The palace is also equipped with luxurious facilities such as a private cinema, a jacuzzi spa area, a top-notch western restaurant, and hundreds of servants serve the princess in the palace every day, ensuring that her life is taken care of.

In stark contrast to the extravagant life of the King and his family, the majority of Eswatini lived in abject poverty and hunger.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

The economy of this small, landlocked country is lagging behind, and most of the population lives in remote rural areas, where they live in simple huts, poorly clothed and underfed.

Even in the cities, street children can be seen begging for food on the streets, and in such a miserable situation, the people have become resentful of the extravagant and corrupt life of the king and his royal family.

Over the years, Eswatini has repeatedly erupted in mass protests, with demonstrators taking to the streets with placards chanting slogans such as "King down" and "Cut royal spending" and demanding that Mswati III limit power or abdicate outright.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

In the face of strong public anger, the king had to use force, ordering the military and police to violently disperse the processions, and many demonstrations were attacked by tear gas and rubber bullets, and dozens of protesters were injured and hospitalized.

The government even imposed a curfew during the riots and indiscriminately arrested protest leaders and event participants.

Mswati III's tyrannical methods further inflamed popular anger.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

Although the brutal crackdown by the military and police has temporarily quelled the protests in the streets, there is nowhere to vent the raging anger of public opinion, and more people have begun to support the armed resistance underground.

Eswatini's internal turmoil is out of control, and the country is in chaos.

As a tiny state, Mswati III's absurd reign could not last long, and a flood of public opinion was coming, and his dynasty would inevitably be pushed into the abyss of destruction.

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!


[1]. Dahe Tourism-March 20, 2019 "The country with the shortest life expectancy in the world is like spring all year round, but there are very few who live past the age of 35!" 》

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

[2].CCTV-September 3, 2007 "The King of Eswatini Chooses 100,000 Girls Half-naked Draft (Group Photos)"

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

[3]. Beiguo Net-Liaoshen Evening News-March 16, 2010 "African Kings Reed Festival Re-election Concubines, Two Princesses Have Unbearable Loneliness and Escape"

In Eswatini, the African AIDS country, 100,000 girls contribute to the king every year, and the average life expectancy of the people is 35 years!

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