
Rosacea – the spleen and stomach are too hot! When the heat of the spleen and stomach leaks out, the skin will naturally be clean.

author:Professor Li Zhongyu of Chinese medicine skin

Rosacea – it's the spleen and stomach that are too hot! Zhang Zhongjing believes that all skin diseases are closely related to dampness and heat, and if you want to get rid of the roots, you need to vent the heat of the body, and the heat of the spleen and stomach is discharged, and the skin problems will naturally be gone.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, rosacea is indeed more related to dampness, whether it is internal dampness or external dampness, it is one of the most important causative factors of skin problems, and it is also a major pathogenesis.

For example, external dampness, which is a kind of dampness in the seasonal climate, or when you come into contact with poisonous things. There is also the dampness produced in our body, such as improper diet, intemperate diet, overeating, excessive consumption of some spicy and thick things that affect the function of the spleen and stomach. When it affects the function of the spleen and stomach, it will cause dampness to arise from the inside, and then it will appear on the skin.

Rosacea – the spleen and stomach are too hot! When the heat of the spleen and stomach leaks out, the skin will naturally be clean.

When it comes to the spleen and stomach, most people will think that it is just a digestive organ, not so miraculous! However, in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, this visceral system is complex, and the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys are independent of each other and check and balance each other, and are a complete whole.

In fact, the spleen and stomach also shoulder the role of transportation in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, which directly affects the dampness of the human body, and even the balance of yin and yang

Rosacea is a common dermatological disease that is easy to treat and difficult to control recurrence by Western medicine, and its formation is related to genetics, immune regulation, vascular abnormalities, neuromodulation, and skin barrier dysfunction of polymicrobial infections (Demodex hairy, Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Helicobacter pylori, etc.), and is often complicated by gastrointestinal and digestive diseases.

Many gastrointestinal disorders, such as patients with frequent constipation, or patients who often eat spicy and irritating foods, alcohol, smoking, and drinking strong tea and coffee, are more likely to induce rosacea to a certain extent.

Therefore, the treatment of rosacea in the spleen and stomach should first clarify the relationship between heat poison and the formation of water dampness and blood stasis. Only the spleen, gastrointestinal tract, and skin work together to maintain skin homeostasis.

Rosacea – the spleen and stomach are too hot! When the heat of the spleen and stomach leaks out, the skin will naturally be clean.

Basic information: Female, 43 years old, teacher.

Chief complaint: facial erythematous papule desquamation with pruritus for more than 1 year (rosacea).

Basis for syndrome differentiation: the patient has intolerance to physical endowment, uncontrolled diet, overeating thick and spicy ointments, and heat accumulation in the large intestine, which is steamed in the lungs and stomach, resulting in blood fever in the lungs and stomach, and papules on the face. The disease is located on the surface and is closely related to the lungs, liver, spleen and stomach.

Rosacea – the spleen and stomach are too hot! When the heat of the spleen and stomach leaks out, the skin will naturally be clean.

Tongue image: the tongue is dark and stasis, and there are many petechiae, indicating that the stasis in the body is more serious; There are petechiae on the tip of the tongue, stasis in the heart and lung area, serious stasis in the middle coke qi machine, dampness and heat are difficult to dissolve, and the hair is depressed and hot, and the qi is stagnant and blood stasis.

The cause of the disease is dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder, and the poison and evil are disturbed, so it is necessary to clear away heat and dampness, cool the blood and detoxify.

【Recipe】Prunella vulgaris, Poria cocos, Astragalus, white cardamom, Coix seed, ligustrum, rhubarb, skullcap, gardenia, licorice.

After taking 10 doses, the patient's face and nose were red, red and swollen, and pus was reduced.

What is the rationale behind this?

Prunella vulgaris, Poria cocos, Astragalus membranaceus - clear heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and anti-inflammatory

White cardamom, coix seed, ligustrum - dissolve dampness and strengthen the spleen, dispel wind and relieve itching

The combination of all medicines plays the effect of clearing heat and dampness, cooling blood and detoxifying.

Rosacea – the spleen and stomach are too hot! When the heat of the spleen and stomach leaks out, the skin will naturally be clean.

The magic of Chinese medicine lies in the root cause. Even seemingly ordinary prescriptions can have unexpected effects when tailored to specific symptoms. Hopefully, these few words can help you get rid of your confusion, guide you to find the right treatment, reduce unnecessary detours, and promote a speedy recovery.

Rosacea – the spleen and stomach are too hot! When the heat of the spleen and stomach leaks out, the skin will naturally be clean.

I am Li Zhongyu, a Chinese medicine practitioner, who has been working in Chinese medicine for nearly 50 years, and I have seen all kinds of people who have delayed their illness due to neglect, lack of attention, etc.

I came to the platform to insist on doing popular science, just hoping to help more people. If you or a family member is suffering from rosacea, hives, psoriasis, breast thyroid, etc., I will do my best to help everyone.