
Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

author:Words of the hills
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

The Forbidden City is a model of ancient Chinese court architecture, carrying thousands of years of history and culture.

One of the important buildings in the Forbidden City, the Palace of Nourishing Hearts, known for its unique history and mysteries.

However, for a long time, the Heart Nourishing Hall was known for its cold and damp appearance, a phenomenon that aroused curiosity and speculation.

Until an expert discovery unravels the secrets behind this ancient building, bringing people a new level of awareness and understanding.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

1. The history of the Temple of Nourishing Hearts

The Forbidden City, an architectural marvel that shocks the world, carries China's long history and culture.

Its construction is inseparable from Zhu Di's relocation of the capital to Beijing, and this history is not only the construction of a city, but also a symbol of an emperor's ambition and the destiny of the country.

Zhu Di, the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, moved the capital to a major political decision in ancient Chinese history, and it was also one of the events that had a profound impact on the development of Chinese history.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Nanjing was the place where Zhu Yuanzhang made the capital, but with the changes of the times, Zhu Di hoped to move the capital to Beijing, which was not only a change in geographical location, but also a political, cultural and ideological change.

Zhu Di had an ambitious imperial bearing, and he hoped to further consolidate his dominance by moving the capital to Beijing, showing his majesty and authority.

Located in the North China Plain, Beijing has been one of the political centers of China since ancient times, with a unique strategic location and abundant resource advantages.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

In contrast, although Nanjing also has a long history, its geographical location is slightly remote and its political position is not stable.

Therefore, Zhu Di's decision to move the capital to Beijing can be said to be in line with the needs of the country at that time and his personal political ambitions.

The construction of the Forbidden City was the inevitable result of Zhu Di's relocation of the capital to Beijing.

The construction of the Forbidden City on the site of the Yuan Dadu Palace was not only a political symbol, but also a materialized expression of the imperial power of the Ming Dynasty.

The Forbidden City was grand in scale and beautifully architectural, reflecting the highest level of architecture and artistic achievements in China at that time.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

Its rigorous layout and majestic momentum demonstrate Zhu Di's majesty and ruling ability as an emperor, and also show the prosperity and strength of the Ming Dynasty.

The construction of the Forbidden City is not only a project, but also a cultural inheritance and innovation.

In terms of architectural style, the Forbidden City integrates the traditional characteristics of ancient Chinese palace architecture, and absorbs the essence of foreign culture, forming a unique Ming and Qing palace architectural style.

Its architectural style is solemn and elegant, full of the aesthetic conception of traditional Chinese architecture, and at the same time there is no lack of innovation and the atmosphere of the times.

The architectural art of the Forbidden City is not only a technical achievement, but also a cultural expression and spiritual inheritance.

In addition to his architectural ambitions, Zhu Di also strengthened his grip on power through the construction of the Forbidden City.

As a royal forbidden place, the Forbidden City is not only the residence of the emperor, but also a symbol of political power.

Here, Zhu Di can concentrate on handling government affairs, strengthen his control over the government, and further consolidate his dominance.

The Forbidden City became the political and cultural center under Zhu Di's rule, and made important contributions to the stability and prosperity of ancient Chinese society.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

As an important building in the Forbidden City, the Yangxin Hall has historically carried important places for different emperors for different purposes.

In the early days, the emperors used different halls as political and living areas, and the Yangxin Hall became an important cultural and political center.

During the period of Emperor Jiajing, he indulged in seeking Taoism and used the Heart Cultivation Hall as a place for his alchemy, and this superstition and alchemy behavior has also become a footnote in the history of the Heart Cultivation Palace.

In the Yongzheng period, the Yangxin Hall was replanned as an office space and political center, and assumed more political responsibilities.

With the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Palace of Nourishing Heart also underwent different changes.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

After Puyi's abdication, the Yangxin Hall was preserved as an ancient building with cultural value and became a part of the Forbidden City, attracting tourists from all over the world.

Second, the current situation of the temple of nourishing the heart

As one of the important buildings in the Forbidden City, the Palace of Nourishing Heart carried an important place for the political life and cultural activities of ancient Chinese emperors, but its current situation is not satisfactory.

For a long time, the Yangxin Hall was known for its cold and damp appearance, which not only brought damage to the ancient building itself, but also caused great trouble to the maintenance personnel.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

As one of the core buildings of the Forbidden City, the Palace of Nourishing Heart carries important historical and cultural values.

It is not only a place for the emperor to deal with government affairs, but also a place for major ceremonies and banquets, which has high historical and cultural significance.

However, due to its special architectural structure and the characteristics of the Forbidden City's geographical location, the Palace of Cultivating the Heart has long faced the problem of a cold and damp environment.

The cold and damp environment not only caused damage to the building itself, but also caused great trouble to the maintenance personnel.

The humid environment can easily lead to the corrosion and damage of building materials, the walls are moldy, the wooden structure is decayed, and the murals are damp and faded, which seriously affects the protection and repair of the Yangxin Palace.

At the same time, the humid environment also brings great difficulties to the work of maintenance personnel, increases the difficulty and cost of maintenance, and brings severe challenges to the protection of cultural relics.

In order to solve the problem of cold and dampness that the Heart Cultivation Temple has been facing for a long time, the maintenance personnel have tried various methods, but have never been able to find a suitable solution.

They took measures such as ventilation, enhanced insulation, and humidity control, but the effect was not obvious.

Due to the particularity of the geographical location of the Forbidden City, it is difficult to fundamentally solve the environmental problems, so the cold and damp problem of the Heart Cultivation Hall has not been cured for a long time.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

In addition to natural environmental factors, human factors are also one of the important reasons for the environmental problems of the Heart Cultivation Temple.

Factors such as excessive tourist flow, unreasonable management policies, and human negligence have brought certain challenges to the environmental protection of the Yangxin Temple.

Although some measures have been taken by the relevant departments, such as limiting the number of tourists and strengthening management, the effect is limited, and it is still unable to fundamentally improve the environmental problems of the Yangxin Temple.

Until an unexpected discovery during the repair process caught the attention of experts.

They discovered the water pipe system beneath the Heart Cultivation Temple, a seemingly ordinary facility that hides many secrets.

Among the ancient buildings of the Chinese nation, the Forbidden City is a unique and mysterious existence.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

Its construction has taken a long time and witnessed the rise and fall of Chinese history.

And in the heart of the Forbidden City, there is a building called the Palace of Nourishing Hearts.

This hall carries the precipitation of countless histories, and is an important place for the emperor to deal with court affairs and hold major ceremonies.

However, despite its glossy exterior, for a long time, the interior of the Temple of Cultivation of the Heart has hidden a little-known secret - the underground water pipe system.

This discovery was not accidental, but a maintenance accident.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

In order to solve the problem of damp walls in the Yangxin Temple, the maintenance workers began to repair the underground water pipe system.

Originally, they just wanted to fix some aging pipes, but when they demolished the walls, they found something out of the ordinary.

A piece of pipe hidden behind a wall caught their attention, and they decided to investigate further.

As the workers progressed, a large and intricate system of plumbing came into view.

These water pipes were densely laid underground, stretching out to all corners, as if a huge net was covering the entire Heart Cultivation Palace.

This seemingly ordinary facility has aroused great interest among experts.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

According to the preliminary investigation of experts, the construction time of this water pipe system can be traced back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, which is similar to the construction age of the Yangxin Temple itself.

This means that this water pipe system has been around for hundreds of years, witnessing the vicissitudes of the Forbidden City over the years.

What is even more surprising is that the design and complexity of this water pipe system far exceeded the state of the art at the time.

Through initial observations and measurements of the plumbing system, the experts discovered some striking details.

First of all, the material of these pipes is very special, unlike ordinary stone or ceramic pipes, but uses an unknown alloy material.

This alloy material is hard and durable, and it is not easy to rust and corrode, showing the extraordinary skill and wisdom of the craftsmen of the time.

The layout of this system of pipes is extremely sophisticated, with each pipe precisely calculated to connect the different areas and serve as a source of water and drainage.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

And at the junction of the pipes, experts also found some devices that appear to be related to the flow direction and control of the water.

These installations feature some unusual mechanical structures, demonstrating the high level of skill and creativity of the craftsmen of the time.

In addition to this, this plumbing system hides some hidden secrets.

Experts speculate that this plumbing system is not only used to transport water and drainage, but may also hide some mysterious functions.

Some scholars believe that this water pipe system may be related to the yin and yang aura of the Heart Cultivation Temple, which plays a role in regulating and balancing; Other scholars believe that the system may be related to ancient aqueduct engineering to solve the problem of water supply within the Forbidden City.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

Although experts have carried out preliminary investigations and studies on this plumbing system, there are still many questions that remain to be answered.

What secrets does this plumbing system hide? And how is it built and operated? These issues require further research and research.

However, this unexpected discovery undoubtedly unveils another mystery inside the Forbidden City, giving us a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural value of this ancient building.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

Third, the wisdom of craftsmen

After research by experts, they were surprised to find that the water pipe system of the Heart Cultivation Hall was actually an ancient version of the floor heating facility.

This intelligent design makes people marvel at the wisdom and skill of ancient craftsmen.

However, what is even more surprising is that this water pipe system turned out to be the culprit that caused the long-term damp and cold of the Heart Cultivation Temple.

Due to the aging of the system and not replacing it in time, the water pipe leaked, which made the ground damp and the air cold.

This discovery also completely shattered all kinds of speculations about the dampness problem of the Heart Cultivation Temple.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

It is not so much the result of the ghost of a dead emperor as it is the result of an intelligent design in ancient architecture.


The dampness problem of the Palace Museum has finally been unveiled with the efforts of experts.

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

This discovery not only gives us a deeper understanding of the wisdom of ancient craftsmen, but also provides valuable experience for the conservation and restoration of ancient buildings.

May every corner of the Forbidden City be properly protected and inherit the glory of Chinese civilization.


""Metaverse Edition" "I Repair Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City" invites you to enter the Palace of Nourishing Hearts

China Youth Daily2023-02-14 23:05

Why is the Forbidden City cold and damp all year round? It wasn't until the experts dug up the floor that they discovered the secret!

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