
To be reasonable is to be unforgiving!


Today, the arrogant and open-mouthed lady apologized in a video. During this time, I saw that she was in a low mood and occasionally cried.

To be reasonable is to be unforgiving!

Originally, when I saw this situation, I should have felt that whether it was public opinion or anger, it would be enough to stop. But when I saw this video today, I felt weird.

First, was this apology voluntary by the lady or ordered by a leader of an organization? Second, the lady's emotions changed quickly, she had thoughts and ideas, and this "ideas and ideas" were "granted" by others, or was it the result of her self-reflection? Third, is the institution that the lady is so proud to call "exempt" is it that everyone else usually "comes and goes", or is it just this person doing it occasionally? Fourth, was the lady's superiority innate, or was it instilled in her by the institution? Fifth, what kind of punishment will be given to such an unreasonable lady? Did she break the law? Violated? Violated discipline? Or did you "betray" the organization? There are also netizen comments, which are even more intriguing.

To be reasonable is to be unforgiving!
To be reasonable is to be unforgiving!
To be reasonable is to be unforgiving!

Truth be told, killing people is not a nod to the ground. Seeing her "already admitted" look in the video, I really want to say let her go. But this bad breath doesn't seem to have come out completely, why do you say that?

To be reasonable is to be unforgiving!

This article is a personal opinion and is for reference only. The picture is from the Internet, please delete it if it is inappropriate.