
Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

author:Kopp 10 grams
Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.


In the hot summer, when we hid in the air-conditioned room to cool off, did we ever think that in distant Europe, there is such a group of people who would rather endure the suffering of the scorching heat than install the air conditioner, so why is this?

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

The heat is raging, and lives are at stake

The term "hot dead" was originally just an exaggerated rhetorical device, but in Europe in 2022, it has become a shocking reality.

According to statistics, more than 60,000 people died in Europe due to the heat this summer alone. Even more chilling is that this number could double to more than 120,000 by 2050 if no effective measures are taken.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

In July of that year, Europe also issued a series of high temperature warnings, and the incomparably beautiful London in our impression also announced that the temperature once reached 40 degrees Celsius, and even the temperature in Bilisi, which is sunny all year round, exceeded 40 degrees.

However, this is only the beginning, due to the high temperature all day long, the mountains and forests in Europe can not stand it, igniting boundless wildfires, Portugal and Spain, the two brothers and sisters are also under the erosion of the fire, the temperature once exceeded 47 degrees!

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

And according to the statistics of the World Health Organization, Portugal and Spain have also been deprived of more than 1,700 lives due to high temperatures!

The forests of western France, once Europe's precious "green lungs", have been reduced to ashes in the flames.

In this area alone, the fires reportedly consumed more than 20,000 hectares of forest. Firefighters fought day and night, but they still couldn't stop the fire from spreading.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

Temperatures in major cities such as Rome and Milan continue to exceed 40°C, and many historical sites and artifacts are at risk of cracking and collapsing, and some media say that the loss of agriculture in Italy could be as high as 3 billion euros.

In Germany, high temperatures have caused a number of railway accidents. The railroad tracks near Hanover were deformed by the expansion of high temperatures, causing a train to derail. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but it was also a wake-up call for Germany's efficient railway system.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

Scandinavia has always been known for its snow and ice, but this summer, they weren't spared.

In the face of the heat wave that has swept across Europe, governments have taken emergency measures. However, these measures have had little effect due to the general lack of awareness of heat prevention among the European population and the inadequate infrastructure.

But then again, with such a hot weather in Europe, why don't Europeans take refuge in air-conditioned rooms to escape the heat?

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

The strange reason why Europeans don't install air conditioning

In this era when air conditioning has long been popularized, Europe has become a special existence, even in the scorching heat, many European families still choose to "insulate" with air conditioning, a phenomenon that existed long before the arrival of the heat wave in 2022.

Survey data shows that even in the summer temperature can reach 40 degrees Celsius, the penetration rate of air conditioning in many European countries is surprisingly low, Britain, France, Germany, the three old European countries we are familiar with, the installation rate of air conditioning is less than 10%.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

For modern people who are accustomed to air conditioning, such a choice is inevitably puzzling, but in the eyes of Europeans, installing air conditioning is not a simple matter.

First of all, the concept of environmental protection has deep roots in Europe. Many Europeans believe that the large-scale use of air conditioning will lead to an increase in energy consumption, which will exacerbate the problem of global warming.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

This environmental awareness is not only reflected at the individual level, but also in the government's policy orientation.

Many European countries are actively promoting green living and encouraging people to avoid using air conditioners as much as possible. In some countries, governments have even introduced regulations restricting the sale and installation of air conditioners.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

Secondly, the unique architectural style of Europe also hindered the installation of air conditioning. Unlike modern high-rise buildings, Europe has a large number of ancient buildings.

When these ancient buildings were built in Europe, technology was still a fantasy, let alone a special design reserved for the installation of air conditioning.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

In these ancient buildings, the installation of air conditioning often requires a large-scale renovation of the building itself. Not only does this require a huge amount of financial investment, but it can also destroy the original aesthetic of the building.

Not only that, but there are also many people who believe that blowing air conditioners for a long time will bring great hidden dangers to their health.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

In some countries, the installation of air conditioning even requires the consent of all residents, otherwise they may face the risk of legal action.

The deeper reason lies in the European way of life and cultural traditions, and in the summer, many Europeans choose to go to the countryside or enjoy the cool in parks, lakes and other places. For them, that's what summer should look like.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

Of course, as climate change intensifies, so does the perception of Europeans. More and more people are beginning to realize that in the face of extreme heat, traditional ways of life may no longer be fit.

Some European countries have begun to re-examine the issue of air conditioning and explore how to find a balance between environmental protection and comfort. However, this process does not happen overnight, and it takes time for Europeans to adjust their perceptions and habits.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

Innovate and compromise to find new solutions

Faced with the problem of high temperatures, Europeans are not without countermeasures. Despite the limitations of the popularity of air conditioning, Europeans are actively exploring new solutions.

Among them, the most representative is a device called "all-in-one air conditioner".

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

These air conditioners are different from the air conditioners we currently widely know, and do not require many cumbersome installation and connection steps, and can be "cool" with simple pipes.

Of course, this new air conditioner is not flawless. Its cooling effect may not be as strong as that of traditional air conditioners, but for many Europeans, it is sufficient.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

In addition to technological innovations, Europeans have also made efforts to cool public spaces. In many European cities, you can see all sorts of "heat-off" facilities: fountains, water mist systems, awnings...... These facilities provide a touch of coolness and comfort to pedestrians on the street.

In France, some cities have even installed large "cooling towers" in squares. This tower-like structure, which lowers the ambient temperature by spraying water mist, works similarly to that of an industrial cooling tower.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

However, in this part of Europe, the promotion of air conditioning still faces many obstacles. In addition to conceptual and technical factors, economic costs are also a reality that cannot be ignored.

Data shows that in Europe, the cost of installing an air conditioner can be two to three times the price of the air conditioner itself. And, due to the high price of electricity in Europe, the operating cost of air conditioners is also relatively high. This is undoubtedly a heavy burden for many ordinary families.

The role of government is crucial in this issue. Some European countries have begun to explore subsidies and preferential policies to encourage people to install energy-efficient air conditioners.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

Government Actions and Future Prospects

In Europeans' game with heat, governments play a crucial role. In the face of the escalating climate crisis, European governments have realized that individual and market forces alone are not enough.

In recent years, European governments have shown unprecedented determination and action to tackle the issue of high temperatures.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

They are adopting a range of policy measures to help people adapt to the new climate reality. These measures cover a wide range of aspects, from legislation to technological innovation, from economic incentives to public investment.

At the legislative level, some European countries have begun to revise building codes to require new buildings to be air-conditioned or take other cooling measures. This move will gradually change the face of European architecture in the coming decades, making it more adaptable to hot weather.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

In addition, a number of European countries have also spent a lot of money to develop new air conditioning technology.

Through financial support and tax incentives, they encourage enterprises and scientific research institutions to develop new energy-saving and cooling technologies, including not only more efficient and environmentally friendly air conditioners, but also new building materials and green energy.

An exciting example comes from the European Union's Green New Deal. As an important measure to combat climate change, the EU plans to significantly increase the proportion of renewable energy in the next few years, which will greatly reduce Europe's dependence on fossil fuels and provide a broad space for the development of clean refrigeration technology.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?


The power of human beings is insignificant in the face of nature, but in the face of the severe challenges of nature, we must also learn to use our own way to fight against nature, instead of blindly following the old ideas and methods, which will only be counterproductive.

Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

Primary sources

Interface News "Under the Deadly Heat Wave, What is the Reason Why Europeans Do Not Install Air Conditioners?" 》
Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?
China Youth Network "The hottest summer in history, why do Europeans die of heat and don't install air conditioners?" 》
Why would Europeans prefer to "die of heat" rather than install air conditioning?

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