
When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

author:Cloudside small carp entertainment
When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse


The market for anti-Japanese war dramas is very extensive, as long as there are new anti-Japanese war dramas, there will basically be many viewers to watch them, but I don't know when the painting style of anti-Japanese war dramas has changed.

In the past, female soldiers revealed a domineering demeanor all over the screen, but now the images of female soldiers are really varied, which ruins the image in the hearts of the audience.

Anyone can shoot anti-Japanese war dramas, not only with silicone face, but also with a lot of heavy makeup......

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

The heroic posture of the female warrior

Originally, when filming anti-Japanese war dramas, the dramas were basically very domineering styles.

Like the classics "Bright Sword" and "Snow Leopard", until now, many classic scenes are still very exciting.

The picture left for us is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, not to mention whether the plot is real or not.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

Just talking about the pictures and scenes, it makes people very excited to watch.

But in the military dramas of the past two years, the whole picture is very strange.

It is normal to have girls in the Anti-Japanese War drama, after all, when it comes to the Anti-Japanese War, women can also go to the battlefield.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

But in recent years, many military dramas have often used some plastic surgery.

In the play, you can braid delicate hair and wear delicate makeup.

It's true that anyone can act in a military drama, which is a bit incomprehensible why such a situation exists.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

Even some actors use technology on their bodies, and they can still make anti-Japanese war films, do they want actresses to poke the Japanese to death with their chins?

These situations feel that the war drama is very disrespectful, and it will also make the audience feel disgusted.

The most classic is Peng Dan, she can be called a snake face.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

Plastic surgery is very strange, and the more people are straightened, the better they look.

But she is really indescribable, and even a little scary.

Source: "Peng Dan's appearance has changed, and he says that he is an artistic "plastic surgery" (picture)" - Sina Entertainment, 2009-10-07
When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

Although it is people's freedom to say what their faces want, it is not appropriate to be scary on the screen.

Especially in "Nanniwan", it is very obvious.

This is an anti-Japanese war drama, focusing on the army in that difficult environment.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

A story that relies on strong willpower to create miracles.

It was originally a very touching story, and I thought it would be wonderful.

I didn't expect to be shocked when I watched the plot after the broadcast, especially when Peng Dan appeared.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

It's really scary, Peng Dan was originally a dancer and was very beautiful.

In many TV series, her performance is very classic and is liked by many audiences.

But after the new drama was released, many people lost their fans, and it was really hard to explain......

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

The silicone texture of the full screen makes people not like it.

This? Are you sure that it is the picture that should appear in the anti-Japanese war drama?

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

Heavy makeup

Forget it if you have a "snake spirit face", after all, Peng Dan just explained that he was dedicated to art.

We don't understand, but people have their own way.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

That heavy makeup appeared in the Anti-Japanese War drama, which is the most undesirable existence, right?

As we all know, many times during the Anti-Japanese War, our martyrs may not have enough food and clothing.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

How can there be spare time to put on makeup, let alone heavy makeup.

Although Peng Dan's face is very strange, a bit like that kind of Internet celebrity face, at least people don't wear makeup.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

But at the launching ceremony of "The Heart of War", we can clearly see the delicate makeup on Guo Yan's face.

Maybe many people have never heard of this name, should it be an Internet celebrity?

Her face also looks strange, but she wears a very heavy makeup.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

The clothes on the body are not easy to wear, and they are specially pinched, is this someone else's caution?

Maybe this can make her legs long, but has she ever considered that this is an anti-Japanese war drama!

I don't respect anti-Japanese war dramas at all, can I find resources if I want to shoot idol dramas.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

Don't affect the audience's experience of watching dramas here, I don't know when the painting style of anti-Japanese war dramas became like this.

She had one expression the whole time, and everyone's reactions were normal, but she had one expression the whole time.

Netizens couldn't help but complain when they saw it, thinking that she insulted the military uniform.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

Could it be that the famous scene, the enemy's guns are almost hit in the face.

You're not in a hurry here, let's put on makeup first?

The point is that this lipstick is still a big name, and it can only be said that the power of capital is really strong.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

This advertisement has hit the Anti-Japanese War drama, which is really a bit difficult to explain......

The audience understands that girls have a love for beauty no matter who they are.

But this is an anti-Japanese war drama, not an idol drama!

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

The audience of anti-Japanese war dramas did not have such high expectations, and it was not necessary to shoot according to history.

But at least get closer, what's the difference between this and a child's house?

and disrespects the anti-Japanese war drama, and makes the audience feel very disgusted, and the gains outweigh the losses.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

is a good anti-Japanese war drama, because of their existence, the whole thing is not like it.

There is no most excessive, only more excessive, not only with makeup to increase ratings, but also with body ......

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

Inconsistencies in image

If Guo Yan is just for publicity, it is a marketing tool.

After all, it hasn't been broadcast yet, and we can't be sure if there is such a drama in the play that can leak out the figure.

In case people are doing this on purpose, they want to use their body to attract more traffic.

But in "Enemy of Fate", the actor's style is really more bells and whistles.

For a while, it was a little difficult to tell whether it was a battlefield or a beauty pageant, and the female soldiers were wearing delicate clothes and delicate makeup.

The high-slit cheongsam and flaming red lips may be the feature of this drama.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

The temperament of beating people is indeed very exciting, and the acting skills are not bad.

But dressed like this, it feels like the bottoms are leaking out.

With such an outfit, no matter how good the acting is, it can't be solemn.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

and "Special Warfare Glory", this anti-Japanese war drama may be the most disgusting military drama in recent years.

Although it is not an anti-Japanese war drama, this situation should not occur in military dramas.

But in this drama, it's different, and the actress's face is how strange and strange it is.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

I don't know if it's because of the makeup or what, but the face is pale, it's very strange.

When making some exaggerated expressions, the silicone sensation is heavy.

In fact, the character of this character in the play is very good, but I didn't expect the actor to be weak.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse

With such a face, no matter how good the actor's acting skills are, many viewers will not be able to support it.

In fact, if they film well and the normal plot is not, it is still easy for the audience to buy it.

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse


The audience is not a fool, what kind of drama you shoot, what kind of style you have to have, if the deliberately contrasting is very large, it is difficult for the audience to buy it.

Even if the final result may not be too good, they have worked hard behind the scenes, so let's respect it.

Finally, I hope that the painting style of the Anti-Japanese War drama in the future will be better, otherwise it would be a pity that the efforts were not reported.

Sources of information:

"Peng Dan's appearance has changed, and he says that he is an artistic "plastic surgery" (picture)" - Sina Entertainment2009-10-07

When the "silicone face" is mixed into the anti-Japanese war drama, the snake spirit face, heavy makeup, no matter how good the acting skills are, they will collapse