
is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

author:A little chatter

When filming for the sci-fi masterpiece "The Three-Body Problem", although he only played a supporting role, Li Xiaoran's excellent acting skills left a deep impression on the audience.

She skillfully portrayed the mysterious and gloomy character of Shen Yufei in the play, and every time she appeared on the screen, she would bring people an inexplicable chill.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

The plot depicts Shen Yufei as the contact person of "Boundary Science", and she seems to have a powerful aura, as if she can control the fate of others. For example, when the protagonist Wang Miao saw the countdown in the laboratory, Shen Yufei suddenly appeared and suggested that he stop the nanoscale experiment like a prophet.

Unexpectedly, Wang Miao really followed her advice, but the countdown really disappeared.

Although Wang Miao, as a scientist, was reluctant to give up the experiment easily, Shen Yufei once again prophesied, telling him that he would "witness the universe bloom for him" at a certain time.

Sure enough, Shen Yufei's prophecy came true again, which made Wang Miao fall into unprecedented fear.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

In the original novel, Shen Yufei compares those scientists with unique value to the "turkeys" of Thanksgiving, as long as they are "targeted" by her like this, these people have almost no way to live.

The collapse of faith is enough to drive people crazy and lose the courage to move on. Many fans of the original work spoke highly of Li Xiaoran's wonderful performance, believing that she perfectly interpreted Shen Yufei's mysterious, gloomy and aura temperament, and there was an amazing resonance effect between the two.

Li Xiaoran's deep eyes, cold expression, and an elusive sense of mystery when he spoke were all very consistent with Shen Yufei's character traits. When she walked into the set, her aura was in full swing, and it seemed that the entire space was dominated by her, which invisibly created an oppressive and intimidating atmosphere, making everyone present hold their breath nervously.

It is with his outstanding temperament and outstanding acting skills that Li Xiaoran can successfully sublimate Shen Yufei's seemingly thin supporting role, which is impressive.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

Despite his remarkable achievements in his career, Li Xiaoran's emotional journey has been full of ups and downs, and it can even be said that he has stumbled all the way.

The most impressive thing is the story of her entanglement with a rich man. At first, this rich man even did not hesitate to divorce his wife in order to be able to monopolize Li Xiaoran, which shows how madly he was infatuated with her at that time.

However, when the two finally got together, the rich man began to closely monitor Li Xiaoran, making her live in dire straits and suffer from physical and mental torture.

What's even more terrifying is that the rich man's harassment did not stop there, he even began to harass Li Xiaoran's relatives and friends and even her parents. It can be imagined what a huge psychological pressure and mental trauma this has brought to Li Xiaoran.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

She had wept countless times, begging the rich to stop this, but everything seemed to be in a predicament from which she could not extricate herself.

At one time, Li Xiaoran thought that she would finally be able to get rid of this entangled relationship and get together with director Yan Po. The two met and fell in love, and it was originally a perfect match made in heaven.

Who would have thought that the rich man couldn't swallow this breath, and actually hired a murderer to attack Yan Po, causing the latter to be seriously injured and had to be hospitalized.

Faced with such a heavy blow to his feelings, Li Xiaoran naturally fell into deep pain and confusion. She was once saddened, and tears often welled up in her eyes. In order to numb the trauma in her heart, she devoted all her energy to her career, but whenever she was alone, those scarred past events would always come to her mind, which made her extremely sad.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

It wasn't until he was 39 years old that Li Xiaoran finally ushered in his own happiness. That year, she made up her mind to re-ferry, so she chose to marry a male friend she had known for a long time.

This relationship can be said to be hard-won, they have experienced years of precipitation and emotional experience, and finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand after a long wait.

After marriage, Li Xiaoran has become more rational and humble in his work. Whether she is the heroine, or playing a supporting role or even a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama, as long as the character image is distinct and unique and eye-catching, she will gladly accept it and devote herself to the interpretation.

In addition, in many works such as the TV series "Farewell at the Next Stop", "Lin Shen Sees the Deer", "Phoenix Wears Peony" and many other works, Li Xiaoran plays the main female role. Every time she appears on the screen, her performance is brilliant and radiant, winning the warm applause and praise of countless audiences.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

It is precisely because of his excellent professionalism and excellent acting skills that Li Xiaoran can easily control various different types of roles. When she played a supporting role, she was also fully committed and showed her strength, and she would never have any spare strength.

Just like the incarnation of Shen Yufei in "The Three-Body Problem", Li Xiaoran showed his aura and created a mysterious and gloomy character personality, but it was also unforgettable and impressive.

As a first-line powerful actor, Li Xiaoran can be said to combine superb acting skills and good looks. In the past 30 years, she has starred in countless film and television works, and in her brilliant career, there are many classics that are popular.

"Too Late to Say I Love You" is undoubtedly Li Xiaoran's most well-known representative work. In the play, she plays the heroine Guo Yan, who is gentle and virtuous, with a rough background, but she has dreams and bravely pursues her own happiness.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

The character traits of this character are quite distinct, and Li Xiaoran interprets them vividly and vividly, which fascinates the audience. What's even more commendable is that the wonderful rivalry between her and Zhong Hanliang in the play, the unique chemistry between the two is just as touching as a real lover, and this drama has won a high reputation and ratings, becoming a classic.

Since then, whether it is the costume drama "Lin Shen Sees the Deer", "Phoenix Wears Peony", or the urban drama "Next Stop Farewell", Li Xiaoran has appeared as the heroine, which has always amazed the audience.

She has a good grasp of the role, and portrays the character characteristics of the characters vividly, so that the audience can immerse themselves in the world of the play and feel the same way through her superb acting skills.

It can be seen from countless film reviews that Li Xiaoran is indeed a skilled actor, and this highly recognized affirmation comes from the fact that she has put enough effort into each role.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

Perhaps in her heart, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, as long as she does her best to interpret a vivid character, that is the most important thing.

It is with this humble and studious work attitude that Li Xiaoran can continue to make progress and go all the way to today. When she first debuted, she was once questioned and was considered to be just a "vase".

But with the passage of time, she used her own efforts and dedication to finally prove that she not only has a beautiful skin, but also has excellent acting skills.

By starring in classic dramas such as "It's Too Late to Say I Love You", Li Xiaoran has gradually become famous since childhood and has grown into a popular first-line actress. The bitterness and sweat in this can be imagined.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

But she never stopped, but worked harder and harder, just to bring more wonderful performances to the audience.

If playing the mysterious and gloomy supporting role of Shen Yufei in "The Three-Body Problem" is impressive, then in the 2019 hit drama "Celebrating More Than Years", Li Xiaoran boldly challenged a complex and controversial character - Princess Qingguo.

The eldest princess is not only an important female character in the play, but also synonymous with "the first beauty in Qingguo". Not only is she good-looking, but she also has an unexpectedly shrewd mind and a tough character.

However, she was ill-fated and was implicated in the power struggle of the Qing family since she was a child, suffered unfair treatment several times, and eventually fell victim to others.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

This role is really difficult to grasp, and if you are not careful, you will play it too rationally, indifferently or weakly. But Li Xiaoran has brilliantly interpreted the character characteristics of the eldest princess to the fullest, and has won praise from many audiences and film critics.

In the play, Li Xiaoran sometimes uses a confident and arrogant look to show the coquettish and willful side of the eldest princess; Sometimes with sad and gloomy eyes, he interprets the sad fate of this poor princess who was robbed of everything by power.

Whether it is the eldest princess wearing gold and silver, or the down-and-out princess in prison, Li Xiaoran can accurately grasp the emotional details in it, which makes people feel immersive.

Some commentators pointed out that the appearance of the eldest princess is very challenging, and it is easy to play too glamorous or not expensive enough. But Li Xiaoran created a just right image of the eldest princess through careful control of makeup and clothing, allowing this classic character to reproduce its due noble temperament on the screen.

is also Li Xiaoran playing a supporting role, compared with "Three-Body Problem" and "Celebrating More Than Years", the difference is very obvious

However, Li Xiaoran's interpretation of this role has also caused some controversy. Some netizens think that when she shows the tenacious personality of the eldest princess, she is a little pretentious and unnatural.

But on the whole, her portrayal of this complex character has received more positive comments, and is known as "accurate grasp and expressive interpretation".

It can be seen that Li Xiaoran is not only good at interpreting the traditional virtue image of softness and rigidity, but also can portray complex characters with intriguing personalities with ease. She dares to challenge new roles and interprets them vividly through her own efforts, which is exactly what she should have as a first-line powerful actor.

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