
The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful


Xu Yizhou's fall trajectory

The former "Tujia Singer King", with his love and talent for music, went from the mountains of Guizhou to the national stage, and even became the pride of his hometown for a time, fate seemed to have played a cruel joke with him, but now he is deeply mired in the quagmire of being involved in the black, which is embarrassing What made his life trajectory change so dramatically?

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

The road of counterattack from the mountains to the stage

Xu Yizhou's music journey began in the green mountains and green waters of Sinan County, Guizhou, although his family was poor, he showed great enthusiasm for music since he was a child, and after dropping out of junior high school, he did not give up his dream, but chose to use singing to fight the bitterness of life

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

From street singing to the formation of a band, Xu Yizhou has always adhered to his music dream, he told his own story with singing, and also sang the voice of many ordinary people, in 2001, he established the "Wrangler Band", created "Tujia Man", "Fanjing Mountain" and other songs, but also sang a strong local feelings, accumulated a lot of popularity in the local area

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

In 2002, Xu Yizhou stood on the stage of CCTV's "Avenue of Stars", which provided a platform for ordinary people to show themselves, which became a turning point in his life

Overnight, Xu Yizhou's name became a household name, and he also transformed from an unknown dream-chasing teenager to a high-profile star

Is it to return to your hometown or to lose yourself?

After becoming famous, Xu Yizhou did not forget his hometown, he actively participated in the public welfare activities of his hometown, used his influence to speak for his hometown, and became the "Fanjing Mountain Tourism Ambassador", and the songs he composed also incorporated more love and praise for his hometown, attracting more people to pay attention to the cultural and tourism resources of Guizhou

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

Surrounded by flowers and applause, Xu Yizhou seemed to gradually lose his way, and he began to venture into the business world, running a bar, perhaps because success came too easily, allowing him to relax his requirements for himself and ignore the potential risks

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

According to reports, Xu Yizhou's bar has had many violent incidents, and some people have even been injured as a result, and these negative news have undoubtedly cast a shadow on his public image

From gathering crowds to brawls to being wanted on the whole network

On September 7, 2023, the Public Security Bureau of Tongren City, Guizhou Province issued an announcement to publicly solicit clues about Xu Yizhou and others' illegal crimes involving gangsters and vices

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

According to the police announcement, Xu Yizhou and others are suspected of a series of criminal activities such as gathering crowds to fight, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and intentional injury

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

What caused Xu Yizhou to embark on this road of no return? Was it the expansion after becoming famous that made him forget his original intention? Or was it the temptation of profit that made him lose himself? Perhaps, only by waiting for the results of the police investigation can the truth behind this be revealed

There is no turning back in life, and you should do it and cherish it

Xu Yizhou's experience is regrettable and thought-provoking, from a teenager with a dream of music, to a well-known star, and now to a suspect involved in crime, his life is full of drama and warning

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

Success is never achieved overnight, let alone once and for all, on the road of chasing dreams, we must not only pay sweat and hard work, but also stick to the original intention, not confused by fame and fortune, not moved by temptation

The "King of Folk Songs" has finally been arrested! From the champion of "Avenue of Stars" to the most wanted on the whole network, it's a pity that it's hateful

Xu Yizhou's incident also reminds us that we must always keep a clear head, distinguish between right and wrong, stay away from illegal and criminal activities, there is no turning back in life, and do and cherish it

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