
Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

author:Strategizing 168

Recently, some netizens exposed the video of Peking University math genius Wei Dongyi eating in the cafeteria, which sparked heated discussions among netizens, many netizens felt that the school should arrange a life assistant for him, so that he could focus more on academics, and even netizens teased Jiang Ping and Wei Dongyi as companions!

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Geniuses are often amazingly gifted in cognition, but that doesn't mean they're just as good socially and in life. On the contrary, many geniuses may seem a little "out of place" in their daily lives.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Today, I will tell you the story of these two mathematical geniuses, the protagonists of which are two wizards in the mathematical world - Wei Dongyi and Jiang Ping. One is an assistant professor at Peking University, and the other is a secondary school student from a rural area. Although their identities and statuses are very different, they all show amazing talent in the field of mathematics.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Let's talk about Mr. Wei Dongyi first, some netizens on the Internet exposed the video of him eating, I saw him wearing a white-washed striped shirt, there seemed to be a hole in the cuffs, eating light tofu and rice, and a few steamed buns next to him, even the appearance of eating was sloppy.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

However, the more such people, the more admirable they are! Because he was so focused on the study of mathematics that he had no time to take care of the trivial things of life. During class, he used to use chalk to write formulas densely on the blackboard, and the lecture voice was soft, as if he was talking to himself, but the students in the audience listened attentively, for fear of missing every word of him. is such a raunchy professor, but he has won the sincere admiration of the students, and the class is always full.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Let's talk about Jiang Ping, although she was born in the countryside and studied secondary school, she relied on her amazing mathematical talent to beat the Qingbei scholars and became famous in one fell swoop. Unlike Teacher Wei, Jiang Ping loves mathematics and fashion, has long black and bright hair, and dresses exquisitely, giving people a clean and neat feeling.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Seeing the two of them, some netizens joked that if they were together, wouldn't they have to give birth to a mathematical genius? Although this is a joke, it also reflects everyone's yearning for genius from the side. The aura of genius is so dazzling that we ordinary people are envious.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

But if you think about it, is the life of a genius really that enviable? Just look at Mr. Wei's living conditions, in order to study mathematics, he put all his energy into academics, and his life is extremely simple, even a little sloppy. What ordinary people can endure this? Ordinary people want to enjoy life, but what geniuses pursue is inner freedom.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

From this, we will find that in the world of geniuses, there is no room for too many material demands, they live in their own inner world, and take mathematics for fun. This kind of life, maybe poor, but certainly happy, because they are doing what they love.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

The lack of material life does not hinder their brilliant academic achievements. On the contrary, perhaps it is precisely because of the simplicity of life that they can devote themselves to research and achieve achievements that are difficult for ordinary people to achieve. is like the living Buddha of Jigong, the clothes on his body are shabby, but his inner body is extremely noble.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Of course, not every genius has to live an ascetic life. Jiang Ping is a good example, she worked very hard in her studies, but she did not give up her yearning for a better life, paid attention to her appearance and clothing, and lived a sunny and beautiful self. This just shows that there is no contradiction in the pursuit of knowledge and the pursuit of life.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Geniuses should not be specialized, they are all ordinary people, just like us, and they all have seven emotions and six desires. We must respect their choices, but we must also understand their needs.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Just like some netizens suggested, it is the responsibility of the whole society to arrange a life assistant for Mr. Wei to care for geniuses, so that they can feel the warmth of life on the way to pursue knowledge.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

On the other hand, as ordinary people, we must also take a correct view of the aura of genius. Genius is not far away, and there is no reason for us to be presumptuous. Everyone has a talent that is just waiting for you to discover. Even if you can't become a genius, as long as you work hard, you can also shine, just like Jiang Ping, a rural baby, who still writes her life legend with hard work.

Peking University professor Wei Dongyi's recent photos were exposed, and his ragged clothes caused controversy, netizens: Let Jiang Ping be his companion

Ordinary people also have to learn to appreciate themselves and strive to live their best selves. I believe that as long as everyone loves life, finds their own life coordinates, and practices the extraordinary in the ordinary, they can also create miracles. #头条创作挑战赛 ##姜萍##北大韦东奕#