
Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

author:Chen Shi's book

It can be said that the primary problem to be solved in all dynasties is the "problem of eating", Chen Yonggui tried to solve this problem in accordance with Chairman Mao's teachings for a period of time with revolutionary spirit and administrative means, although he seems to be a little out of place with that era, but he is still a person worthy of respect.

Under the ups and downs of his life, none of his children "the son is valued by the father", which can also confirm the noble spirit of this "Uncle Yonggui".

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

Behind the ups and downs of life

Shanxi Dazhai raised Chen Yonggui and also achieved Chen Yonggui.

In the early years, the Chen family's family conditions were not wealthy, and he only married the daughter of a poor peasant when he was 26 years old, and compared with other villagers, Chen Yonggui got married very late.

After the land reform came, Chen Yonggui and his wife were allocated a piece of land as a poor peasant, and from here, Chen Yonggui became a militia to support the front line, and also embarked on a new life path, but he did not expect that there would be so many twists and turns in that life path.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yonggui became a member of the production committee of Dazhai, and later continued to rise to the director of the agricultural society and the secretary of the party branch.

Facing the land for most of his life, Chen Yonggui has a different affection for the land, and he also has extremely rich experience in agricultural production.

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

The people of Dazhai are also very familiar with him, because Chen Yonggui has also done a lot of practical things for Dazhai in recent years, which has enabled the farmers to initially achieve self-sufficiency.

In the special difficult period, Dazhai not only did not stretch out his hand to the state to ask for grain, but also handed over grain to the state, which is enough to attract the attention of the whole country.

From this point of view, it is completely normal for Chen Yonggui to receive such attention.

So, in 1964, Tao Lujin, who was serving as the first secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, told the leader about the incident on Chairman Mao's special train: "In Dazhai, Shanxi Province, Chen Yonggui, secretary of the party branch, has a very good experience and should be learned and promoted. ”

Being able to stand out in adversity, the three words "Chen Yonggui" naturally left a deep impression on Chairman Mao, and he hurriedly asked: "What are the words Chen Yonggui?" Is he literate? ”

Tao Lujin also told the truth: "Chen Yonggui's cultural level is not high, but his speech is methodical and full of dialectics, which is very convincing. ”

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

So, at the end of this year, Chen Yonggui appeared in Zhongnanhai and celebrated Chairman Mao's birthday, Chen Yonggui was originally a very good talker, but he didn't expect that when Chairman Mao appeared in front of him, he was nervous and didn't know where to start.

Chairman Mao said that Chen Yonggui was an agricultural expert, and Chen Yonggui, who was already nervous, couldn't understand Hunan dialect, so he just nodded vigorously.

Premier Zhou was amused by this scene, and he helped Chen Yonggui translate: "Chairman Mao said that you are an agricultural expert. ”

At this time, Chen Yonggui immediately shook his head again, and he hurriedly said: "No, I am not an agricultural expert, not an agricultural expert. ”

The example of Dazhai Village is placed there, Chairman Mao looked at the modest Chen Yonggui and said: "Dazhai is doing well." ”

Received Chairman Mao's praise, but also the highlight of Chen Yonggui's life, the next day in many newspapers published Chairman Mao and Chen Yonggui cordial handshake pictures, from this on, Chen Yonggui's life completely went to a completely different path.

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

In fact, the changes in his life are also closely related to the international situation.

At that time, there were some changes in the Soviet Union, which also made Chairman Mao sensitively discover a problem: the problem in the Soviet Union now is that the people do not have the real power to manage the international; In order to prevent this step in China, cadres must be allowed to participate in labor without exception, and workers and peasants must participate in the management of the country.

With this in mind, Chairman Mao decided to promote a group of outstanding workers and peasants to important leadership positions, set an example for the whole country, and finally form a system that would enable China to avoid the old path of the Soviet Union.

Chen Yonggui was a model of the times at that time, even though he had already served as the deputy director of the Shanxi Provincial Revolutionary Committee, he still maintained his true character as a laborer, never detached from production, and did not want state subsidies and cars, except for the round-trip expenses to the provincial meeting that needed to be reimbursed, he did not want to take a penny more.

It stands to reason that this level can already settle down in Taiyuan, but Chen Yonggui's home is still in Dazhai.

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

Even if there are various activities and meetings, Chen Yonggui still insists on working in the fields according to the amount of labor of a member, and he always regards himself as a labor force, so such a down-to-earth style also makes Chen Yonggui have a high prestige among the masses.

Dazhai does not need publicity, and the actual situation is the best proof of this: the construction of farmland is getting better and better every year, and the grain handed over to the state is getting more and more every year.

Moreover, hospitals and schools have been built in this small rural area, which is also quite advanced.

Chairman Mao would never use a person on a whim, these years, he has also been systematically understanding Chen Yonggui, especially when he learned that Chen Yonggui was still in Dazhai after "becoming popular all over the country", he was very satisfied, this is what a good cadre should look like in his mind.

In 1969, when the Central Committee was considering the candidates for the Ninth Central Committee, Chairman Mao personally nominated Chen Yonggui for selection.

Four years later, Chen Yonggui entered the Politburo.

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

At that time, Chen Yonggui was still a little at a loss, he said: "There is no precedent for raising peasants to national leadership posts in ancient and modern times, and this is Chairman Mao's reliance and reuse of workers and peasants. ”

Soon, Chairman Mao promoted him to the position of vice premier, even ahead of General Wang Zhen.

In those years, Chen Yonggui was actually not adaptable, he didn't know how to face the mountains of documents, in his heart, only the vast field was more suitable for him.

So in 1980, when the country was changing again, he resigned as vice premier and went to work as an adviser to a farm in the eastern suburbs of Beijing.

Five years later, he was admitted to the hospital, because he knew that he had lung cancer, no matter how much treatment was in vain, in order to save money for the country, he no longer used medicine, in the face of the doctor's persuasion, Chen Yonggui also retorted: "That Premier Zhou also had cancer, can it be cured?" ”

After giving up treatment, Chen Yonggui took care of the aftermath.

In fact, it has been more than 20 years since Chen Yonggui began to be a leader in Dazhai, but his savings are only more than 8,000 in total.

According to his idea, when he left, he should be "empty" and return all the money to the state, but his family did not agree, which was also forced by reality.

Because the youngest son of the Chen family is about to go to college, what should the family do if they have no money at that time?

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

Chen Yonggui thought about it and decided to set aside part of the money for his youngest son's schooling, and donate all the rest.

Truly selfless

Judging from Chen Yonggui's decision-making in his later years, he really never "left a way back" for himself, and never thought about using the power in his hands to leave anything for future generations.

Judging from the birth of power, Chen Yonggui's rise to prominence was completely promoted by Chairman Mao, and he is also very clear about this.

Just as Chairman Mao also said when he commented on that special period: "I think that after 50 or 100 years, our period will be a small episode in history." ”

In China's thousands of years of agricultural history, Dazhai has only become a shining star in a very short period of time, and it is precisely because of a great leader like Chairman Mao that Chen Yonggui can come from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

Whether he succeeds or not, Chen Yonggui is an important figure that cannot be forgotten by this attempt alone.

However, Chen Yonggui, who had just stepped down, also tasted the bitter taste, and many people were criticizing Dazhai at that time, he was so angry that he couldn't eat or sleep after seeing it, and he was sad all day long, and one day he couldn't help it, so he went to find Li Xiannian.

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

Li Xiannian didn't know how to solve the problem, so he said: "Don't send the internal reference to Chen Yonggui in the future, he won't be good for his health after reading it." ”

In the special transition era, many people don't really know Chen Yonggui, and they feel a little like listening to the wind and rain, so Chen Yonggui couldn't return to Dazhai where he was born and raised for a while, so he simply decided to live in Beijing.

He wrote a letter to his wife, asking her to bring her youngest son, Chen Mingliang, to Beijing to study.

Then, he wrote another letter to his eldest son, Chen Mingzhu, asking him not to come to Beijing for the time being; Due to the mistreatment of some people, Chen Mingzhu is also suffering from calamity, and he is frightened and has a headache.

The above also allowed Chen Yonggui to continue to live in the small courtyard of Jiaodaokou, but Chen Yonggui said: "I don't have a position now, so I should move." ”

The State Council Administration Bureau of Organs and Affairs also specially allocated a car for Chen Yonggui, and arranged for guards and cooks, Chen Yonggui insisted on not cooking, he said: "My wife and I are idle now, and we can cook by ourselves." ”

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

In Beijing, people have always respected Chen Yonggui, and some people will take the initiative to greet Chen Yonggui when they meet him on the road, and Chen Yonggui will also chat with residents if he is fine.

Insisting on "everything for the public" is also Chen Yonggui's basic requirement for himself.

Once, a fellow from Xiyang came to Beijing to settle down, and he went to Chen Yonggui for a few drinks, hoping that Chen Yonggui would come forward to ask for a few train cars.

At that time, Chen Yonggui thought that this was a matter of serving everyone, so he made a call, and the train car was quickly approved, and the fellow happily said to Chen Yonggui: "Only 200 yuan." ”

Chen Yonggui asked confusedly: "What 200 yuan?" ”

When he heard that it was a benefit fee that could not be invoiced, Chen Yonggui called the railway bureau again with a black face: "I don't want the wagon." ”

No matter how much the fellow begged, Chen Yonggui just didn't want to let go, he was resolutely unwilling to do this kind of fattening personal thing.

In those days on the farm, Chen Yonggui was always in a hurry to help everyone do something, and those workers felt that Chen Yonggui was very easy-going, and everyone respected him.

In those days when he was sick and hospitalized, Chen Yonggui never thought about doing anything for his children, as he did in Dazhai in his early years, and now in Beijing.

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

Once, the eldest son Chen Mingzhu came to visit him, and he said: "You say, will everyone talk about it after I die?" ”

Chen Mingzhu heard that his father wanted to go back to Dazhai to "return to his roots", so he reported the matter to the leader, who insisted that Chen Yonggui not think so much and treat his illness in a hospital in Beijing.

Chen Yonggui received this kindness, and also said to Chen Mingzhu: "In the future, I will scatter the ashes in Dazhai." ”

Chen Mingzhu's life is ordinary, except for the report related to Chen Yonggui that will appear with this name, the rest of the reports never mention this person again.

The same is true of his younger brother Chen Mingshan, who has been doing well since he went to the army, but Chen Yonggui said: "Don't be a soldier if you don't perform well or not, and demobilize as soon as possible to devote yourself to construction." ”

The obedient Chen Mingshan returned to the place like this, and the factory where he worked did not receive any "instructions" from Chen Yonggui.

Under the reform and opening up, the times are changing, and Chen Mingshan's factory is also facing the dilemma of closing down soon after his father's death, and Chen Mingshan, who doesn't know how to be good for a while, went out to find a new job after staying at home for a while, and his life is ordinary.

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

Perhaps, Chen Mingshan also thought: "If it weren't for my father's obstruction, would there have been a higher level in the army?" ”

But the reality is that Chen Yonggui does not allow his children to touch his own light, even if he has not said hello, this is Chen Mingshan's fate.

Chen Yonggui is a peasant, but he also understands these simple truths: no matter how much he asks, he can't control others, and the leaders of the army know that Chen Mingshan is his son, and they will inevitably treat him preferentially, and they don't want to see this kind of thing happen.

On March 26, 1986, Chen Yonggui died, Hua Guofeng also appeared, he walked into the farewell room without saying a word, bowed three times in front of Chen Yonggui's body, and stood for a long time without saying a word, shedding tears.

Five days later, the relatives of the Chen family returned to Dazhai with Chen Yonggui's ashes, the leaders of Xiyang County have been waiting here, and those people who have never forgotten Chen Yonggui's contribution spontaneously waited on the road to greet the spirit, which is also the best consolation for him.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the hearse arrived in Dazhai, and the people from all directions surrounded this small village, and many people cried loudly.

Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army

According to Chen Yonggui's last wishes, his ashes were finally scattered on the land of Dazhai, and the people of Dazhai also set up a monument for him: the achievements cover the tiger's head and the achievements spread the earth.

Among the descendants of the Chen family, there is still a talent: Chen Chunmei.

Many years after Chen Yonggui's death, she was admitted to the doctorate of law with her own efforts, and later became the deputy director of the Supervision Bureau of the Supreme People's Court.

In her spare time, Chen Chunmei did not give up her exploration of her ancestors, and published the book "My Grandfather Chen Yonggui: From Farmer to Vice Premier of the State Council", which recorded a lot of the past events of that era.


  1. The mystery of Chen Yonggui's resignation Southern Weekly
  2. Fragment of Chen Yonggui's Last Years, Cheng Dong, Journal of Yunnan Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army
Chen Yonggui's only son who was a soldier, because his father lost the opportunity to be promoted, he is still a worker after retiring from the army