
Two treasures that the world is looking for: one is related to China, and the other has been discovered in China


In the long river of history, treasures have always aroused people's endless curiosity and pursuit. They not only represent wealth, but also carry the memories and secrets of each era. Today, we are going to tell two stories related to treasures, both of which have an indissoluble bond with China.

Two treasures that the world is looking for: one is related to China, and the other has been discovered in China

First, let's turn our attention to the Awa Maru, a Japanese oil tanker built in the 40s of the 20th century and once famous for the huge amount of treasure it carried. According to historical records, the ship not only contained 40 tons of gold and 12 tons of platinum, but also carried precious Peking Man skull fossils and other cultural relics. These treasures are not only priceless, but also of high historical and cultural value. However, one spring day in 1945, the tanker laden with treasure was torpedoed by the U.S. military in the waters near Niushan Island in Fujian Province, sinking to the bottom of the sea, and all the treasure disappeared with it.

Although in the 70s of the 20th century, China salvaged the "Awa Maru", the results of the salvage are still a mystery. The ship's treasures, like the secrets of its sinking, lie deep at the bottom of the sea, waiting to be discovered. Its story not only affects China, but also attracts the attention of the world.

Two treasures that the world is looking for: one is related to China, and the other has been discovered in China

The story of another treasure has a clearer ending. The legend of "Zhang Xianzhong Shen Yin" has been a mystery that has been passed down among the people for hundreds of years. In March 2017, archaeologists excavated the Shenyin site at the mouth of the Pengshan River in Sichuan, and finally uncovered this mystery. More than 10,000 precious cultural relics have been brought to light from the bottom of the river, including gold and silver coins and bronze coins of Dashun Tongbao, each of which is a witness to history.

The discovery of these treasures not only enriches our understanding of history, but also makes us full of respect for the archaeologists who have worked hard for the national treasures. With their wisdom and patience, they unveiled the veil of history for us, allowing us to get a glimpse of those stories that have been hidden for a long time. In the process of excavation, the archaeological team used modern scientific and technological means, such as underwater exploration, geographic information system, etc., and the application of these high-tech technologies provided strong support for the archaeological excavation.

Two treasures that the world is looking for: one is related to China, and the other has been discovered in China

The treasure of the Awa Maru has not yet been fully revealed, but its story reminds us that there are always many unsolved mysteries in history waiting to be explored. The successful excavation of "Zhang Xianzhong Shenyin" shows the spirit of mankind's unremitting pursuit of historical truth. The excavation of these treasures is not only of great significance for the study of the economy and culture of the time, but also provides a way for modern people to have a dialogue with history.

The story of these two treasures is a microcosm of the interweaving of Chinese and world history. They make us think about the historical and cultural value behind each cultural relic. In the days to come, we look forward to more treasures to be unearthed, and more historical mysteries to be solved. At the same time, we should also cherish and protect the treasures that have been discovered, so that they can become a bridge between the past and the future.

Two treasures that the world is looking for: one is related to China, and the other has been discovered in China

In addition, the discovery of these treasures reminds us to treat historical artifacts with reverence. They are not only material wealth, but also spiritual wealth, and valuable information for us to understand the past, understand the present, and look forward to the future. Globally, many countries are strengthening the protection and research of historical relics in order to better inherit human civilization.

In short, whether it is the treasure of the "Awa Maru" or the excavation of "Zhang Xianzhong's sinking silver", they are vivid cases of human exploration of history and pursuit of treasure. They tell us that the charm of history lies in discovery, and the value of discovery lies in inheritance. Let's look forward to more treasures like this being discovered in the future, adding a new chapter to the treasure trove of human history.

Two treasures that the world is looking for: one is related to China, and the other has been discovered in China


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