
How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

author:Pet breeding specialists
When it comes to the embroidery-eyed bird's water poop, this problem is really not something that can be clarified in a few words. First of all, we have to understand, what is water poop? To put it simply, it is that the stool of the embroidery-eyed bird raised has a lot of water, and it looks like we have diarrhea. Don't underestimate this symptom, it's a big project if it can't be cured.
How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

Some bird friends are anxious like ants on a hot pot when they see the embroidered bird water, and ask east and west, in fact, I tell you that there are many causes of this disease, and sometimes it is really difficult to find the cause.

For example, it could be a feed problem, it could be indigestion, or even a bacterial infection. This has to be the right medicine, not generalized, let alone listen to those messy home remedies, that is a symptom but not a cure, and there is a high probability that it will be self-defeating!
How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

Therefore, the content I share next is to help the majority of bird friends get rid of the troubles of this embroidered bird water poop step by step. Quickly and fundamentally understand the causes of watery stools, and choose the appropriate treatment.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

I'll explain them to you one by one. And use the most direct and homely words, explain it clearly, make sure that everyone can understand and use it, so that my goal has been achieved. Don't be in a hurry, take your time.

First of all, I will tell you how to adjust the feed and use wild grasses to deal with the water feces of the embroidery-eyed birds. Chicken feed moves, most bird friends will think, what is the relationship between chicken feed and embroidery-eyed birds? But don't underestimate these things, it really has a set of treatment for the treatment of embroidery-eyed birds.
How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

◆ Chicken feed treatment method for water feces of embroidery-eyed birds

I believe that most bird lovers know that the main ingredients in chicken feed are barley flour and corn flour, and these ingredients are very easy to digest, and also contain a small amount of antibiotics and drugs to promote digestion, and the dosage is controlled scientifically.
How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

Therefore, these ingredients of chicken feed are particularly helpful for regulating the digestive system of embroidery-eyed birds, especially non-hydrophilic stools. The usage is simple, it is to feed the chicken feed directly to the embroidery-eyed bird, which is gentle and effective.

◆ Purslane treatment method for embroidery-eyed birds

Purslane, a common weed, can also be eaten, and the therapeutic effect is also good. It is mainly used to treat dysentery and gastroenteritis, and it is also good for embroidery-eyed birds. The method of using purslane to treat water and stool is also simple, directly picking young shoots and young leaves and feeding them to embroidery-eyed birds.
How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

Although purslane is not a panacea, in some years, in the case sharing of bird friends, there are indeed many embroidery-eyed birds who have cured their water stools by eating this grass. Of course, it depends on the specific situation, and it cannot be generalized.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

These natural methods of conditioning and treatment are safe and economical, and avoid excessive drug intervention, which is beneficial to the health of the embroidery-eyed bird.

When it comes to the treatment of water stool in embroidery-eyed birds, in addition to daily feed adjustments, we can also use some Chinese herbal medicines and home remedies. These methods are traditional and inexpensive, and they work well, especially when dealing with minor issues initially.
How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

◆Pomegranate peel boiled water treatment method for embroidery-eyed birds

Pomegranate peel, this should be familiar to everyone. Pomegranate peel is not only edible, but also used to treat diarrhea. The method is very simple, dry the pomegranate peel and boil the water, and give the embroidery-eyed bird this water to drink. This water has an astringent effect and can help treat mild watery stools. Be careful, don't be too bitter when cooking, otherwise the bird won't like to drink.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

◆ Garlic water treatment method for embroidery-eyed birds

Garlic is mild in nature, has a bactericidal effect, and has a significant effect against E. coli. Just mash the fresh garlic, soak it in clean water, and use the water to feed or bathe the bird. This can not only treat the watery stool of the embroidery-eyed bird, but also prevent bacterial infection.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

◆Tea water control embroidery-eyed bird water poop method

Tea water. Although it does not treat watery stools, watery stool problems can be managed by controlling the amount of water intake in the embroidery-eyed bird. It is to soak some bitter tea leaves in water, let the embroidery-eyed bird drink this slightly bitter water, and control its water and stool condition. But don't rely on this method, because it's just a mitigation and can't cure the root cause.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

These are common things at home, which are both fangxia and economical to use, especially suitable for use in the early stage of the embroidery-eyed bird. With the right method, don't go out for minor illnesses, and stay away from the door for major illnesses, which is not false at all.

Probiotics and antibiotics are two things that are used well when dealing with the stool of embroidery-eyed birds, so that they can recover quickly.
How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

◆ Probiotic treatment method for embroidery-eyed birds

Probiotics, which are especially good for gut health. For example, Bifidobacterium and Bacillus subtilis, both of which are good things, can help stabilize the intestinal environment, promote digestion, and reduce intestinal inflammation.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

The usage is also simple, generally speaking, put it directly in drinking water and let the embroidery-eyed bird drink it by itself. But remember, the effects of probiotics are not immediate, and you need to continue using them for a few days to see noticeable results.

◆Antibiotic treatment of embroidery-eyed bird water should be accurately delivered

Antibiotics, this should be used with caution. Like enrofloxacin and roxithromycin, although they have strong bactericidal power, they are also easy to have side effects on embroidery-eyed birds. In particular, the dosage must be well controlled. If it is overdosed, it will not only not cure the disease, but may also hurt the liver and kidneys, and in severe cases, it can also lead to drug resistance.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

◆ The combination of antibiotics and probiotics is used to treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds

As mentioned earlier, probiotics and antibiotics should be used separately. Usually, if antibiotics are used, probiotics are used to repair and stabilize the gut flora after treatment is over. This prevents an imbalance in the intestinal flora and reduces the recurrence of watery stools.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

Although the above things are all good things, the key is to use the right method and distinguish the priority. Cure the disease first, then nourish the body, this is the golden principle of medicine.

The key to preventing watery stools and other common ailments, done well, can keep your bird healthy and free from disease.

◆ Correct selection and preservation of feed

On the issue of feed. We have to choose the right feed and we have to be careful about how it is stored. The feed after opening should not be stored for more than three months, because the feed will deteriorate after a long time, which is a test for the digestive system of the embroidery-eyed bird.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

The best way is to seal it in a ziplock bag and keep it in a dry and cool place, or keep it fresh in the refrigerator. When you use it, take it out and warm it up slightly, don't be too cold, otherwise it will easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and water stool in the bird.

◆ Precautions for fruit and vegetable feeding

Fruits and vegetables. These things are good, but they also have to be in moderation. If the bird eats too greasy or has too many fruits and vegetables, it will cause watery stools. Especially when they are weak, this part of the feeding should be reduced, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach.

How to properly treat watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds?

In addition, keeping embroidery-eyed birds is very sensitive to sudden changes in the environment. For example, changes in temperature, humidity, or too cold bath water can make them cold, which is likely to cause watery stool in embroidery-eyed birds. Therefore, it is essential for our breeders to try to avoid the mutation of these environmental factors, and to provide a stable and comfortable breeding environment.


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