
Why do stomach problems recur? Stomach tips, say goodbye to stomach pain

author:Dr. Chan Hua-hsien

"Doctor, I'm sick with stomach again!" This is a sentence that many middle-aged and elderly people often say when they see a doctor. Stomach problems are recurring and unbearable. So, why do stomach problems keep coming back? And how to effectively nourish the stomach and say goodbye to stomach pain completely?

Why do stomach problems recur? Stomach tips, say goodbye to stomach pain

Causes of recurrent stomach problems

Improper diet

Irregular eating: Many people often skip meals on time because they are busy. Long-term irregular diet can lead to gastric acid secretion disorders and damage to the gastric mucosa.

Excessive drinking: Alcohol has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and long-term excessive drinking can easily cause gastritis, gastric ulcer and other problems.

Spicy and irritating foods: Foods such as chili peppers and coffee have strong irritation to the stomach, which can easily cause stomach discomfort and even lead to the recurrence of stomach problems.

Mental stress

Long-term anxiety and nervousness: Mental stress can lead to gastrointestinal disorders and excessive gastric acid secretion, which can cause stomach pain, gastritis and other problems.

Mood swings: Mood instability can also affect stomach health and increase the risk of stomach problems recurring.

Medication stimulus

Long-term use of certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can disrupt the gastric mucosal barrier and increase the chance of stomach problems developing and recurring.

Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and other gastric diseases

Chronic lesions: Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers and other gastric diseases themselves have the characteristics of recurrent attacks and require long-term management.

Why do stomach problems recur? Stomach tips, say goodbye to stomach pain

The secret of scientific stomach nourishment

Eat regularly

Regular and quantitative: eat three meals a day on time, avoid overeating, and each meal should not be too full, eight points full is enough.

Choose foods that are easy to digest: Eat more fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, and less greasy, spicy, cold or hot foods.

Small and frequent meals: You can take a small number of frequent meals, eat a little less at each meal, but increase the number of meals to avoid eating too much at one time and increasing the burden on the stomach.

Adjust your diet

High-fiber diet: Foods rich in dietary fiber, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, vegetables and fruits, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

High protein and low fat: Choose low-fat and high-protein foods such as fish and chicken, and avoid red meat and fried foods.

Exercise moderately

Regular exercise: Insist on a moderate amount of exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc., which can help promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and improve digestive function.

Take a walk after a meal: Moderate exercise after a meal, such as walking, can help with digestion, but avoid strenuous exercise.

Manage emotions

Maintain an optimistic attitude: Maintain a good mood and avoid negative emotions such as long-term anxiety and nervousness.

Learn to relax: Relax your body and mind through yoga, meditation, etc., and reduce the impact of mental stress on your stomach.


Use with caution: Try to avoid long-term use of medications that are irritating to the stomach, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. When it must be used, it should be done under the guidance of a doctor.

Protect the gastric mucosa: If necessary, gastric mucosal protectors, such as sucralfate, ranitidine and other drugs, can be used to reduce the irritation of the stomach by the drug.

Regular medical check-ups

Early detection and treatment: Regular gastric examinations, such as gastroscopy, can detect and treat gastric diseases in time to prevent the condition from worsening.

Why do stomach problems recur? Stomach tips, say goodbye to stomach pain

Recommended stomach recipes


Millet porridge: Millet has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, especially suitable for patients with stomach problems.

Eggs: Provides high-quality protein that helps in the repair of the gastric mucosa.


Steamed fish: Fish meat is easy to digest, rich in protein, and nutritious.

Green vegetable tofu soup: Tofu is rich in vegetable protein, and green vegetables are rich in fiber and easy to digest.


Pumpkin porridge: Pumpkin aids digestion and protects the stomach mucosa.

Stir-fried chicken breast with carrots: Carrots are rich in vitamins, and chicken breasts are low in fat and high in protein, which is good for stomach health.

Add a meal

Yogurt: A moderate amount of yogurt can regulate the intestinal flora and promote digestion.

Fruits: such as apples, bananas, etc., rich in vitamins and fiber, easy to digest.

Why do stomach problems recur? Stomach tips, say goodbye to stomach pain

Habits that nourish the stomach


Chew thoroughly: Chew at least 20 times per mouthful of food, chewing well can reduce the burden on the stomach and promote food digestion and absorption.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

Limit alcohol consumption: Alcohol has an irritating effect on the stomach, especially spirits, and is more likely to damage the gastric mucosa. Minimize the frequency and amount of alcohol you drink.

Quit smoking

Reduce stomach damage caused by tobacco: The harmful substances in tobacco can irritate the stomach mucosa, causing stomach problems or aggravating the condition.

Get enough sleep

Regular work and rest: Maintaining adequate sleep and regular work and rest will help the repair of the gastric mucosa and the normal operation of gastrointestinal function.

Reduce the use of mobile phones and computers

Do not use electronic devices immediately after eating: Using a mobile phone or computer immediately after a meal can disperse the blood supply to the digestive system and affect digestive function.

Why do stomach problems recur? Stomach tips, say goodbye to stomach pain

Precautions for stomach nourishment for special populations

senior citizen

Pay attention to nutritional balance: the digestive function of the elderly is weakened, and the diet should be based on easy-to-digest and nutritious foods, and avoid too many high-fat and high-sugar foods.

Eat small, frequent meals: Avoid eating large amounts of food at once and eat smaller, more frequent meals.

Patients with abnormal glucose metabolism

Control blood sugar: Keep your blood sugar stable and avoid the effects of excessive blood sugar fluctuations on your stomach. Choose foods with a low GI (glycemic index).

High-fiber diet: Increase the intake of dietary fiber, which helps with blood sugar control and gastrointestinal motility.

Patients with elevated systemic arterial blood pressure

Low-salt diet: Avoid a high-salt diet to reduce the burden of salt on the stomach and cardiovascular system.

Reasonable exercise: Choose an exercise method that suits you and avoid too strenuous exercise that affects blood pressure and stomach health.

By understanding the causes of recurrent stomach problems and taking a scientific approach to stomach nourishment, we can effectively prevent and relieve stomach pain. Eating right, exercising moderately, managing your mood, taking your medications correctly, and having regular check-ups are the keys to protecting your stomach health. I hope that by practicing these methods, you will be able to say goodbye to stomach problems and have a healthy stomach.