
Can eating black sesame really make black hair? What are the benefits of black sesame seeds?

author:Hebei Medical and Health Science Center


Can eating black sesame really make black hair? This is a question that many people often ask in their pursuit of beauty and health. Black sesame seeds, a common ingredient, are regarded by many people as a good product for hair and health because of their unique nutritional value and recognition of traditional medicine. However, do black sesame seeds really have the effect of black hair? What other benefits does it have?

Can eating black sesame really make black hair? What are the benefits of black sesame seeds?

First of all, on the question of whether black sesame seeds can be black, the answer is yes. Black sesame seeds are rich in melanin, which is an important substance for hair blackening. At the same time, black sesame seeds also contain trace elements such as iron, copper, and zinc, which play an important role in hair growth and color maintenance. In addition, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, black sesame seeds enter the liver meridian and kidney meridian and can nourish the yin essence of the liver and kidney. The liver stores blood, the kidneys store essence, essence and blood breed and transform each other, and the essence can be turned into sufficient blood, nourishing the hair, and turning white hair black. Therefore, long-term consumption of black sesame seeds does help to improve the hair texture and make the hair more black and shiny.

However, it should be pointed out that the black hair effect of black sesame seeds does not happen overnight. It needs to be consumed for a long time, combined with good lifestyle habits, such as reasonable diet, regular work and rest, etc., to achieve the best results. In addition, the consumption of black sesame seeds also needs to be moderate, and excessive consumption may lead to problems such as indigestion.

Can eating black sesame really make black hair? What are the benefits of black sesame seeds?

In addition to black hair, black sesame seeds have many other benefits. First of all, black sesame seeds are rich in fat, protein, sugar, vitamin A and other nutrients, which play an important role in maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human body. Secondly, black sesame seeds have the effects of lowering blood pressure, nourishing the skin and improving fertility. Black sesame seeds are rich in potassium and relatively low in sodium, and this ratio of potassium to sodium is very beneficial for controlling blood pressure and keeping the heart healthy. At the same time, the natural vitamin E in black sesame seeds has a good antioxidant effect, which can delay aging and maintain skin elasticity and radiance. In addition, the vitamin E in black sesame seeds also has a good effect on promoting the reproductive function of the human body.

In terms of eating methods, black sesame seeds can be eaten in a variety of ways, such as stir-frying, grinding, cooking porridge, making sauce, etc. Stir-fried black sesame seeds have a crispy texture and can be eaten as a snack; Ground black sesame seeds can be washed or made into pastries, which is convenient and delicious; Cooking black sesame seeds in porridge or making them into a sauce can better retain their nutrients and facilitate their absorption by the body.

Can eating black sesame really make black hair? What are the benefits of black sesame seeds?

However, while black sesame seeds have many benefits, they are not suitable for everyone. For example, people with hyperlipidemia or diabetes should not consume black sesame seeds in excess, as they may aggravate the condition. In addition, for people with allergies, you should also be cautious before consuming black sesame seeds to avoid triggering allergic reactions.

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